Data model considerations


Any upgrade from the previous version of Onboarding essentials to the current version is not supported. You must uninstall any previously installed versions of Onboarding essentials before installing the current version.

Onboarding essentials provides a set of configurable components to address any onboarding scenario. The Onboarding essentials components are based on core application entities. The main tables used in Onboarding essentials are as follows:

  • Application: Holds the core attributes of the Onboarding application such as application name, application category, and so on.

  • Related Party: An intersection table, which holds the party that requests the onboarding application, an applicant, or an account. In addition, the component contains a snapshot of the information that the applicant provides at the time of onboarding, and holds the core attributes of the applicant associated with the onboarding app. Such attributes include the applicant's name and address among others.

To build an application based on the capability components, you need to extend the data model to fit the needs of the business scenario.

  • The Application table can store more than one business scenario. To enrich the application information, you need to create a new table to store the information collected on the application for a specific scenario.

    For example, in a bank account opening onboarding scenario, all the business information relevant to account onboarding are stored in an Account application table. If there's another business scenario such as Loan onboarding, then the Loan application table holds information such as loan principal and loan type, among others. You can link the extended Application table to the core Application table by the polymorphic field Details.

    • If additional information is required, create new entities that are linked to the Related party table or the Contact details table.

    • If additional information is required for the applicant, add the new attributes to the Related party table.

See also

Application task manager
Set up multiple business scenarios
Deploy Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services
What is Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services?