B2bLicensePreview allows your own services to query for a user's products and entitlements. You can scope your query to particular products, product types, or use other filters in your query. Your service should not regularly poll for user purchases to avoid call rate limits based on a per-user time window. Currently, the limit is 100 query requests within a five-minute window for the same user. Triggering a rate limit causes a 429 HTTP response with information about when the next request can be made.


To avoid response time-outs, you should always specify the exact products you want in your results by using the productSkuIds parameter in the request. Calling without the productSkuIds list results in all products across your publisher's catalog being included that the user is entitled to. This slows down the response time of the Collections service and can cause the call to time-out. By specifying which productIds you want, the request avoids unnecessary search results and will return faster. Therefore, all partners should use the productSkuIds option when calling B2bLicensePreview.


B2BLicensePreview is for calls from partner services. Client apps or games should not call this service directly.

B2bLicensePreview (Collections v8) vs PublisherQuery (Collections v9) to query products

B2bLicensePreview (Collections v8) is the prior Collections service to query user entitlements, but is still available for partner use. PublisherQuery (Collections v9) is the latest and provides expanded features such as exposing Xbox Game Pass subscription status. There are still scenarios where partners may want to use B2bLicensePreview such as support for LegacyProductIds used by the Xbox Inventory service.

For more information see the corresponding article Selecting the right Collections Query API for your needs


To Call B2bLicensePreview, you need to use one of the following authentication types:

  • A UserCollectionsID and a Service Access Token with an audience URI of
  • Delegated authorization XSTS token for the Relying Party

For more information, see Authenticating your service with the Microsoft Store APIs.

Additionally, the products that you want to be visible to your service require additional configuration in Partner Center based on which type of authentication your service is using to call the Collections service. See the following on how to properly configure your products in Partner Center:

Additional configuration required to view and manage products with a User Store ID / Microsoft Entra ID auth
Additional configuration required to view and manage products with delegated auth XSTS tokens


If the product configuration has not been done and published through Partner Center, the calls to Collections will succeed but there will not be any results in the response.


Request syntax

Method Request URI

Request header

Header Type Description
Authorization string Required. Either the delegated authorization XSTS token or the Microsoft Entra ID access token based on authentication type being used.
Signature string Required when authenticating with XSTS tokens. Not required for User Store ID authentication.
User-Agent string Optional but recommended. Helps identify your service for logging and investigations.
Host string Must be set to the value
Content-Length number The length of the request body.
Content-Type string Specifies the request and response type. Currently, the only supported value is application/json.

Request body

Parameter Type Description Required
beneficiaries UserIdentity The user for which this item is being consumed. For more information, see Authenticating through a User Store ID for PC titles. Not required for XSTS token authentication. Only for User Store ID authentication
productSkuIds list<ProductSkuId> If specified, the service only returns products applicable to the provided product/SKU pairs. Recommended for all service-to-service queries for faster and more reliable results. For more information, see the following table. No
continuationToken string If there are multiple sets of products that can't fit within maxPageSize, the response body returns a continuation token when the page limit is reached. Provide that continuation token here in subsequent calls to retrieve the remaining products from the original request's query. No
maxPageSize number The maximum number of products to return in one response. The default and maximum value is 100. No
entitlementFilters list<string> Specifies which product types to return in the query results. For a list of valid values, see Product type values and meaning. No
market string The country/region/market that you want to check the entitlement for. Using "neutral" (recommended) searches all markets. Otherwise, use the two-character ISO 3166 country/region code, for example, US. Yes
expandSatisfyingItems bool Include items that are entitled through bundles or subscriptions in the results. If set to false, the results only contain the items the user has purchased, such as the parent bundle's product information. If you're using this parameter, always specify which products you want results for to avoid long or timed-out requests. No
excludeDuplicates bool Removes duplicate entitlements where the user might be entitled to a single product from multiple sources. No
validityType string When set to All, all products for a user will be returned, including expired items. Valid returns products that have an active status, start date < now, and end date is > now). Invalid returns products that do not meet the requirements of the Valid option. No
sbx string Optional value for authenticating with UserStoreIds that specifies the Sandbox the results should be scoped to. Default without this value is the RETAIL sandbox. X-Token auth does not need this value as the Sandbox is specified within the X-Token. No

The ProductSkuId object contains the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description Required
productId string Also refereed to as the Store ID for the product within the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a product is 9NBLGGH42CFD. Yes
skuId string The specific SKU identifier if there are multiple offerings of the product in the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a SKU is 0010. No

Request example


The default maxPageSize is 100, but for this example we set it to only 2. This will ensure that only 2 items are returned per request and we will get a continuationToken to show how to request the remaining items with a follow up request.

Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Imwzc1EtNTBjQ0g0e...
User-Agent: MicrosoftStoreServiceSample_1.21.9.0
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2032

    "maxPageSize": 2,
    "excludeDuplicates": true,
    "entitlementFilters": [
    "market": "neutral",
    "expandSatisfyingItems": true,
    "productSkuIds": [
        {"productId": "9N30KZZF4BR9"},
        {"productId": "9MXL21XPWWWK"},
        {"productId": "9PLRFWZWWF91"},
        {"productId": "9MZ0MGGFPLTP"}
    "beneficiaries": [
            "identitytype": "b2b",
            "identityValue": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjYxNTI2OEI4...",
            "localTicketReference": ""
    "sbx": "XDKS.1"


Response body

Parameter Type Description Required
continuationToken string If there are multiple sets of products, this token is returned when the page limit is reached. You can specify this continuation token in subsequent calls to retrieve remaining products. No
items CollectionItemContractV8 An array of products for the specified user. For more information, see the following table. No

The CollectionItemContractV8 object contains the following parameters.

Parameter Type Description Required
acquiredDate datetime The date on which the user acquired the item. Yes
acquisitionType string Indicates how the user has this entitlement. For more information, see Product acquisitionType values and meaning. No
devOfferId string The offer ID from an in-app purchase. No
endDate datetime The end date of the item. Yes
inAppOfferToken string The developer-specified product ID string that's assigned to the item in Partner Center. An example product ID is product123. No
id string An ID that identifies this collection item from other items that the user owns. This ID is unique per product. Yes
legacyOfferInstanceId string The offerInstanceId value that would have been provided if calling the Xbox Inventory Service. This shouldn't be needed in most cases. No
legacyProductId string The older ProductID format from the Xbox Developer Portal and used by the Xbox Inventory Service. New products created in Partner Center don't have these by default but can be enrolled to have this value if needed. No
localTicketReference string The ID of the previously supplied localTicketReference in the request body. Yes
modifiedDate datetime The date that this item was last modified. With consumable products, this value changes when the user's quantity balance changes through an additional purchase of the consumable product or when a consume request is issued. Yes
productFamily string Indicates what type of product that this relates to. Usually, this is "Games" but can also be blank for game-related content. No
productId string Also refereed to as the Store ID for the product within the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a product is 9NBLGGH42CFD. Yes
productType string Indicates the product type. For more information, see Product type values and meaning. Yes
purchasedCountry string The two-character ISO 3166 country code indicating the region store the product was acquired from. No
quantity number The quantity of the item. For non-consumable products, this is always 1. For consumable products, this represents the remaining balance that can be consumed or fulfilled for the user. No
satisfiedByProductIds list<string> If this product is entitled because of a bundle or subscription, the ProductIds of those parent products are provided here. No
sharingSource string Indicates if the item is entitled because of a sharing scenario. However, with service-to-service calls, the results are always scoped to directly owned entitlements and this should always return as None. No
skuId string The specific SKU identifier if there are multiple offerings of the product in the Microsoft Store catalog. An example Store ID for a SKU is 0010. Yes
startDate datetime The date that the item starts being valid. Yes
status string The status of the item. For more information, see Product status values and meaning. Yes
tags string N/A. Yes
transactionId GUID The transaction ID as a result of the purchase of this item. Can be used for reporting an item as fulfilled. This value is the OrderID associated to when the user purchased the item. Should not be used as a unique identifier for this user's entitlement No
trialData TrialInformation Information about this product—if it's a trial and the time remaining. Yes

The TrialInformation object contains the parameters that are shown in the following table.

Parameter Type Description Required
isTrial bool Indicates if this product is licensed through a trial Yes
isInTrialPeriod bool Indicates if the product is in a trial period, such as a subscription Yes
trialTimeRemaining timespan Indicates the remaining time the trial is valid with the format of DD:HH:MM:SS.MS No

Product type values and meaning

Value Description
Game A base game product.
Application An app within Microsoft Store that isn't listed as a game.
Durable The downloadable content that's purchased once and owned until the product's end date.
Consumable A consumable product where the user's balance (or quantity) is kept and managed on the Collections service. On purchase, the quantity is added to the user's balance and can then be removed by performing a consume request. Users are able to purchase this type of consumable again without it being fulfilled first.
UnmanagedConsumable A consumable product that when purchased must be fulfilled by the game or the game's service before the user can purchase the product again.
'Pass' A Store Managed Subscription. This is different than the add-on subscription type configured under an app's Add-ons page in Partner Center.

Product status values and meaning

Value Description
Active The product is actively entitled. The user should have access to it.
Revoked Most commonly indicates that the user requested a refund.
Expired The product was part of an entitlement (usually a subscription) that has since expired.
Banned N/A.
Suspended N/A.

Product acquisitionType values and meaning

Value Description
Single Direct digital purchase or code redemption.
Recurring Owned or entitled through a subscription.
Conditional Owned but requires other products to continue use. Ex: Games With Gold obtained games

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 02:29:18 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1744
MS-CorrelationId: aadb976e-634e-4e63-92b1-93af49883b43
MS-RequestId: afeb8062-41e3-486e-b6c5-ec53a417bef3
MS-CV: BW/uJSvAbU6p3rbS.0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

    "continuationToken": "{\"checkSatisfactionIndex\":2}",
    "items": [
            "acquiredDate": "2021-08-30T21:53:08.2565331+00:00",
            "acquisitionType": "Single",
            "beneficiary": {
                "identityType": "pub",
                "identityValue": "NoUserIdProvided"
            "devOfferId": "",
            "endDate": "2021-08-31T21:53:07.4374279+00:00",
            "id": "1046015f83a8478397064c915224e5d3",
            "legacyOfferInstanceId": "fb758141-05cf-406d-b004-57e2a7c0d889",
            "legacyProductId": "fb758141-05cf-406d-b004-57e2a7c0d889",
            "localTicketReference": "",
            "modifiedDate": "2021-08-30T21:53:08.2589804+00:00",
            "purchasedCountry": "US",
            "productFamily": "",
            "productId": "9N30KZZF4BR9",
            "productKind": "Durable",
            "quantity": 1,
            "recurrenceData": {},
            "satisfiedByProductIds": [],
            "sharingSource": "None",
            "skuId": "0010",
            "startDate": "2021-08-30T21:53:07.4374279+00:00",
            "status": "Active",
            "tags": [],
            "transactionId": "995ec667-8114-4ab9-9f11-597a8419a775",
            "trialData": {
                "isInTrialPeriod": false,
                "isTrial": false
            "acquiredDate": "2021-08-30T19:55:44.7994325+00:00",
            "acquisitionType": "Single",
            "beneficiary": {
                "identityType": "pub",
                "identityValue": "NoUserIdProvided"
            "endDate": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999+00:00",
            "id": "27662ad4749342608ec09130b76601f9",
            "legacyOfferInstanceId": "4c584d39-3132-3058-c050-5757574b8500",
            "legacyProductId": "4c584d39-3132-3058-c050-5757574b8500",
            "localTicketReference": "",
            "modifiedDate": "2021-08-30T19:55:44.8043849+00:00",
            "purchasedCountry": "US",
            "productFamily": "Games",
            "productId": "9MXL21XPWWWK",
            "productKind": "Game",
            "quantity": 1,
            "recurrenceData": {},
            "satisfiedByProductIds": [],
            "sharingSource": "None",
            "skuId": "0010",
            "startDate": "2021-08-30T19:40:44.7994325+00:00",
            "status": "Active",
            "tags": [
            "transactionId": "8d5ed958-6c72-4812-87fc-57b105d3d197",
            "trialData": {
                "isInTrialPeriod": true,
                "isTrial": true,
                "trialTimeRemaining": "09:43:52.8580690"

Requesting remaining results with the continuation token

If your query has more results than can be returned in a single response (controlled by the maxPageSize), your initial query response will have a continuationToken. You can then use this continuationToken in a follow up request by adding the continuation token to a copy of the previous request body.


Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Imwzc1EtNTBjQ0g0e...
User-Agent: MicrosoftStoreServiceSample_1.21.9.0
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 2032

    "continuationToken": "{\"checkSatisfactionIndex\":2}",
    "maxPageSize": 2,
    "excludeDuplicates": true,
    "entitlementFilters": [
    "market": "neutral",
    "expandSatisfyingItems": true,
    "productSkuIds": [
        {"productId": "9N30KZZF4BR9"},
        {"productId": "9MXL21XPWWWK"},
        {"productId": "9PLRFWZWWF91"},
        {"productId": "9MZ0MGGFPLTP"}
    "beneficiaries": [
            "identitytype": "b2b",
            "identityValue": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjYxNTI2OEI4...",
            "localTicketReference": ""
    "sbx": "XDKS.1"


Even if you specify the excludeDuplicates flag, when using a continuation token it is possible to get entries of entitlements that have different status. So verify the results for duplicate entries and if they have a status that is not Active.

Manage products from your services

Authenticating your service with the Microsoft Store APIs

Managing consumable products from your service

Renewing a User Store ID key