Update plannerTask

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Update the properties of plannerTask object.

This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.

Global service US Government L4 US Government L5 (DOD) China operated by 21Vianet


Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.

Permission type Least privileged permissions Higher privileged permissions
Delegated (work or school account) Tasks.ReadWrite Group.ReadWrite.All
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) Not supported. Not supported.
Application Tasks.ReadWrite.All Not available.

HTTP request

PATCH /planner/tasks/{id}

Request headers

Name Description
Authorization Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization.
Content-Type application/json. Required.
If-Match Last known ETag value for the plannerTask to be updated. Required.

Request body

In the request body, supply only the values for properties to update. Existing properties that aren't included in the request body maintain their previous values or are recalculated based on changes to other property values.

The following table specifies the properties that can be updated.

Property Type Description
appliedCategories plannerAppliedCategories The categories to which the task has been applied. For possible values, see appliedCategories.
assigneePriority String Hint used to order items of this type in a list view. The format is defined in Using order hints in Planner.
assignments plannerAssignments The set of users the task is assigned to.
bucketId String Bucket ID to which the task belongs. The bucket needs to be in the plan that the task is in. The value is 28 characters long and case-sensitive. Format validation is done on the service.
conversationThreadId String Thread ID of the conversation on the task. This is the ID of the conversation thread object created in the group.
dueDateTime DateTimeOffset Date and time at which the task is due. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z
orderHint String Hint used to order items of this type in a list view. The format is defined in Using order hints in Planner.
priority Int32 Priority of the task. The valid range of values is between 0 and 10, with the increasing value being lower priority (0 has the highest priority and 10 has the lowest priority). Currently, Planner interprets values 0 and 1 as "urgent", 2, 3 and 4 as "important", 5, 6, and 7 as "medium", and 8, 9, and 10 as "low". Additionally, Planner sets the value 1 for "urgent", 3 for "important", 5 for "medium", and 9 for "low".
percentComplete Int32 Percentage of task completion. When set to 100, the task is considered completed.
startDateTime DateTimeOffset Date and time at which the task starts. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
title String Title of the task.


For Project tasks that are replicated to Planner, only the percentComplete property can be updated.


If successful, this method returns a 204 No Content response code and an empty content. If the request specifies the Prefer header with a return=representation preference, then this method returns a 200 OK response code and an updated plannerTask object in the response body.

This method can return any of the HTTP status codes. The most common errors that apps should handle for this method are the 400, 403, 404, 409, and 412 responses. For more information about these errors, see Common Planner error conditions.



The following example shows a request.

PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/planner/tasks/{task-id}
Content-type: application/json
Prefer: return=representation

  "assignments": {
    "fbab97d0-4932-4511-b675-204639209557": {
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment",
      "orderHint": "N9917 U2883!"
  "appliedCategories": {
    "category3": true,
    "category4": false


The following example shows the response.

Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

  "createdBy": {
    "user": {
      "id": "6463a5ce-2119-4198-9f2a-628761df4a62"
  "planId": "xqQg5FS2LkCp935s-FIFm2QAFkHM",
  "bucketId": "gcrYAaAkgU2EQUvpkNNXLGQAGTtu",
  "title": "title-value",
  "orderHint": "9223370609546166567W",
  "assigneePriority": "90057581\"",
  "createdDateTime": "2015-03-24T18:36:49.2407981Z",
  "assignments": {
    "6463a5ce-2119-4198-9f2a-628761df4a62": {
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment",
      "assignedBy": {
        "user": {
          "id": "6463a5ce-2119-4198-9f2a-628761df4a62"
      "assignedDateTime": "2015-03-25T18:38:21.956Z",
      "orderHint": "N9917"
    "fbab97d0-4932-4511-b675-204639209557": {
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment",
      "assignedBy": {
        "user": {
          "id": "1e9955d2-6acd-45bf-86d3-b546fdc795eb"
      "assignedDateTime": "2017-04-24T22:40:44.5665917",
      "orderHint": "RWk1"
    "aaa27244-1db4-476a-a5cb-004607466324": {
      "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment",
      "assignedBy": {
        "user": {
          "id": "6463a5ce-2119-4198-9f2a-628761df4a62"
      "assignedDateTime": "2015-03-25T18:38:21.956Z",
      "orderHint": "U2883"
  "appliedCategories": {
    "category3": true,
    "category5": true,
    "category6": true,
  "priority": 5