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LoggerOptions Constructors



LoggerOptions(LoggingLevelSettings, PrivacyFlags, IReadOnlyCollection<String>, LoggingLevelSettings, LoggingLevelSettings)

Initializes a new instance of the LoggerOptions class. This constructor Will specify all class parameters.

LoggerOptions(LoggingLevelSettings, PrivacyFlags, IReadOnlyCollection<String>, LoggingLevelSettings, LoggingLevelSettings, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the LoggerOptions class. This constructor will specify all class parameters.

LoggerOptions(LoggingLevelSettings, PrivacyFlags, IReadOnlyCollection<String>, LoggingLevelSettings, LoggingLevelSettings)

Initializes a new instance of the LoggerOptions class. This constructor Will specify all class parameters.

public LoggerOptions (Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings? requestedLoggingLevel, Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags privacySetting, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<string>? systemTags, Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings? maxSupportedLoggingLevel, Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings? minSupportedLoggingLevel);
new Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggerOptions : Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings * Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags * System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<string> * Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings * Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings -> Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggerOptions
Public Sub New (requestedLoggingLevel As LoggingLevelSettings, privacySetting As PrivacyFlags, systemTags As IReadOnlyCollection(Of String), maxSupportedLoggingLevel As LoggingLevelSettings, minSupportedLoggingLevel As LoggingLevelSettings)



The settings that the client wishes to begin logging with. Best effort is used to respect this setting.


Set of flags defining what the new log stream may contain. See documentation on for details.


A collection of Strings representing tags that represent the systems where this trace log stream may contain useful information when debugging the system given in the tag. May pass null when no tags need to be specified.


The maximum logging verbosity that should ever be applied to this logging stream. LogHub will never request a verbosity higher than this level. This will default to a LoggingLevelSettings where LoggingVerbosity is All. The default should be used for most cases.


The minimum logging verbosity that should ever be applied to this logging stream. LogHub will never request a verbosity lower than this level. This will default to a LoggingLevelSettings where LoggingVerbosity is Off. The default should be used for most cases.

Applies to

LoggerOptions(LoggingLevelSettings, PrivacyFlags, IReadOnlyCollection<String>, LoggingLevelSettings, LoggingLevelSettings, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the LoggerOptions class. This constructor will specify all class parameters.

public LoggerOptions (Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings? requestedLoggingLevel = default, Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags privacySetting = Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags.MayContainPersonallyIdentifibleInformation | Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags.MayContainPrivateInformation, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<string>? systemTags = default, Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings? maxSupportedLoggingLevel = default, Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings? minSupportedLoggingLevel = default, bool autoFlushEnabled = false);
new Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggerOptions : Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings * Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags * System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<string> * Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings * Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggingLevelSettings * bool -> Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.LoggerOptions
Public Sub New (Optional requestedLoggingLevel As LoggingLevelSettings = Nothing, Optional privacySetting As PrivacyFlags = Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags.MayContainPersonallyIdentifibleInformation | Microsoft.VisualStudio.RpcContracts.Logging.PrivacyFlags.MayContainPrivateInformation, Optional systemTags As IReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = Nothing, Optional maxSupportedLoggingLevel As LoggingLevelSettings = Nothing, Optional minSupportedLoggingLevel As LoggingLevelSettings = Nothing, Optional autoFlushEnabled As Boolean = false)



The settings that the client wishes to begin logging with. Best effort is used to respect this setting.


Set of flags defining what the new log stream may contain. See documentation on PrivacyFlags for details.


A collection of Strings representing tags that represent the systems where this trace log stream may contain useful information when debugging the system given in the tag. May pass null when no tags need to be specified.


The maximum logging verbosity that should ever be applied to this logging stream. LogHub will never request a verbosity higher than this level. This will default to a LoggingLevelSettings where LoggingVerbosity is All. The default should be used for most cases.


The minimum logging verbosity that should ever be applied to this logging stream. LogHub will never request a verbosity lower than this level. This will default to a LoggingLevelSettings where LoggingVerbosity is Off. The default should be used for most cases.


Tells whether AutoFlush will be enabled for the log's stream.

Applies to