cloudPcRestorePointSetting resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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Represents the settings of a point-in-time restore of a Cloud PC.


Property Type Description
frequencyType cloudPcRestorePointFrequencyType The time interval in hours to take snapshots (restore points) of a Cloud PC automatically. Possible values are: default, fourHours, sixHours, twelveHours, sixteenHours, twentyFourHours, unknownFutureValue. The default value is default that indicates that the time interval for automatic capturing of restore point snapshots is set to 12 hours.
userRestoreEnabled Boolean If true, the user has the ability to use snapshots to restore Cloud PCs. If false, non-admin users can't use snapshots to restore the Cloud PC.
frequencyInHours (deprecated) Int32 The time interval in hours to take snapshots (restore points) of a Cloud PC automatically. Possible values are 4, 6, 12, 16, and 24. The default frequency is 12 hours. The frequencyInHours property is deprecated and will stop returning data on January 31, 2024. Going forward, use the frequencyType property.

cloudPcRestorePointFrequencyType values

Member Description
default Default. Indicates that the time interval for automatic capturing of restore point snapshots is set to a default value of 12 hours.
fourHours Indicates that the time interval for automatic capturing of restore point snapshots is set to 4 hours.
sixHours Indicates that the time interval for automatic capturing of restore point snapshots is set to 6 hours.
twelveHours Indicates that the time interval for automatic capturing of restore point snapshots is set to 12 hours.
sixteenHours Indicates that the time interval for automatic capturing of restore point snapshots is set to 16 hours.
twentyFourHours Indicates that the time interval for automatic capturing of restore point snapshots is set to 24 hours.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudPcRestorePointSetting",
  "frequencyInHours": "Int32",
  "frequencyType": "String",
  "userRestoreEnabled": "Boolean"