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NSAttributeType Enum


An enumeration whose values define the valid types for NSAttributeType objects.

public enum NSAttributeType
type NSAttributeType = 


Binary 1000

Indicates NSData.

Boolean 800

Indicates a Boolean value

Date 900

Indicates an NSDate.

Decimal 400

Indicates an NSDecimalNumber.

Double 500

Indicates a double.

Float 600

Indicates a float.

Integer16 100

Indicates a signed 16-bit integer.

Integer32 200

Indicates a signed 32-bit integer..

Integer64 300

Indicates a signed 64-bit integer.

ObjectID 2000

Indicates an Object ID.

String 700

Indicates an NSString.

Transformable 1800

Indicates a type with an available transformer.

Undefined 0

Indicates an undefined type.

Uri 1200

Indicates a URI.

Uuid 1100

Indicates a UUID.

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