How to: Create a warehouse with case-insensitive (CI) collation
Applies to: ✅ Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric
All Fabric warehouses by default are configured with case-sensitive (CS) collation Latin1_General_100_BIN2_UTF8. You can also create warehouses with case-insensitive (CI) collation - Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_KS_WS_SC_UTF8.
Currently, the only method available for creating a case-insensitive data warehouse is via REST API. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a warehouse with case-insensitive collation through the REST API. It also explains how to use Visual Studio Code with the REST Client extension to facilitate the process.
Once a warehouse is created, the collation setting cannot be changed. Carefully consider your needs before initiating the creation process.
A Fabric workspace with an active capacity or trial capacity.
Download and install Visual Studio Code to download and install the application.
Create a new text file in VS Code with the .http extension.
Input the request details in the file body. Note that there should be a blank space between the header and the body, placed after the "Authorization" line.
<workspaceID>: Find the workspace GUID in the URL after the /groups/ section, or by running SELECT @@SERVERNAME in an existing warehouse.
<bearer token>: Obtain this by following these steps:
Open your Microsoft Fabric workspace in a browser (Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome).
Press F12 to open Developer Tools.
Select the Console tab. If necessary, select Expand Quick View to reveal the console prompt >.
Type the command copy(powerBIAccessToken) and press Enter. While the console responds undefined, the bearer token will be copied to your clipboard.
Paste it in place of <bearer token>.
In some scenarios, copy(powerBIAccessToken) may fail with the error uncaught TypeError: copy is not a function if there is any element id named "copy" in the page. In such cases, manually remove the element id using the following command before using the "copy" function: document.querySelector('#copy').remove().
<Warehouse name here>: Enter the desired warehouse name.
<Warehouse description here>: Enter the desired warehouse description.
Select the Send Request link displayed over your POST command in the VS Code editor.
You should receive a response with the status code 202 Accepted, along with additional details about your POST request.
Go to the newly created warehouse in the Fabric portal.
Execute the following T-SQL statement in the Query editor to confirm that the collation for your warehouse aligns with what you specified in the JSON above:
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