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EditorZoneBase.InvalidateEditorParts Method


Sets the collection of EditorPart controls associated with an EditorZoneBase zone to null, which results in the CreateEditorParts() method being called to recreate the collection.

 void InvalidateEditorParts();
protected void InvalidateEditorParts ();
member this.InvalidateEditorParts : unit -> unit
Protected Sub InvalidateEditorParts ()


The InvalidateEditorParts method can be called by derived classes if the list of EditorPart controls associated with an EditorZoneBase zone has changed for some reason, and the derived class needs to get an updated list of EditorPart controls. The derived class should call InvalidateEditorParts, which sets the current collection to null. The next time that the EditorParts collection is accessed, the Web Parts control set automatically invokes the CreateEditorParts method to create the updated collection.

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See also