Analytic Trace Event Reference

The following table defines the event levels, identifiers, and messages associated with the WCF Analytic Tracing.

Event Reference

Event ID Event Level Event Message Keywords
131 - BufferPoolAllocation Verbose Pool allocating %1 Bytes. Infrastructure
132 - BufferPoolChangeQuota Verbose BufferPool of size %1, changing quota by %2. Infrastructure
133 - ActionItemScheduled Verbose IO Thread scheduler callback invoked. Infrastructure
134 - ActionItemCallbackInvoked Verbose IO Thread scheduler callback invoked. Infrastructure
201 - ClientMessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterReceiveReply' on a ClientMessageInspector of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
202 - ClientMessageInspectorBeforeSendInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeSendRequest' on a ClientMessageInspector of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
203 - ClientParameterInspectorAfterCallInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterCall' on a ClientParameterInspector. of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
204 - ClientParameterInspectorBeforeCallInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeCall' on a ClientParameterInspector of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
205 - OperationInvoked Information An OperationInvoker invoked the '%1' method. EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
206 - ErrorHandlerInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked an ErrorHandler of type '%1' with an exception of type '%3'. ErrorHandled == '%2'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
207 - FaultProviderInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked a FaultProvider of type '%1' with an exception of type '%2'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
208 - MessageInspectorAfterReceiveInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterReceiveReply' on a MessageInspector of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
209 - MessageInspectorBeforeSendInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeSendRequest' on a MessageInspector of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
210 - MessageThrottleExceeded Warning The '%1' throttle limit of '%2' was hit. HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
211 - ParameterInspectorAfterCallInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'AfterCall' on a ParameterInspector of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
212 - ParameterInspectorBeforeCallInvoked Information The Dispatcher invoked 'BeforeCall' on a ParameterInspector of type '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
213 - ServiceHostStarted LogAlways ServiceHost started: '%1'. HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
214 - OperationCompleted Information An OperationInvoker completed the call to the '%1' method. The method call duration was '%2' ms. HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
215 - MessageReceivedByTransport Information The transport received a message from '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
216 - MessageSentByTransport Information The transport sent a message to '%1'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
217 - ClientOperationPrepared Information The Client is executing the '%1' operation defined in the '%2' contract. The message will be sent to '%3'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
218 - ClientOperationCompleted Information The Client completed executing the '%1' operation defined in the '%2' contract. The message was sent to '%3'. Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
219 - ServiceException Error There was an unhandled exception of type '%2' during message processing. Full Exception ToString: %1. HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
220 - MessageSentToTransport Information The Dispatcher sent a message to the transport. Correlation ID == '%1'. EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
221 - MessageReceivedFromTransport Information The Dispatcher received a message from the transport. Correlation ID == '%1'. EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
222 - OperationFailed Warning The '%1' method threw an unhandled exception when invoked by the OperationInvoker. The method call duration was '%2' ms. HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
223 - OperationFaulted Warning The '%1' method threw a FaultException when invoked by the OperationInvoker. The method call duration was '%2' ms. HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
224 - MessageThrottleAtSeventyPercent Warning The '%1' throttle limit of '%2' is at 70%. HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
226 - IdleServicesClosed LogAlways %1 idle services out of total %2 activated services closed. HealthMonitoring WebHost
301 - UserDefinedErrorOccurred Error Name: '%1', Reference: '%2', Payload: %3. UserEvents, HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
302 - UserDefinedWarningOccurred Warning Name: '%1', Reference: '%2', Payload: %3. UserEvents, HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
303 - UserDefinedInformationEventOccured Information Name: '%1', Reference: '%2', Payload: %3. UserEvents, HealthMonitoring, EndToEndMonitoring, Troubleshooting, ServiceModel
401- StopSignPostEvent Information Activity boundary. Troubleshooting
402 - StartSignpostEvent Information Activity boundary. Troubleshooting
403 - SuspendSignpostEvent Information Activity boundary. Troubleshooting
404 - ResumeSignpostEvent Information Activity boundary. Troubleshooting
451 - MessageLogInfo Information %1 Troubleshooting, WCFMessageLogging
452 - MessageLogWarning Warning %1 Troubleshooting, WCFMessageLogging
499 - TransferEmitted LogAlways Transfer event emitted. Troubleshooting, UserEvents, EndToEndMonitoring, ServiceModel, WFTracking, ServiceHost, WCFMessageLogging
501 - CompilationStart Information Begin compilation. WebHost
502 - CompilationStop Information End compilation. WebHost
503 - ServiceHostFactoryCreationStart Information ServiceHostFactory begin creation. WebHost
504 - ServiceHostFactoryCreationStop Information ServiceHostFactory end creation. WebHost
505 - CreateServiceHostStart Information Begin CreateServiceHost. WebHost
506 - CreateServiceHostStop Information End CreateServiceHost. WebHost
507 - HostedTransportConfigurationManagerConfigInitStart Information HostedTransportConfigurationManager begin configuration initialization. WebHost
508 - HostedTransportConfigurationManagerConfigInitStop Information HostedTransportConfigurationManager end configuration initialization. WebHost
509 - ServiceHostOpenStart Information HostedTransportConfigurationManager end configuration initialization. ServiceHost
510 - ServiceHostOpenStop Information ServiceHost Open completed. ServiceHost
513 - WebHostRequestStart Information Received request with virtual path '%2' from the AppDomain '%1'. WebHost
514 - WebHostRequestStop Information WebHostRequest stop. WebHost
601 - CBAEntryRead Verbose Processed ServiceActivation Element Relative Address:'%1', Normalized Relative Address '%2' .
602 - CBAMatchFound Verbose Incoming request matches a ServiceActivation element with address '%1'.
603 - AspNetRoutingService Verbose Incoming request matches a WCF Service defined in ASP.NET route with address %1. RoutingServices
604 - AspNetRoute Verbose A new ASP.NET route '%1' with serviceType '%2' and serviceHostFactoryType '%3' is added. RoutingServices
605 - IncrementBusyCount Verbose IncrementBusyCount called. Source : %1 WebHost
606 - DecrementBusyCount Verbose DecrementBusyCount called. Source : %1 WebHost
701 - ServiceChannelOpenStart Verbose ServiceChannelOpen started. WebHost
702 - ServiceChannelOpenStop Information ServiceChannelOpen completed. ServiceModel
703 - ServiceChannelCallStart Information ServiceChannelCall started. ServiceModel
704 - ServiceChannelBeginCallStart Information ServiceChannel asynchronous calls started. ServiceModel
706 - HttpSendMessageStart Verbose Http Send Request Start. HTTP
707 - HttpSendStop Verbose Http Send Request Stop. HTTP
708 - HttpMessageReceiveStart Verbose Message received from http transport. HTTP
709 - DispatchMessageStart Information Message dispatching started. ServiceModel
710 - HttpContextBeforeProcessAuthentication Verbose Start authentication for message dispatching. ServiceModel
711 - DispatchMessageBeforeAuthorization Verbose Start authorization for message dispatching. ServiceModel
712 - DispatchMessageStop Information Message dispatching completed. ServiceModel
715 - ClientChannelOpenStart Information ServiceChannel Open Start. ServiceModel
716 - ClientChannelOpenStop Information ServiceChannel Open Stop. ServiceModel
717 - HttpSendStreamedMessageStart Information Http Send streamed message started. HTTP
1400 - ChannelInitializationTimeout Error 1% ServiceModel
1401 - CloseTimeout Error 1% ServiceModel
1402 - IdleTimeout Error %1 Connection pool key: %2 ServiceModel
1403 - LeaseTimeout Information %1 Connection pool key: %2 ServiceModel
1405 - OpenTimeout Error %1 ServiceModel
1406 - ReceiveTimeout Error %1 ServiceModel
1407 - SendTimeout Error %1 ServiceModel
1409 - InactivityTimeout Information %1 ServiceModel
1416 - MaxReceivedMessageSizeExceeded Error %1 Quota
1417 - MaxSentMessageSizeExceeded Error %1 Quota
1418 - MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpointExceeded Information %1 Quota
1419 - MaxPendingConnectionsExceeded Information %1 Quota
1420 - ReaderQuotaExceeded Error %1 Quota
1422 - NegotiateTokenAuthenticatorStateCacheExceeded Error %1 Quota
1423 - NegotiateTokenAuthenticatorStateCacheRatio Verbose Negotiate token authenticator state cache ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1424 - SecuritySessionRatio Verbose Security session ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1430 - PendingConnectionsRatio Verbose Pending connections ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1431 - ConcurrentCallsRatio Verbose Concurrent sessions ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1432 - ConcurrentSessionsRatio Verbose Concurrent sessions ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1433 - OutboundConnectionsPerEndpointRatio Verbose Outbound connections per endpoint ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1436 - PendingMessagesPerChannelRatio Verbose Pending messages per channel ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1438 - ConcurrentInstancesRatio Verbose Concurrent instances ratio: %1/%2 Quota
1439 - PendingAcceptsAtZero Information Zero pending accepts left Quota
1441 - MaxSessionSizeReached Warning 1% Quota
1442 - ReceiveRetryCountReached Warning Receive retry count reached on MSMQ message with id '%1' Quota
1443 - MaxRetryCyclesExceededMsmq Error Max retry cycles exceeded on MSMQ message with id '%1' Quota
1445 - ReadPoolMiss Verbose Created new '%1' Quota
1446 - WritePoolMiss Verbose Created new '%1' Quota
1451 - MaxRetryCyclesExceeded Error 1% Quota
3300 - ReceiveContextCompleteFailed Warning Failed to Complete %1. Channel
3301 - ReceiveContextAbandonFailed Warning Failed to Abandon %1. Channel
3303 - ReceiveContextAbandonWithException Warning Receive Context faulted. ServiceModel
3303 - ReceiveContextAbandonWithException Information %1 was Abandoned with exception %2. Channel
3305 - ClientBaseCachedChannelFactoryCount Information Number of cached channel factories is: '%1'. At most '%2' channel factories can be cached. ServiceModel
3306 - ClientBaseChannelFactoryAgedOutofCache Information A channel factory has been aged out of the cache because the cache has reached its limit of '%1'. ServiceModel
3307 - ClientBaseChannelFactoryCacheHit Information Used matching channel factory found in cache. ServiceModel
3308 - ClientBaseUsingLocalChannelFactory Information Not using channel factory from cache, i.e. caching disabled for instance. ServiceModel
3309 - QueryCompositionExecuted Information Query composition using '%1' was executed on the Request Uri: '%2'. ServiceModel
3310 - DispatchFailed Error The '%1' operation was dispatched with errors. ServiceModel
3311 - DispatchSuccessful Information The '%1' operation was dispatched successfully. ServiceModel
3312 - MessageReadByEncoder Information A message with size '%1' bytes was read by the encoder. Channel
3312 - MessageReadByEncoder Information A message with size '%1' bytes was written by the encoder. Channel
3314 - SessionIdleTimeout Error Session aborting for idle channel to uri:'%1'. ServiceModel
3319 - SocketAcceptEnqueued Verbose Connection accept started. TCP
3320 - SocketAccepted Verbose ListenerId:%1 accepted SocketId:%2. TCP
3321 - ConnectionPoolMiss Verbose Pool for %1 has no available connection and %2 busy connections. Channel
3322 - DispatchFormatterDeserializeRequestStart Verbose Dispatcher started deserialization the request message. ServiceModel
3323 - DispatchFormatterDeserializeRequestStop Verbose Dispatcher completed deserialization the request message. ServiceModel
3324 - DispatchFormatterSerializeReplyStart Verbose Dispatcher started serialization of the reply message. ServiceModel
3325 - DispatchFormatterSerializeReplyStop Verbose Dispatcher completed serialization of the reply message. ServiceModel
3326 - ClientFormatterSerializeRequestStart Verbose Client request serialization started. ServiceModel
3327 - ClientFormatterSerializeRequestStop Verbose Client completed serialization of the request message. ServiceModel
3328 - ClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStart Verbose Client started deserializing the reply message. ServiceModel
3329 - ClientFormatterDeserializeReplyStop Verbose Client completed deserializing the reply message. ServiceModel
3330 - SecurityNegotiationStart Verbose Security negotiation started. Security
3331 - SecurityNegotiationStop Verbose Security negotiation completed. Security
3332 - SecurityTokenProviderOpened Verbose SecurityTokenProvider opening completed. Security
3333 - OutgoingMessageSecured Verbose Outgoing message has been secured. Security
3334 - IncomingMessageVerified Verbose Incoming message has been verified. Security ServiceModel
3335 - GetServiceInstanceStart Verbose Service instance retrieval started. ServiceModel
3336 - GetServiceInstanceStop Verbose Service instance retrieved. ServiceModel
3337 - ChannelReceiveStart Verbose ChannelHandlerId:%1 - Message receive loop started. Channel
3338 - ChannelReceiveStop Verbose ChannelHandlerId:%1 - Message receive loop stopped. Channel
3339 - ChannelFactoryCreated Verbose ChannelFactory created. ServiceModel
3340 - PipeConnectionAcceptStart Verbose Pipe connection accept started on %1. Channel
3341 - PipeConnectionAcceptStop Verbose Pipe connection accepted. Channel
3342 - EstablishConnectionStart Verbose Connection establishment started for %1. Channel
3343 - EstablishConnectionStop Verbose Connection established. Channel
3345 - SessionPreambleUnderstood Verbose Session preamble for '%1' understood. Channel
3346 - ConnectionReaderSendFault Error Connection reader sending fault '%1'. Channel
3347 - SocketAcceptClosed Verbose Socket accept closed. TCP
3348 - ServiceHostFaulted Critical Service host faulted. TCP
3349 - ListenerOpenStart Verbose Listener opening for '%1'. Channel
3350 - ListenerOpenStop Verbose Listener open completed. Channel
3351 - ServerMaxPooledConnectionsQuotaReached Verbose Server max pooled connections quota reached. Quota
3352 - TcpConnectionTimedOut Error SocketId:%1 to remote address %2 timed out. TCP
3353 - TcpConnectionResetError Warning SocketId:%1 to remote address %2 had a connection reset error. TCP
3354 - ServiceSecurityNegotiationCompleted Verbose Service security negotiation completed. Security
3355 - SecurityNegotiationProcessingFailure Error Security negotiation processing failed. Security
3356 - SecurityIdentityVerificationSuccess Verbose Security verification succeeded. Security
3357 - SecurityIdentityVerificationFailure Error Security verification failed. Security
3358 - PortSharingDuplicatedSocket Verbose Socket duplicated for %1. ActivationServices
3359 - SecurityImpersonationSuccess Verbose Security impersonation succeeded. Security
3360 - SecurityImpersonationFailure Warning Security impersonation failed. Security
3361 - HttpChannelRequestAborted Warning Http channel request aborted. HTTP
3362 - HttpChannelResponseAborted Warning Http channel response aborted. HTTP
3363 - HttpAuthFailed Warning Http authentication failed. HTTP
3364 - SharedListenerProxyRegisterStart Verbose SharedListenerProxy registration started for uri '%1'. ActivationServices
3365 - SharedListenerProxyRegisterStop Verbose SharedListenerProxy Register Stop. ActivationServices
3366 - SharedListenerProxyRegisterFailed Error SharedListenerProxy register failed with status '%1'. ActivationServices
3367 - ConnectionPoolPreambleFailed Error ConnectionPoolPreambleFailed. Channel
3368 - SslOnInitiateUpgrade Verbose SslOnAcceptUpgradeStart Security
3369 - SslOnAcceptUpgrade Verbose SslOnAcceptUpgradeStop Security
3370 - BinaryMessageEncodingStart Verbose BinaryMessageEncoder started encoding the message. Channel
3371 - MtomMessageEncodingStart Verbose MtomMessageEncoder started encoding the message. Channel
3372 - TextMessageEncodingStart Verbose TextMessageEncoder started encoding the message. Channel
3373 - BinaryMessageDecodingStart Verbose BinaryMessageEncoder started decoding the message. Channel
3374 - MtomMessageDecodingStart Verbose MtomMessageEncoder started decoding the message. Channel
3375 - TextMessageDecodingStart Verbose TextMessageEncoder started decoding the message. Channel
3376 - HttpResponseReceiveStart Information Http transport started receiving a message. HTTP
3377 - SocketReadStop Verbose SocketId:%1 read '%2' bytes read from '%3'. TCP
3378 - SocketAsyncReadStop Verbose SocketId:%1 read '%2' bytes read from '%3'. TCP
3379 - SocketWriteStart Verbose SocketId:%1 writing '%2' bytes to '%3'. TCP
3380 - SocketAsyncWriteStart Verbose SocketId:%1 writing '%2' bytes to '%3'. TCP
3381 - SequenceAcknowledgementSent Verbose SessionId:%1 acknowledgement sent. Channel
3382 - ClientReliableSessionReconnect Information SessionId:%1 reconnecting. Channel
3383 - ReliableSessionChannelFaulted Information SessionId:%1 faulted. Channel
3384 - WindowsStreamSecurityOnInitiateUpgrade Verbose WindowsStreamSecurity initiating security upgrade. Security
3385 - WindowsStreamSecurityOnAcceptUpgrade Verbose Windows streaming security on accepting upgrade. Security
3386 - SocketConnectionAbort Warning SocketId:%1 is aborting. TCP
3388 - HttpGetContextStart Verbose HttpGetContext start. HTTP
3389 - ClientSendPreambleStart Verbose Client sending preamble start. Channel
3390 - ClientSendPreambleStop Verbose Client sending preamble stop. Channel
3391 - HttpMessageReceiveFailed Warning Http Message receive failed. HTTP
3392 - TransactionScopeCreate Information TransactionScope is being created with LocalIdentifier:'%1' and DistributedIdentifier:'%2'. ServiceModel
3393 - StreamedMessageReadByEncoder Information A streamed message was read by the encoder. Channel
3394 - StreamedMessageWrittenByEncoder Information A streamed message was written by the encoder. Channel
3395 - MessageWrittenAsynchronouslyByEncoder Information A message was written asynchronously by the encoder. Channel
3396 - BufferedAsyncWriteStart Information BufferId:%1 completed writing '%2' bytes to underlying stream. Channel
3397 - BufferedAsyncWriteStop Information A message was written asynchronously by the encoder. Channel
3398 - PipeSharedMemoryCreated Verbose Pipe shared memory created at '%1' . Channel
3399 - NamedPipeCreated Verbose NamedPipe '%1' created. Channel
3401 - SignatureVerificationStart Verbose Signature verification started. Security
3402 - SignatureVerificationSuccess Verbose Signature verification succeeded. Security
3403 - WrappedKeyDecryptionStart Verbose Wrapped key decryption started. Security
3404 - WrappedKeyDecryptionSuccess Verbose Wrapped key decryption succeeded. Security
3405 - EncryptedDataProcessingStart Verbose Encrypted data processing started. Security
3406 - EncryptedDataProcessingSuccess Verbose Encrypted data processing succeeded. Security
3407 - HttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStart Verbose Http message handler started processing the inbound request. HTTP
3408 - HttpPipelineBeginProcessInboundRequestStart Verbose Http message handler started processing the inbound request asynchronously. HTTP
3409 - HttpPipelineProcessInboundRequestStop Verbose Http message handler completed processing an inbound request. HTTP
3410 - HttpPipelineFaulted Warning Http message handler is faulted. HTTP
3411 - HttpPipelineTimeoutException Error WebSocket connection timed out. HTTP
3412 - HttpPipelineProcessResponseStart Verbose Http message handler started processing the response. HTTP
3413 - HttpPipelineBeginProcessResponseStart Verbose Http message handler started processing the response asynchronously. HTTP
3414 - HttpPipelineProcessResponseStop Verbose Http message handler completed processing the response. HTTP
3415 - WebSocketConnectionRequestSendStart Verbose WebSocket connection request to '%1' send start. HTTP
3416 - WebSocketConnectionRequestSendStop Verbose WebSocketId:%1 connection request sent. HTTP
3417 - WebSocketConnectionAcceptStart Verbose WebSocket connection accept start. HTTP
3418 - WebSocketConnectionAccepted Verbose WebSocketId:%1 connection accepted. HTTP
3419 - WebSocketConnectionDeclined Error WebSocket connection declined with status code '%1' HTTP
3420 - WebSocketConnectionFailed Error WebSocket connection request failed: '%1' HTTP
3421 - WebSocketConnectionAborted Error WebSocketId:%1 connection is aborted. HTTP
3422 - WebSocketAsyncWriteStart Verbose WebSocketId:%1 writing '%2' bytes to '%3'. HTTP
3423 - WebSocketAsyncWriteStop Verbose WebSocketId:%1 asynchronous write stop. HTTP
3424 - WebSocketAsyncReadStart Verbose WebSocketId:%1 read start. HTTP
3425 - WebSocketAsyncReadStop Verbose WebSocketId:%1 read '%2' bytes from '%3'. HTTP
3426 - WebSocketCloseSent Verbose WebSocketId:%1 sending close message to '%2' with close status '%3'. HTTP
3427 - WebSocketCloseOutputSent Verbose WebSocketId:%1 sending close output message to '%2' with close status '%3'. HTTP
3428 - WebSocketConnectionClosed Verbose WebSocketId:%1 connection closed. HTTP
3429 - WebSocketCloseStatusReceived Verbose WebSocketId:%1 connection close message received with status '%2'. HTTP
3430 - WebSocketUseVersionFromClientWebSocketFactory Verbose Using the WebSocketVersion from a client WebSocket factory of type '%1'. HTTP
3431 - WebSocketCreateClientWebSocketWithFactory Verbose Creating the client WebSocket with a factory of type '%1'. HTTP
3553 - XamlServicesLoadStart Information XamlServicesLoad start WebHost
3554 - XamlServicesLoadStop Information XamlServicesLoad Stop WebHost
3555 - CreateWorkflowServiceHostStart Information CreateWorkflowServiceHost start WebHost
3556 - CreateWorkflowServiceHostStop Information CreateWorkflowServiceHost Stop WebHost
3558 - ServiceActivationStart Information Service activation start WebHost
3559 - ServiceActivationStop Information Service activation Stop WebHost
3560 - ServiceActivationAvailableMemory Verbose Available memory (bytes): %1 Quota
3800 - RoutingServiceClosingClient Information The Routing Service is closing client '%1'. RoutingServices
3800 - RoutingServiceClosingClient Warning Routing Service client '%1' has faulted. RoutingServices
3802 - RoutingServiceCompletingOneWay Information A Routing Service one way message is completing. RoutingServices
3803 - RoutingServiceProcessingFailure Error The Routing Service failed while processing a message on the endpoint with address '%1'. RoutingServices
3804 - RoutingServiceCreatingClientForEndpoint Information The Routing Service is creating a client for endpoint: '%1'. RoutingServices
3805 - RoutingServiceDisplayConfig Verbose The Routing Service is configured with RouteOnHeadersOnly: %1, SoapProcessingEnabled: %2, EnsureOrderedDispatch: %3. RoutingServices
3807 - RoutingServiceCompletingTwoWay Information A Routing Service request reply message is completing. RoutingServices
3809 - RoutingServiceMessageRoutedToEndpoints Verbose The Routing Service routed message with ID: '%1' to %2 endpoint lists. RoutingServices
3810 - RoutingServiceConfigurationApplied Information A new RoutingConfiguration has been applied to the Routing Service. RoutingServices
3815 - RoutingServiceProcessingMessage Information The Routing Service is processing a message with ID: '%1', Action: '%2', Inbound URL: '%3' Received in Transaction: %4. RoutingServices
3816 - RoutingServiceTransmittingMessage Information The Routing Service is transmitting the message with ID: '%1' [operation %2] to '%3'. RoutingServices
3817 - RoutingServiceCommittingTransaction Information The Routing Service is committing a transaction with id: '%1'. RoutingServices
3818 - RoutingServiceDuplexCallbackException Error Routing Service component %1 encountered a duplex callback exception. RoutingServices
3819 - RoutingServiceMovedToBackup Information Routing Service message with ID: '%1' [operation %2] moved to backup endpoint '%3'. RoutingServices
3820 - RoutingServiceCreatingTransaction Information The Routing Service created a new Transaction with id '%1' for processing message(s). RoutingServices
3821 - RoutingServiceCloseFailed Warning The Routing Service failed while closing outbound client '%1'. RoutingServices
3822 - RoutingServiceSendingResponse Information The Routing Service is sending back a response message with Action '%1'. RoutingServices
3823 - RoutingServiceSendingFaultResponse Warning The Routing Service is sending back a Fault response message with Action '%1'. RoutingServices
3824 - RoutingServiceCompletingReceiveContext Verbose The Routing Service is calling ReceiveContext.Complete for Message with ID: '%1'. RoutingServices
3825 - RoutingServiceAbandoningReceiveContext Warning The Routing Service is calling ReceiveContext.Abandon for Message with ID: '%1'. RoutingServices
3826 - RoutingServiceUsingExistingTransaction Verbose The Routing Service will send messages using existing transaction '%1'. RoutingServices
3827 - RoutingServiceTransmitFailed Warning The Routing Service failed while sending to '%1'. RoutingServices
3828 - RoutingServiceFilterTableMatchStart Information Routing Service MessageFilterTable Match Start. RoutingServices
3829 - RoutingServiceFilterTableMatchStop Information Routing Service MessageFilterTable Match Stop. RoutingServices
3830 - RoutingServiceAbortingChannel Verbose The Routing Service is calling abort on channel: '%1'. RoutingServices
3831 - RoutingServiceHandledException Verbose The Routing Service has handled an exception. RoutingServices
3832 - RoutingServiceTransmitSucceeded Information The Routing Service successfully transmitted Message with ID: '%1 [operation %2] to '%3'. RoutingServices
4001 - TransportListenerSessionsReceived Verbose Transport listener session received with via '%1' ActivationServices
4002 - FailFastException Critical FailFastException. ActivationServices
4003 - ServiceStartPipeError Error Service start pipe error. ActivationServices
4008 - DispatchSessionStart Verbose Session dispatch started. ActivationServices
4008 - DispatchSessionStart Warning Session dispatch for '%1' failed since pending session queue is full with '%2' pending items. ActivationServices
4011 - MessageQueueRegisterStart Verbose Message queue register start. ActivationServices
4012 - MessageQueueRegisterAbort Error Message queue registration aborted with status:'%1' for uri:'%2'. ActivationServices
4013 - MessageQueueUnregisterSucceeded Verbose Message queue unregister succeeded for uri:'%1'. ActivationServices
4014 - MessageQueueRegisterFailed Error Message queue registration for uri:'%1' failed with status:'%2'. ActivationServices
4015 - MessageQueueRegisterCompleted Information Message queue registration completed for uri '%1'. ActivationServices
4016 - MessageQueueDuplicatedSocketError Error Message queue failed duplicating socket. ActivationServices
4019 - MessageQueueDuplicatedSocketComplete Verbose MessageQueueDuplicatedSocketComplete ActivationServices
4020 - TcpTransportListenerListeningStart Verbose Tcp transport listener starting to listen on uri:'%1'. ActivationServices
4021 - TcpTransportListenerListeningStop Verbose Tcp transport listener listening. ActivationServices
4022 - WebhostUnregisterProtocolFailed Error Error Code:%1 ActivationServices
4023 - WasCloseAllListenerChannelInstancesCompleted Information Was closing all listener channel instances completed. ActivationServices
4024 - WasCloseAllListenerChannelInstancesFailed Error Error Code:%1 ActivationServices
4025 - OpenListenerChannelInstanceFailed Error Error Code:%1 ActivationServices
4026 - WasConnected Verbose WAS Connected. ActivationServices
4027 - WasDisconnected Verbose WAS Disconnected. ActivationServices
4028 - PipeTransportListenerListeningStart Verbose Pipe transport listener listening start on uri:%1. ActivationServices
4029 - PipeTransportListenerListeningStop Verbose Pipe transport listener listening stop. ActivationServices
4030 - DispatchSessionSuccess Information Session dispatch succeeded. ActivationServices
4031 - DispatchSessionFailed Error Session dispatch failed. ActivationServices
4032 - WasConnectionTimedout Critical WAS connection timed out. ActivationServices
4033 - RoutingTableLookupStart Verbose Routing table lookup started. ActivationServices
4034 - RoutingTableLookupStop Verbose Routing table lookup completed. ActivationServices
4035 - PendingSessionQueueRatio Verbose Pending session queue ratio: %1/%2 Quota
4600 - MessageLogEventSizeExceeded Warning Message could not be logged as it exceeds the ETW event size WCFMessageLogging
4801 - DiscoveryClientInClientChannelFailedToClose Warning The DiscoveryClient created inside DiscoveryClientChannel failed to close and hence has been aborted. Discovery
4802 - DiscoveryClientProtocolExceptionSuppressed Information A ProtocolException was suppressed while closing the DiscoveryClient. This could be because a DiscoveryService is still trying to send response to the DiscoveryClient. Discovery
4803 - DiscoveryClientReceivedMulticastSuppression Information The DiscoveryClient received a multicast suppression message from a DiscoveryProxy. Discovery
4804 - DiscoveryMessageReceivedAfterOperationCompleted Information A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because the corresponding %3 operation was completed. Discovery
4805 - DiscoveryMessageWithInvalidContent Warning A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped because it had invalid content. Discovery
4806 - DiscoveryMessageWithInvalidRelatesToOrOperationCompleted Warning A %1 message with messageId='%2' and relatesTo='%3' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because either the corresponding %4 operation was completed or the relatesTo value is invalid. Discovery
4807 - DiscoveryMessageWithInvalidReplyTo Warning A discovery request message with messageId='%1' was dropped because it had an invalid ReplyTo address. Discovery
4808 - DiscoveryMessageWithNoContent Warning A %1 message was dropped because it did not have any content. Discovery
4809 - DiscoveryMessageWithNullMessageId Warning A %1 message was dropped because the message header did not contain the required MessageId property. Discovery
4810 - DiscoveryMessageWithNullMessageSequence Warning A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because it did not have the DiscoveryMessageSequence property. Discovery
4811 - DiscoveryMessageWithNullRelatesTo Warning A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped by the DiscoveryClient because the message header did not contain the required RelatesTo property. Discovery
4812 - DiscoveryMessageWithNullReplyTo Warning A discovery request message with messageId='%1' was dropped because it did not have a ReplyTo address. Discovery
4813 - DuplicateDiscoveryMessage Warning A %1 message with messageId='%2' was dropped because it was a duplicate. Discovery
4814 - EndpointDiscoverabilityDisabled Information The discoverability of endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and ListenUri='%2' has been disabled. Discovery
4814 - EndpointDiscoverabilityDisabled Information The discoverability of endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and ListenUri='%2' has been enabled. Discovery
4816 - FindInitiatedInDiscoveryClientChannel Verbose A Find operation was initiated in the DiscoveryClientChannel to discover endpoint(s). Discovery
4817 - InnerChannelCreationFailed Warning The DiscoveryClientChannel failed to create the channel with a discovered endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and Via='%2'. The DiscoveryClientChannel will now attempt to use the next available discovered endpoint. Discovery
4818 - InnerChannelOpenFailed Warning The DiscoveryClientChannel failed to open the channel with a discovered endpoint with EndpointAddress='%1' and Via='%2'. The DiscoveryClientChannel will now attempt to use the next available discovered endpoint. Discovery
4819 - InnerChannelOpenSucceeded Information The DiscoveryClientChannel successfully discovered an endpoint and opened the channel using it. The client is connected to a service using EndpointAddress='%1' and Via='%2'. Discovery
4820 - SynchronizationContextReset Information The SynchronizationContext has been reset to its original value of %1 by DiscoveryClientChannel. Discovery
4821 - SynchronizationContextSetToNull Information The SynchronizationContext has been set to null by DiscoveryClientChannel before initiating the Find operation. Discovery
5001 - DCSerializeWithSurrogateStart Verbose DataContract serialize %1 with surrogates start. Serialization
5002 - DCSerializeWithSurrogateStop Verbose DataContract serialize with surrogates stop. Serialization
5003 - DCDeserializeWithSurrogateStart Verbose DataContract deserialize %1 with surrogates start. Serialization
5004 - DCDeserializeWithSurrogateStop Verbose DataContract deserialize with surrogates stop. Serialization
5005 - ImportKnownTypesStart Verbose ImportKnownTypes start. Serialization
5006 - ImportKnownTypesStop Verbose ImportKnownTypes stop. Serialization
5007 - DCResolverResolve Verbose DataContract resolver resolving %1 start. Serialization
5008 - DCGenWriterStart Verbose DataContract generate %1 writer for %2 start. Serialization
5009 - DCGenWriterStop Verbose DataContract generate writer stop. Serialization
5010 - DCGenReaderStart Verbose DataContract generate %1 reader for %2 start. Serialization
5011 - DCGenReaderStop Verbose DataContract generation stop. Serialization
5012 - DCJsonGenReaderStart Verbose Json generate %1 reader for %2 start. Serialization
5013 - DCJsonGenReaderStop Verbose Json reader generation stop. Serialization
5014 - DCJsonGenWriterStart Verbose Json generate %1 writer for %2 start. Serialization
5015 - DCJsonGenWriterStop Verbose Json generate writer stop. Serialization
5016 - GenXmlSerializableStart Verbose Generate Xml serializable for '%1' start. Serialization
5017 - GenXmlSerializableStop Verbose Generate Xml serializable stop. Serialization
5203 - JsonMessageDecodingStart Verbose JsonMessageEncoder started decoding the message. Channel
5204 - JsonMessageEncodingStart Verbose JsonMessageEncoder started encoding the message. Channel
5402 - TokenValidationStarted Verbose SecurityToken (type '%1' and id '%2') validation started. Security
5403 - TokenValidationSuccess Verbose SecurityToken (type '%1' and id '%2') validation succeeded. Security
5404 - TokenValidationFailure Error SecurityToken (type '%1' and id '%2') validation failed. %3 Security
5405 - GetIssuerNameSuccess Verbose Retrieval of issuer name:%1 from tokenId:%2 succeeded. Security
5406 - GetIssuerNameFailure Error Retrieval of issuer name from tokenId:%1 failed. Security
5600 - FederationMessageProcessingStarted Verbose Federation message processing started. Security
5601 - FederationMessageProcessingSuccess Verbose Federation message processing succeeded. Security
5602 - FederationMessageCreationStarted Verbose Creating federation message from form post started. Security
5603 - FederationMessageCreationSuccess Verbose Creating federation message from form post succeeded. Security
5604 - SessionCookieReadingStarted Verbose Reading session token from session cookie started. Security
5605 - SessionCookieReadingSuccess Verbose Reading session token from session cookie succeeded. Security
5606 - PrincipalSettingFromSessionTokenStarted Verbose Principal setting from session token started. Security
5607 - PrincipalSettingFromSessionTokenSuccess Verbose Principal setting from session token succeeded. Security
57393 - AppDomainUnload Information AppDomain unloading. AppDomain.FriendlyName %1, ProcessName %2, ProcessId %3. Infrastructure
57394 - HandledException Information Handling an exception. Infrastructure
57395 - ShipAssertExceptionMessage Error An unexpected failure occurred. Applications should not attempt to handle this error. For diagnostic purposes, this English message is associated with the failure: %1. Infrastructure
57396 - ThrowingException Warning Throwing an exception. Source %1. Infrastructure
57397 - UnhandledException Critical Unhandled exception. Infrastructure
57399 - TraceCodeEventLogCritical Critical Wrote to the EventLog. Infrastructure
57400 - TraceCodeEventLogError Error Wrote to the EventLog. Infrastructure
57401 - TraceCodeEventLogInfo Information Wrote to the EventLog. Infrastructure
57402 - TraceCodeEventLogVerbose Verbose Wrote to the EventLog. Infrastructure
57403 - TraceCodeEventLogWarning Warning Wrote to the EventLog. Infrastructure
57404 - HandledExceptionWarning Warning Handling an exception. Infrastructure
62326 - HttpHandlerPickedForUrl Information The url '%1' hosts XAML document with root element type '%2'. The HTTP handler type '%3' is picked to serve all the requests made to this url. WebHost