deviceProtectionOverview resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Hardware information of a given device.


Property Type Description
totalReportedDeviceCount Int32 Total device count.
inactiveThreatAgentDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices with inactive threat agent
unknownStateThreatAgentDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices with threat agent state as unknown
pendingSignatureUpdateDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices with an old signature
cleanDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices reporting as clean
pendingFullScanDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices pending full scan
pendingRestartDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices pending restart
pendingManualStepsDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices with pending manual steps
pendingOfflineScanDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of pending offline scan devices
criticalFailuresDeviceCount Int32 Indicates number of devices with critical failures
pendingQuickScanDeviceCount Int32 Indicates the number of devices that have a pending full scan. Valid values -2147483648 to 2147483647



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceProtectionOverview",
  "totalReportedDeviceCount": 1024,
  "inactiveThreatAgentDeviceCount": 1024,
  "unknownStateThreatAgentDeviceCount": 1024,
  "pendingSignatureUpdateDeviceCount": 1024,
  "cleanDeviceCount": 1024,
  "pendingFullScanDeviceCount": 1024,
  "pendingRestartDeviceCount": 1024,
  "pendingManualStepsDeviceCount": 1024,
  "pendingOfflineScanDeviceCount": 1024,
  "criticalFailuresDeviceCount": 1024,
  "pendingQuickScanDeviceCount": 1024