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Param Class


A Param with self-contained documentation and optionally default value.

A Param references an individual parameter that includes documentation, the name of the parameter and optionally a default value. Params can either be set using the generic Param methods or by using explicit methods. For example Bucketizer has SetHandleInvalid or you can call GetParam("handleInvalid")and then Bucketizer. Set using the Param and the value you want to use.

public class Param
type Param = class
Public Class Param


Param(Identifiable, String, String)

Creates a new instance of a Param which will be attached to the parent specified. The most likely use case for a Param is being read from a parent object such as Bucketizer rather than independently

Param(String, String, String)

Creates a new instance of a Param which will be attached to the parent with the UID specified. The most likely use case for a Param is being read from a parent object such as Bucketizer rather than independently



The description of what the Param does and how it works including any defaults and the current value


The name of the Param


The object that contains the Param

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