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cloudPcDomainJoinConfiguration resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a defined configuration of how a provisioned Cloud PC device joins to Microsoft Entra ID.


Property Type Description
domainJoinType cloudPcDomainJoinType Specifies the method by which the provisioned Cloud PC joins Microsoft Entra ID. If you choose the hybridAzureADJoin type, only provide a value for the onPremisesConnectionId property and leave the regionName property empty. If you choose the azureADJoin type, provide a value for either the onPremisesConnectionId or the regionName property. Possible values are: azureADJoin, hybridAzureADJoin, unknownFutureValue.
onPremisesConnectionId String The Azure network connection ID that matches the virtual network IT admins want the provisioning policy to use when they create Cloud PCs. You can use this property in both domain join types: Azure AD joined or Hybrid Microsoft Entra joined. If you enter an onPremisesConnectionId, leave the regionName property empty.
regionGroup cloudPcRegionGroup The logical geographic group this region belongs to. Multiple regions can belong to one region group. A customer can select a regionGroup when they provision a Cloud PC, and the Cloud PC is put in one of the regions in the group based on resource status. For example, the Europe region group contains the Northern Europe and Western Europe regions. Possible values are: default, australia, canada, usCentral, usEast, usWest, france, germany, europeUnion, unitedKingdom, japan, asia, india, southAmerica, euap, usGovernment, usGovernmentDOD, unknownFutureValue, norway, switzerland, southKorea. Use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following values in this evolvable enum: norway, switzerland, southKorea. Read-only.
regionName String The supported Azure region where the IT admin wants the provisioning policy to create Cloud PCs. Within this region, the Windows 365 service creates and manages the underlying virtual network. This option is available only when the IT admin selects Microsoft Entra joined as the domain join type. If you enter a regionName, leave the onPremisesConnectionId property empty.

cloudPcDomainJoinType values

Member Description
azureADJoin Joined only to Microsoft Entra ID. Cloud-only and hybrid users can be assigned and sign into the Cloud PC.
hybridAzureADJoin Joined to on-premises Active Directory and Microsoft Entra ID. Only hybrid users can be assigned and sign into the Cloud PC.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

cloudPcRegionGroup values

Member Description
default The region belongs to the default region group.
australia The region belongs to the region group: Australia.
canada The region belongs to the region group: Canada.
usCentral The region belongs to the region group: Central US.
usEast The region belongs to the region group: East US.
usWest The region belongs to the region group: West US.
france The region belongs to the region group: France.
germany The region belongs to the region group: Germany.
europeUnion The region belongs to the region group: European Union.
unitedKingdom The region belongs to the region group: United Kingdom.
japan The region belongs to the region group: Japan.
asia The region belongs to the region group: Asia.
india The region belongs to the region group: India.
southAmerica The region belongs to the region group: South America.
euap The region belongs to the region group: Early Update Access Program.
usGovernment The region belongs to the region group: US Government.
usGovernmentDOD The region belongs to the region group: US Government Department of Defense (DOD).
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.
norway The region belongs to the region group: Norway.
switzerland The region belongs to the region group: Switzerland.
southKorea The region belongs to the region group: South Korea.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudPcDomainJoinConfiguration",
  "domainJoinType": "String",
  "onPremisesConnectionId": "String",
  "regionGroup": "String",
  "regionName": "String"