Payroll integration parameters

Applies to these Dynamics 365 apps:
Human Resources

Before using the Dynamics 365 Human Resources Payroll integration, you must set up the parameters described in this article.

Enable payroll address

To be able to use the payroll address, you must enable it from the shared parameters form on the Payroll integration tab.

Define the identification type

To expose the identification type ID in the payroll employee entity, you must configure human resources parameters for each company.

  1. In the Compensation management workspace, under links, select Human Resources Parameters.
  2. On the Payroll integration tab, specify the value of the following fields.
Field Description
Use identification types in payroll processing When this option is selected, the selected type ID will be exposed in the payroll employee entity.
Identification type The identification type to be exposed in the field mshr_payrollemployeeentityid of the payroll employee entity.

See also

Payroll integration API introduction