FingertipPlacementRelation Class


Represents a constraint describing the relative placement of fingers.

public class FingertipPlacementRelation : Microsoft.Gestures.FingersRelation<Microsoft.Gestures.RelativePlacement>


The FingertipPlacementRelation constraint can be used to indicate the state of RelativePlacement between fingertips of different fingers. For example, to specify a HandPose which will be triggered when the user's index fingertip is placed above the user's thumb fingertip, use the following the following syntax:

var indexAboveThumbPose = new HandPose("IndexAboveThumb", new FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger.Index, RelativePlacement.Above, Finger.Thumb));

A FingertipPlacementRelation constraint imposes the PlacementRelation relation between the fingers of Context and the fingers of OtherContext. Note that the RelativePlacement relation is not symmetric. This means that if the values of Context and OtherContext were to be swapped, the meaning of the entire FingertipPlacementRelation constraint would be flipped.

Note that FingertipPlacementRelation instances are mutable until the containing Gesture object is registered with the gestures runtime, at which point it becomes frozen and cannot be modified any longer.



Creates a blank instance of FingertipPlacementRelation. In order to obtain a meaningful constraint, the values of Context, OtherContext and PlacementRelation would have to be set manually.

FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger, RelativePlacement, Finger)

Creates a new instance of a FingertipPlacementRelation constraint, imposing the placementRelation relation between finger and otherFinger.

FingertipPlacementRelation(Finger, RelativePlacement, IEnumerable<Finger>)

Creates a new instance of a FingertipPlacementRelation constraint, imposing the placementRelation relation between finger and each of the otherFingers.

FingertipPlacementRelation(FingersContext, RelativePlacement, FingersContext)

Creates a new instance of a FingertipPlacementRelation constraint, imposing the placementRelation relation between the fingers indicated by context and the fingers indicated by otherContext.

FingertipPlacementRelation(IEnumerable<Finger>, RelativePlacement, Finger)

Creates a new instance of a FingertipPlacementRelation constraint, imposing the placementRelation relation between each of the fingers and otherFinger.

FingertipPlacementRelation(IEnumerable<Finger>, RelativePlacement, IEnumerable<Finger>)

Creates a new instance of a FingertipPlacementRelation constraint, imposing the placementRelation relation between each of the fingers and each of the otherFingers.


_relation (Inherited from FingersRelation<TRelationEnum>)



The first set of fingers participating in this FingersRelation<TRelationEnum> constraint.

(Inherited from FingersRelation<TRelationEnum>)
IsFrozen (Inherited from GesturesFrameworkObject)

The second set of fingers participating in this FingersRelation<TRelationEnum> constraint.

(Inherited from FingersRelation<TRelationEnum>)

Specifies the relation this FingertipPlacementRelation imposes between the fingers indicated by Context and the fingers indicated by OtherContext.


CalculateHashCode() (Inherited from FingersRelation<TRelationEnum>)
DeepFreeze() (Inherited from FingersRelation<TRelationEnum>)
Equals(Object) (Inherited from GesturesFrameworkObject)
EqualsInternal(Object) (Inherited from FingersRelation<TRelationEnum>)
Freeze() (Inherited from GesturesFrameworkObject)
GetHashCode() (Inherited from GesturesFrameworkObject)

Returns a String representation of this FingersRelation<TRelationEnum> instance.

(Inherited from FingersRelation<TRelationEnum>)
VerifyNotFrozen(String) (Inherited from GesturesFrameworkObject)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IValidatable.Validate() (Inherited from GesturesFrameworkObject)

Applies to