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Contains methods for the following features:

  • Retrieving the preferred networking port for local multiplayer.
  • Retrieving the list of certificate thumbprints from the Network Security Allow List (NSAL).


Function Description
XNetworkingConnectivityHintChangedCallback Gets called when the connectivity hint structure is changed.
XNetworkingGetConnectivityHint Queries for device-wide information about the current network connectivity level, data limits, interface type, and network initialization state.
XNetworkingPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPortChangedCallback Gets called when the preferred local multiplayer port is changed.
XNetworkingQueryConfigurationSetting Retrieves the specified networking configuration setting's numeric value.
XNetworkingQueryPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPort Gets the preferred local UDP port to use for multiplayer traffic.
XNetworkingQueryPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPortAsync Gets the preferred local UDP port to use for multiplayer traffic asynchronously.
XNetworkingQueryPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPortAsyncResult Gets the results from a QueryPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPortAsync call.
XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlAsync Retrieves additional security information associated with a URL configured in the Universal Developer Portal for Xbox Live-enabled titles.
XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlAsyncResult Gets the results from the XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlAsync function.
XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlAsyncResultSize Gets the size of the results buffer from a QueryThumbprintsForUrlAsync call.
XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16Async Retrieves security information associated with an URL as configured in the Universal Developer Portal for Xbox Live enabled titles.
XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16AsyncResult Gets the buffer results from the XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16Async function.
XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16AsyncResultSize Gets the size of the result buffer from the XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16Async function.
XNetworkingQueryStatistics Retrieves the specified networking statistics into a caller provided buffer.
XNetworkingRegisterConnectivityHintChanged Registers title to changes in device-wide information about current network connectivity level, data limits, interface type, and network initialization state.
XNetworkingRegisterPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPortChanged Registers a callback function to call when the preferred local UDP multiplayer port changes.
XNetworkingSetConfigurationSetting Modifies a specified networking configuration setting to the provided numeric value.
XNetworkingUnregisterConnectivityHintChanged Unregisters a callback function that was registered with XNetworkingRegisterConnectivityHintChanged.
XNetworkingUnregisterPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPortChanged Unregisters a callback function that was registered with RegisterPreferredLocalUdpMultiplayerPortChanged.
XNetworkingVerifyServerCertificate Provides additional certificate chain validation.


Structure Description
XNetworkingConnectivityHint Defines the current device-wide state of the network, including network connectivity level, data limits, interface type, and network initialization state.
XNetworkingSecurityInformation Defines the security information used in configuring the HTTP stack for a specific URL endpoint.
XNetworkingStatisticsBuffer A union declaring buffer space for holding all possible output structure types returned when querying networking statistics with XNetworkingQueryStatistics.
XNetworkingTcpQueuedReceivedBufferUsageStatistics The output structure returned when querying networking statistics with XNetworkingQueryStatistics and the TitleTcpQueuedReceivedBufferUsage, SystemTcpQueuedReceivedBufferUsage, or ToolsTcpQueuedReceivedBufferUsage XNetworkingStatisticsType values are specified.
XNetworkingThumbprint Defines the certificate type, thumbprint, and thumbprint size.


Enumeration Description
XNetworkingConfigurationSetting Setting types for use with XNetworkingSetConfigurationSetting or XNetworkingQueryConfigurationSetting.
XNetworkingConnectivityCostHint Defines data-limit classification hints for a device.
XNetworkingConnectivityLevelHint Defines connectivity level hints for a device.
XNetworkingStatisticsType Statistics types for use with XNetworkingQueryStatistics.
XNetworkingThumbprintType Defines types of certificate thumbprints used in a title.