Lakehouse tutorial: Ingest data into the lakehouse

In this tutorial, you ingest more dimensional and fact tables from the Wide World Importers (WWI) into the lakehouse.


Ingest data

In this section, you use the Copy data activity of the Data Factory pipeline to ingest sample data from an Azure storage account to the Files section of the lakehouse you created earlier.

  1. Select Workspaces in the left navigation pane, and then select your new workspace from the Workspaces menu. The items view of your workspace appears.

  2. From the +New menu item in the workspace ribbon, select Data pipeline.

    Screenshot showing how to create a new data pipeline.

  3. In the New pipeline dialog box, specify the name as IngestDataFromSourceToLakehouse and select Create. A new data factory pipeline is created and opened.

  4. Next, set up an HTTP connection to import the sample World Wide Importers data into the Lakehouse. From the list of New sources, select View more, search for Http and select it.

    Screenshot showing where to select the HTTP source.

  5. In the Connect to data source window, enter the details from the table below and select Next.

    Property Value
    Connection Create a new connection
    Connection name wwisampledata
    Data gateway None
    Authentication kind Anonymous

    Screenshot showing the parameters to configure the Http connection.

  6. In the next step, enable the Binary copy and choose ZipDeflate (.zip) as the Compression type since the source is a .zip file. Keep the other fields at their default values and click Next.

    Screenshot showing how to choose a compression type.

  7. In the Connect to data destination window, specify the Root folder as Files and click Next. This will write the data to the Files section of the lakehouse.

    Screenshot showing the destination connection settings of the lakehouse.

  8. Choose the File format as Binary for the destination. Click Next and then Save+Run. You can schedule pipelines to refresh data periodically. In this tutorial, we only run the pipeline once. The data copy process takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

    Screenshot showing the destination file format.

  9. You can monitor the pipeline execution and activity in the Output tab. You can also view detailed data transfer information by selecting the glasses icon next to the pipeline name, which appears when you hover over the name.

    Screenshot showing the status of the copy pipeline activity.

  10. After the successful execution of the pipeline, go to your lakehouse (wwilakehouse) and open the explorer to see the imported data.

    Screenshot showing how to navigate to the lakehouse.

  11. Verify that the folder WideWorldImportersDW is present in the Explorer view and contains data for all tables.

    Screenshot showing the source data is copied into the Lakehouse explorer.

  12. The data is created under the Files section of the lakehouse explorer. A new folder with GUID contains all the needed data. Rename the GUID to wwi-raw-data

To load incremental data into a lakehouse, see Incrementally load data from a data warehouse to a lakehouse.

Next step