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MaxRetriesMode Class


The parameters MxRtyATR, MxRtyPSL and MxRtyPassiveActivation define the number of retries that the PN532 will use in case of the following processes

public class MaxRetriesMode
type MaxRetriesMode = class
Public Class MaxRetriesMode





MxRtyATR is a byte containing the number of times that the PN532 will retry to send the ATR_REQ in case of incorrect reception of the ATR_RES(or no reception at all - timeout). For active mode, value 0xFF means to try eternally, 0x00 means only once(no retry, only one try). The default value of this parameter is 0xFF (infinitely). For passive mode, the value is always overruled with 0x02 (two retries).


MxRtyPassiveActivation is a byte containing the number of times that the PN532 will retry to activate a target in InListPassiveTarget command (§7.3.5, p: 115). Value 0xFF means to try eternally, 0x00 means only once(no retry, only one try). The default value of this parameter is 0xFF (infinitely).


MxRtyPSL is a byte containing the number of times that: • The PN532 will retry to send the PSL_REQ in case of incorrect reception of the PSL_RES(or no reception at all) for the NFC IP1 protocol, • The PN532 will retry to send the PPS request in case of incorrect reception of the PPS response(or no reception at all) for the ISO/IEC14443-4 protocol. Value 0xFF means to try eternally, 0x00 means only once(no retry, only one try).The default value of this parameter is 0x01 (the PSL_REQ/PPS request is sent twice in case of need).



Get the byte array to send

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