Define an extended configuration entity for a channel instance

A Custom instance is the representation of a provider in Dynamics 365 Sales. When you create the channel, you need to configure a sender—for example, the sender of a text message. Each instance of a channel—that is, the entity Channel Instance—represents a single sender.

For each channel solution, you need to:

  1. Create a custom table to represent the extended configuration of the Channel Instance table (msdyn_channelinstance) defined in the base solution.

    The name of the table is assigned to the attribute msdyn_channeldefinitionexternalentity at the channel definition step.

  2. Create and edit One-to-many or Many-to-one table relationships to the base Channel Instance table in the msdyn_extendedentityid attribute.

    This attribute is a polymorphic lookup. Here's an example of the relationship in XML:

    <EntityRelationship Name="msdyn_ChannelInstance_extendedentityid_cr65f_samplechannelinstance">
            <Description description="" languagecode="1033" />
  3. Create a form to expose the configuration fields.

    The form is loaded in the Sales setup wizard. The form ID is assigned to the attribute msdyn_channeldefinitionexternalformid at the channel definition step.

    Screenshot of a form for an SMS channel.

Next steps

Define an extended configuration entity for a channel instance account