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DeploymentXmlException Class


Provides exceptions that are thrown when errors are found in XML configuration.

public ref class DeploymentXmlException : Microsoft::Web::Deployment::DeploymentException
public class DeploymentXmlException : Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentException
type DeploymentXmlException = class
    inherit DeploymentException
Public Class DeploymentXmlException
Inherits DeploymentException



Creates an instance of a DeploymentXmlException object without setting underlying member values.

DeploymentXmlException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

Creates an instance of a DeploymentXmlException object from serialized data..


Creates an instance of a DeploymentXmlException object and sets the message specified.

DeploymentXmlException(String, Exception)

Creates an instance of a DeploymentXmlException object with the specified message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

DeploymentXmlException(XPathNavigator, String, Exception)

Creates an instance of a DeploymentXmlException object with an XPathNavigator, the XML file the exception was caused by and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.

DeploymentXmlException(XPathNavigator, String, String, Object)

Creates an instance of a DeploymentXmlException object with an XPathNavigator, the XML file the exception was caused by, the message format, and the value that caused the exception.

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