taskReport resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph.identityGovernance
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An aggregation of task processing results for a specific workflow task within a workflow run. With this report, the health status of a workflow task within a workflow run can be easily determined and thus the source of error can be identified more quickly should a workflow run not have been completed successfully.
Inherits from entity.
Method | Return type | Description |
List task reports | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskReport collection | Get a list of the taskReport objects and their properties. |
Get summary | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskReportSummary | Read the properties and relationships of a taskReport object. |
List task processing results | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskProcessingResult collection | Get the taskProcessingResult resources for a task report. |
Property | Type | Description |
completedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date time that the associated run completed. Value is null if the run has not completed.Supports $filter (lt , le , gt , ge , eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
failedUsersCount | Int32 | The number of users in the run execution for which the associated task failed. Supports $filter (lt , le , gt , ge , eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
id | String | The unique identifier of the task report. Inherited from entity. Supports $filter (eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
lastUpdatedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time that the task report was last updated. |
processingStatus | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.lifecycleWorkflowProcessingStatus | The processing status of the associated task based on the taskProcessingResults. The possible values are based on the number of queued , inProgress , completed , completedWithErrors , canceled , failed , and unknownFutureValue .Supports $filter (eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
runId | String | The unique identifier of the associated run. |
startedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date time that the associated run started. Value is null if the run has not started. |
successfulUsersCount | Int32 | The number of users in the run execution for which the associated task succeeded. Supports $filter (lt , le , gt , ge , eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
totalUsersCount | Int32 | The total number of users in the run execution for which the associated task was scheduled to execute. Supports $filter (lt , le , gt , ge , eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
unprocessedUsersCount | Int32 | The number of users in the run execution for which the associated task is queued , in progress , or canceled .Supports $filter (lt , le , gt , ge , eq , ne ) and $orderby . |
Relationship | Type | Description |
task | task | The related lifecycle workflow task. Supports $filter (eq , ne ) and $expand . |
taskDefinition | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskDefinition | The taskDefinition associated with the related lifecycle workflow task. Supports $filter (eq , ne ) and $expand . |
taskProcessingResults | microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskProcessingResult collection | The related lifecycle workflow taskProcessingResults. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.taskReport",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"runId": "String",
"processingStatus": "String",
"successfulUsersCount": "Integer",
"failedUsersCount": "Integer",
"unprocessedUsersCount": "Integer",
"totalUsersCount": "Integer",
"startedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"completedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"lastUpdatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)"