salesOrderLines resource type

Represents a line on a sales order in Dynamics 365 Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Dynamics NAV see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET salesOrderLines salesOrderLines Gets a sales order line object.
POST salesOrderLines salesOrderLines Creates a sales order line object.
PATCH salesOrderLines salesOrderLines Updates a sales order line object.
DELETE salesOrderLines none Deletes a sales order line object.


Property Type Description
documentId GUID The ID of the parent order.
sequence numeric The line sequence number.
itemId GUID The Id of the item in the order line.
accountId GUID The Id of the Account that will be used for this line. lineType will automatically be set to "Account" if this is set.
lineType string The type of the line. Can be Comment,Account,Item,Resource,Fixed Asset,Charge
lineDetails complex The details of the line.
description string A description of the item in the order line.
unitOfMeasureId GUID The Id of the unit of measure in the order line.
unitOfMeasure NAV.UnitOfMeasure The unit of measure complex type.
quantity numeric The quantity of the item in the order line.
unitPrice numeric The unit price of each individual item in the order line.
discountAmount numeric The line discount amount.
discountPercent numeric The line discount percent.
discountAppliedBeforeTax boolean Specified if the discount is applied before tax. Read-Only.
amountExcludingTax numeric The line amount excluding the tax. Read-Only.
taxCode string The tax code for the line.
taxPercent numeric The tax percent for the line. Read-Only.
totalTaxAmount numeric The total tax amount for the line. Read-Only.
amountIncludingTax numeric The total amount for the line including tax. Read-Only.
invoiceDiscountAllocation numeric The invoice discount allocation is the order discount distributed on the total amount. Read-Only.
netAmount numeric The net amount is the amount including all discounts (taken from order header). Read-Only.
netTaxAmount numeric The net tax amount is the tax amount calculated from net amount. Read-Only.
netAmountIncludingTax numeric The net amount including tax is the total net amount including tax. Read-Only.
shipmentDate date The date the item in the line is expected to ship.
shippedQuantity numeric The quantity of items from the order already shipped.
invoicedQuantity numeric The quantity of items from the order already invoiced.
invoiceQuantity numeric The quantity of items from the order to be invoiced.
shipQuantity numeric The quantity of items from the order to be shipped.


A Sales Order (documentId) must exist in the Sales Orders table.

An Item (itemId) must exist in the Item table.

An Account (accountId) must exist in the Accounts table.

A Unit of Measure (unitOfMeasure) must exist in the Unit of Measure table.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "value": [
      "documentId": "GUID",
      "sequence": "decimal",
      "itemId": "GUID",
      "accountId": "GUID",
      "lineType": "string",
      "lineDetails": {NAV.documentLineObjectDetails},
      "description": "string",
      "unitOfMeasure": {NAV.UnitOfMeasure},
      "unitPrice": "decimal",
      "quantity": "decimal",
      "discountAmount": "decimal",
      "discountPercent": "decimal",
      "discountAppliedBeforeTax": "boolean",
      "amountExcludingTax": "decimal",
      "taxCode": "string",
      "taxPercent": "decimal",
      "totalTaxAmount": "decimal",
      "amountIncludingTax": "decimal",
      "invoiceDiscountAllocation": "decimal",
      "netAmount": "decimal",
      "netTaxAmount": "decimal",
      "netAmountIncludingTax": "decimal",
      "shipmentDate": "Date",
      "shippedQuantity": "decimal",
      "invoicedQuantity": "decimal",
      "invoiceQuantity": "decimal",
      "shipQuantity": "decimal"

See also

Graph Reference
Working with Dynamics 365 Business Central in Microsoft Graph
Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Endpoints for the APIs
Error Codes
Get Sales Order Line
Create Sales Order Line
Update Sales Order Line
Delete Sales Order Line