chat resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
APIs under the /beta
version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.
Represents a chat that is a collection of chatMessages between one or more participants. Participants can be users or apps.
Note: If the chat is associated with an onlineMeeting instance, some of the listed methods transitively impact the meeting.
Method | Return Type | Description |
Chat management | ||
List chats | chat collection | Get the list of chats a user is part of. |
Create chat | chat | Create a new chat. |
Get chat | chat | Read properties and relationships of the chat. |
Update chat | chat | Update properties of the chat. |
Delete | None | Delete a chat. |
Remove all access for user | None | Remove access to a chat for a user. |
List members | conversationMember collection | Get the list of all users in the chat. |
Add member | Location header | Add a user to the chat. |
Get member | conversationMember | Get a single user in the chat. |
Remove member | None | Remove a user from the chat. |
Get chat between user and app | chat | Get one-on-one chat between user and the app. |
Mark chat as read | None | Mark chat as read for a user. |
Mark chat as unread | None | Mark chat as unread for a user. |
Hide chat | None | Hide a chat for a user. |
Unhide chat | None | Unhide a chat for a user. |
Messages | ||
List messages in a chat | chatMessage | Get messages in a chat. |
Get message reply | chatMessage | Get a single message in a chat. |
Get messages across all chats | chat collection | Get messages from all chats that a user is a participant in. |
Get retained messages across all chats | chatMessage collection | Get all retained messages from all chats that a user is a participant in, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. |
Get delta chat messages for user | chatMessage collection | Get the list of messages from all chats in which a user is a participant, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. |
Apps | ||
List apps in chat | teamsAppInstallation collection | List apps installed in a chat (and associated meeting). |
Get app installed in chat | teamsAppInstallation | Get a specific app installed in a chat (and associated meeting). |
Add app in chat | Add (install) an app in a chat (and associated meeting). | |
Upgrade app installed in chat | None | Update to the latest version of the app installed in chat (and associated meeting). |
Remove app from chat | None | Remove (uninstall) app from a chat (and associated meeting). |
List permission grants | resourceSpecificPermissionGrant collection | List permissions granted to the apps in this chat. |
Tabs | ||
List tabs in chat | teamsTab | List tabs pinned to a chat (and associated meeting). |
Get tab in chat | teamsTab | Get a specific tab pinned to a chat (and associated meeting). |
Add tab to chat | teamsTab | Add (pin) a tab to a chat (and associated meeting). |
Update tab in chat | teamsTab | Update the properties of a tab in a chat (and associated meeting). |
Remove tab from chat | None | Remove (unpin) a tab from a chat (and associated meeting). |
Operations | ||
List operations | teamsAsyncOperation collection | Get the list of async operations that ran or are running on the chat. |
Get operation on chat | teamsAsyncOperation | Get a single async operation that ran or is running on the chat. |
Pinned messages | ||
List pinned messages | pinnedChatMessageInfo collection | Get a list of pinned messages in a chat. |
Pin message | pinnedChatMessageInfo | Pin a chat message in a chat. |
Unpin message | None | Unpin a message from a chat. |
Note: When using application permissions, be sure you know how to get the chat ID. Because listing chats with application permissions is not supported, not all scenarios are possible. It is possible to get chat IDs with delegated permissions, and from change notifications for /chats/getAllMessages with application permissions.
Property | Type | Description |
chatType | chatType | Specifies the type of chat. Possible values are: group , oneOnOne , meeting , unknownFutureValue . |
createdBy | identitySet | The user or application that created the chat. Read-only. |
createdDateTime | dateTimeOffset | Date and time at which the chat was created. Read-only. |
id | String | The chat's unique identifier. Read-only. |
isHiddenForAllMembers | Boolean | Indicates whether the chat is hidden for all its members. Read-only. |
lastUpdatedDateTime | dateTimeOffset | Date and time at which the chat was renamed or list of members were last changed. Read-only. |
onlineMeetingInfo | teamworkOnlineMeetingInfo | Represents details about an online meeting. If the chat isn't associated with an online meeting, the property is empty. Read-only. |
tenantId | String | The identifier of the tenant in which the chat was created. Read-only. |
topic | String | (Optional) Subject or topic for the chat. Only available for group chats. |
viewpoint | chatViewpoint | Represents caller-specific information about the chat, such as last message read date and time. This property is populated only when the request is made in a delegated context. |
webUrl | String | The URL for the chat in Microsoft Teams. The URL should be treated as an opaque blob, and not parsed. Read-only. |
chatType values
Member | Description |
oneOnOne | Indicates that the chat is a 1:1 chat. The roster size is fixed for this type of chat; members can't be removed/added. |
group | Indicates that the chat is a group chat. The roster size (of at least two people) can be updated for this type of chat. Members can be removed/added later. |
meeting | Indicates that the chat is associated with an online meeting. This type of chat is only created as part of the creation of an online meeting. |
unknownFutureValue | Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
installedApps | teamsAppInstallation collection | A collection of all the apps in the chat. Nullable. |
lastMessagePreview | chatMessageInfo | Preview of the last message sent in the chat. Null if no messages are sent in the chat. Currently, only the list chats operation supports this property. |
members | conversationMember collection | A collection of all the members in the chat. Nullable. |
messages | chatMessage collection | A collection of all the messages in the chat. Nullable. |
operations | teamsAsyncOperation collection | A collection of all the Teams async operations that ran or are running on the chat. Nullable. |
permissionGrants | resourceSpecificPermissionGrant collection | A collection of permissions granted to apps for the chat. |
pinnedMessages | pinnedChatMessageInfo collection | A collection of all the pinned messages in the chat. Nullable. |
tabs | teamsTab collection | A collection of all the tabs in the chat. Nullable. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"chatType": "String",
"createdBy": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.identitySet"},
"createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"id": "string (identifier)",
"isHiddenForAllMembers": "Boolean",
"lastUpdatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"onlineMeetingInfo": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.teamworkOnlineMeetingInfo"
"tenantId": "String",
"topic": "String",
"viewpoint": {
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.chatViewpoint"
"webUrl": "String"