Real-Time Intelligence tutorial part 6: Create a Power BI report


This tutorial is part of a series. For the previous section, see: Tutorial part 5: Create a Real-Time dashboard.

A Power BI report is a multi-perspective view into a semantic model, with visuals that represent findings and insights from that semantic model. In this section, you use a KQL query output to create a new Power BI report.

Build a Power BI report

  1. Copy and paste the following query into your KQL queryset that was created in a previous step. The output of this query is used as the semantic model for building the Power BI report.

    | summarize arg_max(Timestamp, No_Bikes,  No_Empty_Docks, Neighbourhood, Lat=todouble(Latitude), Lon=todouble(Longitude)) by BikepointID
  2. Select Build Power BI report. The Power BI report editor opens with the query result available as a data source named Kusto Query Result.

Add visualizations to the report

  1. In the report editor, select Visualizations > Map icon.

  2. Drag the following fields from Data > Kusto Query Result to the Visualizations pane.

    • Lat > Latitude
    • Lon > Longitude
    • No_Bikes > Bubble size
    • Neighbourhood > Add drill-through fields here

    Screenshot of Power BI report generation window in Real-Time Intelligence.

  3. In the report editor, select Visualizations > Stacked column chart icon.

  4. Drag the following fields from Data > Kusto Query Result to the Visualizations pane.

    • Neighbourhood > X-axis
    • No_Bikes > Y-axis
    • No_Empty_Docks > Y-axis

    Screenshot of adding the second visual, a column chart, to the report.

Save the report

  1. In the top left corner of the ribbon, select File > Save.
  2. Enter the name TutuorialReport. Choose your workspace, and set sensitivity as Public.
  3. Select Continue.
  4. Select Open the file in Power BI to view, edit, and get a shareable link.

Interact with the report

When you open the Power BI report, you can add or edit visualizations. You can also interact with the visualizations. For example, selecting one of the Neighborhood columns on one visualization highlights the values of that neighborhood in the other visualizations.

GIF showing how cross-highlighting works in Power BI report.

For more information about tasks performed in this tutorial, see:

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