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OpenIdConnectOptions Class


Configuration options for OpenIdConnectHandler

public ref class OpenIdConnectOptions : Microsoft::AspNetCore::Authentication::RemoteAuthenticationOptions
public class OpenIdConnectOptions : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.RemoteAuthenticationOptions
type OpenIdConnectOptions = class
    inherit RemoteAuthenticationOptions
Public Class OpenIdConnectOptions
Inherits RemoteAuthenticationOptions



Initializes a new OpenIdConnectOptions



Gets or sets the optional path the user agent is redirected to if the user doesn't approve the authorization demand requested by the remote server. This property is not set by default. In this case, an exception is thrown if an access_denied response is returned by the remote authorization server.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Gets the additional parameters that will be included in the authorization request.


Gets or sets the method used to redirect the user agent to the identity provider.


Gets or sets the Authority to use when making OpenIdConnect calls.


Gets or sets how often an automatic metadata refresh should occur.


Used to communicate with the remote identity provider.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

The HttpMessageHandler used to communicate with remote identity provider. This cannot be set at the same time as BackchannelCertificateValidator unless the value can be downcast to a WebRequestHandler.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Gets or sets timeout value in milliseconds for back channel communications with the remote identity provider.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

The request path within the application's base path where the user-agent will be returned. The middleware will process this request when it arrives.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

A collection of claim actions used to select values from the json user data and create Claims.


Gets or sets the issuer that should be used for any claims that are created

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

Gets or sets the 'client_id'.


Gets or sets the 'client_secret'.


Configuration provided directly by the developer. If provided, then MetadataAddress and the Backchannel properties will not be used. This information should not be updated during request processing.


Responsible for retrieving, caching, and refreshing the configuration from metadata. If not provided, then one will be created using the MetadataAddress and Backchannel properties.


Determines the settings used to create the correlation cookie before the cookie gets added to the response.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Gets or sets the type used to secure data.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Indicates whether telemetry should be disabled. When this feature is enabled, the assembly version of the Microsoft IdentityModel packages is sent to the remote OpenID Connect provider as an authorization/logout request parameter.


Gets or sets the OpenIdConnectEvents to notify when processing OpenIdConnect messages.


If set, will be used as the service type to get the Events instance instead of the property.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward AuthenticateAsync calls to. For example Context.AuthenticateAsync("ThisScheme") => Context.AuthenticateAsync("ForwardAuthenticateValue"); Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal processing.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward ChallengeAsync calls to. For example Context.ChallengeAsync("ThisScheme") => Context.ChallengeAsync("ForwardChallengeValue"); Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal processing.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

If set, this specifies a default scheme that authentication handlers should forward all authentication operations to by default. The default forwarding logic will check the most specific ForwardAuthenticate/Challenge/Forbid/SignIn/SignOut setting first, followed by checking the ForwardDefaultSelector, followed by ForwardDefault. The first non null result will be used as the target scheme to forward to.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

Used to select a default scheme for the current request that authentication handlers should forward all authentication operations to by default. The default forwarding logic will check the most specific ForwardAuthenticate/Challenge/Forbid/SignIn/SignOut setting first, followed by checking the ForwardDefaultSelector, followed by ForwardDefault. The first non null result will be used as the target scheme to forward to.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward ForbidAsync calls to. For example Context.ForbidAsync("ThisScheme") => Context.ForbidAsync("ForwardForbidValue"); Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal processing.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward SignInAsync calls to. For example Context.SignInAsync("ThisScheme") => Context.SignInAsync("ForwardSignInValue"); Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal processing.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward SignOutAsync calls to. For example Context.SignOutAsync("ThisScheme") => Context.SignOutAsync("ForwardSignOutValue"); Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal processing.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

Boolean to set whether the handler should go to user info endpoint to retrieve additional claims or not after creating an identity from id_token received from token endpoint. The default is 'false'.


Gets or sets the MapInboundClaims property on the default instance of JwtSecurityTokenHandler in SecurityTokenValidator and default instance of JsonWebTokenHandler in TokenHandler, which is used when determining whether or not to map claim types that are extracted when validating a JwtSecurityToken.

If this is set to true, the Claim Type is set to the JSON claim 'name' after translating using this mapping. Otherwise, no mapping occurs.

The default value is true.


Gets or sets the 'max_age'. If set the 'max_age' parameter will be sent with the authentication request. If the identity provider has not actively authenticated the user within the length of time specified, the user will be prompted to re-authenticate. By default no max_age is specified.


Gets or sets the discovery endpoint for obtaining metadata


Determines the settings used to create the nonce cookie before the cookie gets added to the response.


Gets or sets the 'prompt'.


Gets or sets the OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator that is used to ensure that the 'id_token' received is valid per:


Controls wether the handler should push authorization parameters on the backchannel before redirecting to the identity provider. See


Gets or sets the minimum time between retrievals, in the event that a retrieval failed, or that a refresh was explicitly requested.


Gets or sets if a metadata refresh should be attempted after a SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException. This allows for automatic recovery in the event of a signature key rollover. This is enabled by default.


Gets or sets the time limit for completing the authentication flow (15 minutes by default).

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Requests received on this path will cause the handler to invoke SignOut using the SignOutScheme.


Gets or sets if HTTPS is required for the metadata address or authority. The default is true. This should be disabled only in development environments.


Gets or sets the 'resource'.


Gets or sets the 'response_mode'.


Gets or sets the 'response_type'.


Gets or sets the name of the parameter used to convey the original location of the user before the remote challenge was triggered up to the access denied page. This property is only used when the AccessDeniedPath is explicitly specified.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Defines whether access and refresh tokens should be stored in the AuthenticationProperties after a successful authorization. This property is set to false by default to reduce the size of the final authentication cookie.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Gets the list of permissions to request.


Gets or sets the ISecurityTokenValidator used to validate identity tokens.


The request path within the application's base path where the user agent will be returned after sign out from the identity provider. See post_logout_redirect_uri from


The uri where the user agent will be redirected to after application is signed out from the identity provider. The redirect will happen after the SignedOutCallbackPath is invoked.


Gets or sets the authentication scheme corresponding to the middleware responsible for persisting user's identity after a successful authentication. This value typically corresponds to a cookie middleware registered in the Startup class. When omitted, DefaultSignInScheme is used as a fallback value.

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

The Authentication Scheme to use with SignOut on the SignOutPath. SignInScheme will be used if this is not set.


Indicates if requests to the CallbackPath may also be for other components. If enabled the handler will pass requests through that do not contain OpenIdConnect authentication responses. Disabling this and setting the CallbackPath to a dedicated endpoint may provide better error handling. This is disabled by default.


Gets or sets the type used to secure data handled by the handler.


Gets or sets the type used to secure strings used by the handler.


Used for testing.

(Inherited from AuthenticationSchemeOptions)

Gets or sets the TokenHandler used to validate identity tokens.

This will be used instead of SecurityTokenValidator if UseSecurityTokenValidator is false.


Gets or sets the parameters used to validate identity tokens.


Enables or disables the use of the Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) standard. This only applies when the ResponseType is set to Code. See The default value is true.


Gets or sets whether to use the TokenHandler or the SecurityTokenValidator for validating identity tokens.


Indicates that the authentication session lifetime (e.g. cookies) should match that of the authentication token. If the token does not provide lifetime information then normal session lifetimes will be used. This is disabled by default.



Check that the options are valid. Should throw an exception if things are not ok.


Checks that the options are valid for a specific scheme

(Inherited from RemoteAuthenticationOptions)

Applies to