Microsoft.MixedReality.GraphicsTools Namespace



Utility class to help with operations involving accessibility support.


Ensures that a input system module exists for legacy input system projects.


Abstract component to encapsulate common functionality around outline components.


A helper class to provide hooks into the Unity camera exclusive Lifecycle events


Procedurally generates a 3D rounded rect mesh to be rendered within a UnityUI canvas.


Allows a 3D mesh to be rendered within a UnityUI canvas.


Procedurally generates a 3D rounded rect mesh to be rendered within a UnityUI canvas.


The base class for all CanvasMaterialAnimators generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. This behavior will expose all material properties of a Graphic's material so they can animated by Unity's animation system.


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


This class was auto generated via Assets > Graphics Tools > Generate Canvas Material Animator. Use Unity's animation system to animate fields on this class to drive material properties on CanvasRenderers. Version=0.1.0


Displays a simulated shadow onto a canvas using projected shadowing.


Component to animate and visualize a box that can be used with per pixel based clipping.


Component to animate and visualize a plane that can be used with per pixel based clipping.


An abstract primitive component to animate and visualize a clipping primitive that can be used to drive per pixel based clipping.


Component to animate and visualize a sphere that can be used with per pixel based clipping.


Extensions methods for the Unity Component class. This also includes some component-related extensions for the GameObject class.


A PropertyAttribute for showing a warning box that the tagged implementation is experimental.


A simple "fly" camera for moving the camera while playing with a mouse/keyboard or gamepad.


Animates material properties for the Graphics Tools/Non-Canvas/Frontplate and Graphics Tools/Canvas/Frontplate shaders to play a pulse ring effect at a point in 3D space.


Utility component to animate and visualize a light that can be used with the GraphicsTools/Standard and GraphicsTools/Standard Canvas shaders "_HoverLight" feature.


The MaterialInstance behavior aides in tracking instance material lifetime and automatically destroys instanced materials for the user. This utility component can be used as a replacement to Renderer.material or Renderer.materials. When invoking Unity's Renderer.material(s), Unity automatically instantiates new materials. It is the caller's responsibility to destroy the materials when a material is no longer needed or the game object is destroyed. The MaterialInstance behavior helps avoid material leaks and keeps material allocation paths consistent during edit and run time.


Utility class to help restore materials which are assets (normally shared materials) to their original state when modified.


Component which can be used to render an outline around a mesh renderer. Enabling this component introduces an additional render pass of the object being outlined, but is designed to run performantly on mobile Mixed Reality devices and does not utilize any post processes. This behavior is designed to be used in conjunction with the Graphics Tools/Standard shader. Limitations of this effect include it not working well on objects which are not watertight (or required to be two sided) and depth sorting issues can occur on overlapping objects.


Component which can be used to render an outline around a hierarchy of mesh renderers using the MeshOutline component.


Component which can be used to automatically generate smoothed normals on a mesh and pack those normals into a UV set. Smoothed normals can be used for a variety of effects including extruding disjoint meshes along a vertex normal. This behavior is designed to be used in conjunction with the Graphics Tools/Standard shader which assumes smoothed normals are packed into the 3rd UV set.


Utility component to animate and visualize a light that can be used with the GraphicsTools/Standard and GraphicsTools/Standard Canvas shaders "_ProximityLight" feature.


All settings that represent a proximity light.


Overrides the RectMask2D.PerformClipping method to add extra checks before doing exhaustive culling on each maskable target.


A 2D rounded rectangular mask that allows for clipping / masking of areas outside the mask. Constraints:

  • Material instancing must be controlled by the user. i.e shared materials may be effected by RoundedRectMask2D.
  • RoundedRectMask2D only work with Graphics Tools/Canvas/... shaders.
  • Nested RoundedRectMask's work but are not advised since they will not consider grandparent, great grandparent, etc. radii.
  • Plus, same constraints as RectMask2D.

On Unity UI components the UNITY_MATRIX_M (unity_ObjectToWorld) matrix is not the transformation matrix of the local transform the Graphic component lives on, but that of its parent Canvas. Many Graphics Tools/Standard shader effects require object scale to be known. To solve this issue the ScaleMeshEffect will store scaling information into UV channel attributes during UI mesh construction. Ideally we would store the scale in one attribute but UGUI only supports two scalers per attribute (even in the tangent attribute).


Graphics Tools standard shader utility class with commonly used constants, types and convenience methods.


A scriptable object which contains data and UI functionality to swap object references within a scene.


Custom inspector for the ThemeCollection scriptable object. In the same file for portability.



Optional interface to use with objects which need to take ownership of MaterialInstance(s).



Should clipping occur inside or outside of the clipping shape?
