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AdoSubmitConnection Class


Represents a connection for submitting data to a Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server database.

public ref class AdoSubmitConnection abstract : Microsoft::Office::InfoPath::DataConnection
public abstract class AdoSubmitConnection : Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.DataConnection
type AdoSubmitConnection = class
    inherit DataConnection
Public MustInherit Class AdoSubmitConnection
Inherits DataConnection


The AdoSubmitConnection class provides properties that can be used to get and set information about the data connection's connection string, SQL command text, and timeout value. It also provides a method for creating a SQL command text fragment based on a specified XML node's attributes.

Note: The AdoSubmitConnection class and its members will only work in code for form templates that are designed to be opened in the Microsoft InfoPath editor. This type and its members will not run in code for a browser-enabled form deployed to InfoPath Forms Services.

When a form designer creates a new form template by using the Database template, and then specifies the database to connect to, an AdoQueryConnection object for this connection is added to the DataConnectionCollection collection.

If the form designer also enables submitting to this ADO connection, then an AdoSubmitConnection object for this connection is added to the DataConnectionCollection collection.

For both kinds of connection, the name of the connection is specified by the form designer in the Data Connection Wizard user interface. The default names assigned in the wizard for each kind of connection are "Main connection" (AdoQueryConnection) and "Main connection submit" (AdoSubmitConnection).





Gets or sets the SQL command string text for an AdoSubmitConnection object.


Gets or sets the connection string used for an AdoSubmitConnection object.


Gets the name of the data connection.

(Inherited from DataConnection)

Gets or sets the timeout value in seconds for a data connection associated with an AdoSubmitConnection object.



Returns a SQL command text fragment using the specified XML node.


Depending on which ConnectionTypeConnection class it is called from, executes a submit or query operation on the data connection using the declaratively defined values for the submitted data, query parameters, or data to retrieve.

(Inherited from DataConnection)

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