Use feature switches to enable or disable optional and preview features

Use the Feature switches page to enable or disable optional and preview features in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys.

To enable or disable a feature, go to Settings > Other settings > Feature switches and set the various feature sliders to On or Off as needed. After you set the feature sliders, click Save in the upper right corner of the window.

The following table lists each available feature, preview status, and links for more information.

Feature switch Preview or production Description
Marketing effectiveness analytics Preview Understand the contribution of your marketing activities towards key milestones in your buyer's journey.
Business unit scoping (outbound marketing) Production Enable business unit scoping for marketing processes in outbound marketing.
UTM tracking Production Enable UTM values to be automatically added to every link in your messages. This allows source tracking within third-party tools like Google Analytics.
Event registration forms Preview Enable marketing forms to submit event registrations.
Enable events creations in real-time marketing Production Enable events creation in real-time marketing.
Updated customer journey designer Production Enable the redesigned customer journey design workspace.
CC recipients for emails Production Enable adding email CC recipients. Their interactions with sent emails (open, forward, unsubscribe) will be counted as a primary recipient interaction against quota and will affect your insights and analytics.
Easy email creation experience Production Enable easy content creation with in-place editing and an improved template gallery.
Send now Preview Enable Send Now to send emails without having to build a journey.
Configurable compliance settings in email editor Preview Enable configurable compliance settings in email editor.
Copilot Production Enables the use of an AI service to generate text suggestions based on a wide range of internet sources and (if enabled) on your organization's emails.
Data sharing program Production Enable Microsoft to manually access (human review) customer data to build, improve, and validate the feature's AI models.
AI tagging for images Preview Enable AI-generated tags to be added when you upload images to the asset library.
Smart recommendation for images Preview Enable suggestions of images from your asset library based on tags.
Customer Voice integration Production Enable Dynamics 365 Customer Voice integrations with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys.
Multi-brand consent and customizable preference centers Preview Create customized, branded preference centers in Customer Insights - Journeys that manage consent separately for each line of business. Note: You cannot disable this feature once enabled.
Smart scheduler Production Automatically select the best time to send an email message.


A preview feature is a feature that is not complete, but is made available before it’s officially in a release so customers can get early access and provide feedback. Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have limited or restricted functionality.

Microsoft doesn't provide support for this preview feature. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Technical Support won’t be able to help you with issues or questions. Preview features aren't meant for production use and are subject to a separate supplemental terms of use.