Install and configure the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app

Applies To: Project Operations for resource/non-stocked based scenarios, Project Operations for stocked/production-based scenarios

This article explains how administrators can prepare your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Dataverse environments to support the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app. For information on how to install the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app on your mobile devices, see Install and open the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app on a mobile device.


It is advisable to delete all components of the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app from Dataverse if the Dynamics 365 Expense Management mobile app has already been installed during the public preview phase.

System requirements

To run the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app, you must use the following versions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance with the latest quality update (QU) or later.

  • 10.0.38 - 10.0.1777.180 or later
  • 10.0.39 - 10.0.1860.99 or later

Set up Dataverse for your Dynamics 365 Finance environment

Your Dynamics 365 Finance environment must be linked with a Dataverse environment, If Dataverse isn't already set up for your environment, follow the instructions in Enable Power Platform Integration.

When you create the Dataverse environment where you want to install the app, be sure to enable Dynamics 365 apps.

Enable users in Dynamics 365 Finance

To enable users for Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app access, follow these steps in Dynamics 365 Finance.

  1. In your Dynamics 365 Finance environment, go to System administration > Users > Users.
  2. Select the user.
  3. Select the Person field to default the employee association with the user. Employee should have employment in the default legal entity mapped with the user.
  4. Assign the Employee role for the user.
  5. Select User Options to open the user default settings. Go to the Preferences tab. Set up the Default company for the user.

Enable Code components for canvas app

Once you enable the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app in Dynamics 365 Finance, the next step is to activate the necessary code components for localization controls. This step is required to display the localized labels on the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app and must be performed before installing the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app. For more information, see Enable the Power Apps component framework feature.

Install the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app in Dataverse

You must install the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app in your Dataverse environment to enable users to access it when they sign in by using the Power Apps mobile app.

To install the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app in your Dataverse environment, follow these steps.

  1. In AppSource, go to Dynamics 365 Dynamics 365 expense management Mobile Application.
  2. Select Get it now.
  3. Select the previously created or updated environment where you want to install the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app, and then select Install.
  4. After successful installation, Dynamics 365 Dynamics 365 expense management Mobile is listed as a solution on the Solutions tab in Power Apps.

Refresh virtual entities in Dataverse


This step is optional. Virtual entities in Dataverse are refreshed automatically as part of installation process. Only perform this step if you face data-related issues on the Mobile app screens.

Once the code components for canvas apps are enabled, the next crucial step is to enable the virtual entities used in the Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app. This action ensures that the canvas app can utilize the most up-to-date metadata of these virtual entities to enhance the overall functionality and user experience of the app. For more information, see Refresh virtual entities.

The following list shows the entities that need to be refreshed.

  • mserp_currencyentity
  • mserp_expensefieldsvisibilityentity
  • mserp_logisticsaddresscountryregionentity
  • mserp_logisticsaddresscountryregiontranslationentity
  • mserp_dimattributetrvtraveltxtentity
  • mserp_trvtravellocationentity
  • mserp_trvexpenseparametersentity
  • mserp_logisticsaddressstateentity
  • mserp_trvaddresszipcodeentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobilemasterdataentity
  • mserp_trvmileagerateentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobilereportapprovalentity
  • mserp_trvadmincustomfieldsentity
  • mserp_trvexpensecategoryentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileactivitiesentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileaddresscityentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobilecompanyinfoentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobiledocumententity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileexpenseentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileexpensefieldvisibilityentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileitemtaxentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileprojentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileprojlinepropertyentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobilereportentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobiletaxgroupentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileexpenselineattachedtoreportentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobilereceiptattachedtoexpenselineentity
  • mserp_trvlogisticsaddresscountryregiontranslationentity
  • mserp_trvpaymethodentity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileattacheddocumententity
  • mserp_trvexpmobileunattacheddocumententity

Grant access to the mobile app in Dataverse

After the mobile app solution is installed in your Dataverse environment, you must share it with your users. The Dynamics 365 expense management mobile app is a canvas app. To share it, follow the instructions in Share a canvas app with your organization.

Each relevant user must be assigned a Basic user and Expense mobile user security role in Dataverse that lets them create a connection for the custom connector. You can assign this role to a Dataverse group team. Then, any user who's a member of that team also has the role. Alternatively, you can assign the role directly to a user.