Compiler Error CS0523

Struct member 'struct2 field' of type 'struct1' causes a cycle in the struct layout

The definitions of one or more structs include recursive references that form a cycle. This limitation only applies to structs, since structs are value types. To create recursive references, declare your types as classes, which are reference types.

Example 1

The following sample shows how a self referential type can cause CS0523:

// CS0523.cs
// compile with: /target:library
struct SelfReferentialStruct
    public SelfReferentialStruct other;   // CS0523

class SelfReferentialClass
    public SelfReferentialClass other;   // OK

When a self referential struct type is made, it contains a copy of the same type as a member. However, that member then has another copy, which continues recursively. As a result of the cycle, the size of the type cannot be determined and CS0523 is emitted.

Example 2

The following sample shows how a type reference cycle can cause CS0523:

// CS0523b.cs
// compile with: /target:library
struct ReferenceCycleStruct1
    public ReferenceCycleStruct2 other;   // CS0523

struct ReferenceCycleStruct2
    public ReferenceCycleStruct3 other;   // CS0523

struct ReferenceCycleStruct3
    public ReferenceCycleStruct1 other;   // CS0523

To resolve the errors above, you can adjust the references such that a cycle is no longer formed, or convert at least one of the struct types to a class. Similar to the previous example, ReferenceCycleStruct1 contains a ReferenceCycleStruct2, and that contains a ReferenceCycleStruct3, which eventually contains ReferenceCycleStruct1 again.