TechTalk: Introduction to the Dynamics 365 guidance hub

In this article, we explore the Dynamics 365 guidance hub, a centralized platform designed to streamline your Dynamics 365 experience.

We've based this article on a TechTalk that you can find online in the Dynamics 365 channel on YouTube.

Thumbnail of the TechTalk Series: Business Process Catalog and Guidance Part 1 presentation slide.

Introduction to Dynamics 365 guidance hub

The Dynamics 365 guidance hub is your gateway to a wealth of Dynamics 365 resources. It's a comprehensive repository for documentation and guidance, tailored for both customers and partners. The hub is designed to be the one-stop destination for all your Dynamics 365 documentation needs.

Key features of the Dynamics 365 guidance hub

Screenshot of the What can you find there? presentation slide, outlining new resource and existing resources.

The guidance hub is equipped with a plethora of resources, including:

  • Business process catalog: A detailed collection of processes, patterns, and guidelines.

  • Regular updates: The hub is updated bi-weekly, ensuring access to the latest information.

  • Interactive guides: Step-by-step guides and flowcharts provide visual and interactive assistance.

  • Community contribution: Users can contribute feedback and edits directly, fostering a collaborative environment.

The hub's interface is user-friendly and intuitive, allowing easy navigation. You can find sections for business process guides, implementation guides, tools, and resources, each meticulously detailed to cater to specific needs and provide practical insights.

Engaging with the community

Screenshot of the Give feedback and make edits presentation slide, outlining process for providing feedback and edits.

The Dynamics 365 community is encouraged to participate in the enrichment of the guidance hub. This includes:

  • Feedback submission: Users can provide feedback on every page, aiding continuous improvement.

  • Content editing: Contributions to content improvement can be made through the GitHub repository.

  • Updates via RSS feed: Stay informed about the latest updates by subscribing to the RSS feed.

The Dynamics 365 guidance hub: A deep dive

The Dynamics 365 guidance hub can be used to accomplish various aspects of your projects. This includes:

  • Understanding business processes: Start with a comprehensive understanding of the business processes that Dynamics 365 will support. This involves collaboration with business stakeholders to detail the processes.

  • Assembling the right team: Agile methodology thrives on cross-functional teams. Your team should be a mix of Dynamics 365 experts, business analysts, developers, and QA specialists.

  • Defining project scope: While agile methodologies support adjustments, it's crucial to establish a clear project scope for Dynamics 365 implementation is crucial. This includes prioritizing features based on business value and urgency.

  • Sprint execution: Regular stand-up meetings, collaborative work, and continuous testing are key to agile's success in Dynamics 365 implementation. This phase focuses on adapting quickly to changes and ensuring that features meet business requirements.

  • Review and retrospectives: Post-sprint, engage in reviews with stakeholders and retrospectives with the team. This is crucial for feedback assimilation and process refinement.

Overcoming challenges

  • Change management: Agile demands a cultural shift. Promote openness and flexibility among team members.

  • Integration complexity: Dynamics 365 may need integration with other systems. Involve integration experts in early planning.

  • Customization vs. configuration: Opt for out-of-the-box features to maintain simplicity and agility.


The Dynamics 365 guidance hub, with its rich resources and community-driven approach, offers a pathway to successful Dynamics 365 navigation and implementation. Embrace this hub to unlock the full potential of Dynamics 365 in your business operations.

You can use the following resources to learn more about Dynamics 365.