deviceOperatingSystemSummary resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Device operating system summary.


Property Type Description
androidCount Int32 Number of android device count.
iosCount Int32 Number of iOS device count.
macOSCount Int32 Number of Mac OS X device count.
windowsMobileCount Int32 Number of Windows mobile device count.
windowsCount Int32 Number of Windows device count.
unknownCount Int32 Number of unknown device count.
androidDedicatedCount Int32 Number of dedicated Android devices.
androidDeviceAdminCount Int32 Number of device admin Android devices.
androidFullyManagedCount Int32 Number of fully managed Android devices.
androidWorkProfileCount Int32 Number of work profile Android devices.
androidCorporateWorkProfileCount Int32 The count of Corporate work profile Android devices. Also known as Corporate Owned Personally Enabled (COPE). Valid values -1 to 2147483647
configMgrDeviceCount Int32 Number of ConfigMgr managed devices.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceOperatingSystemSummary",
  "androidCount": 1024,
  "iosCount": 1024,
  "macOSCount": 1024,
  "windowsMobileCount": 1024,
  "windowsCount": 1024,
  "unknownCount": 1024,
  "androidDedicatedCount": 1024,
  "androidDeviceAdminCount": 1024,
  "androidFullyManagedCount": 1024,
  "androidWorkProfileCount": 1024,
  "androidCorporateWorkProfileCount": 1024,
  "configMgrDeviceCount": 1024