userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
The user experience analytics device for work from anywhere report.
Method | Return Type | Description |
List userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevices | userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice collection | List properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice objects. |
Get userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice | userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice | Read properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice object. |
Create userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice | userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice | Create a new userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice object. |
Delete userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice | None | Deletes a userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice. |
Update userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice | userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice | Update the properties of a userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice object. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique identifier of the user experience analytics work from anywhere device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
deviceId | String | The Intune device id of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
deviceName | String | The name of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
serialNumber | String | The serial number of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
manufacturer | String | The manufacturer name of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
model | String | The model name of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
ownership | String | Ownership of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
managedBy | String | The management agent of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
autoPilotRegistered | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates the intune device's autopilot is registered. When FALSE, indicates it's not registered. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
autoPilotProfileAssigned | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates the intune device's autopilot profile is assigned. When FALSE, indicates it's not Assigned. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
azureAdRegistered | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates the device's Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is registered. When False, indicates it's not registered. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
azureAdDeviceId | String | The Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) device Id. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
azureAdJoinType | String | The work from anywhere device's Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) join type. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
osDescription | String | The OS description of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
osVersion | String | The OS version of the device. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
tenantAttached | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates the device is Tenant Attached. When FALSE, indicates it's not Tenant Attached. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
compliancePolicySetToIntune | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates the device's compliance policy is set to intune. When FALSE, indicates it's not set to intune. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
otherWorkloadsSetToIntune | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates the device's other workloads is set to intune. When FALSE, indicates it's not set to intune. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
isCloudManagedGatewayEnabled | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates the device's Cloud Management Gateway for Configuration Manager is enabled. When FALSE, indicates it's not enabled. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
upgradeEligibility | operatingSystemUpgradeEligibility | The windows upgrade eligibility status of device. Possible values are: upgraded, unknown, notCapable, capable. Unknown by default. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Possible values are: upgraded , unknown , notCapable , capable , unknownFutureValue . |
ramCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates RAM hardware check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
storageCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates storage hardware check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
processorCoreCountCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates processor hardware core count check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
processorSpeedCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates processor hardware speed check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
tpmCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates Trusted Platform Module (TPM) hardware check failed for device to the latest version of upgrade to windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
secureBootCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates secure boot hardware check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
processorFamilyCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates processor hardware family check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
processor64BitCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates processor hardware 64-bit architecture check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
osCheckFailed | Boolean | When TRUE, indicates OS check failed for device to upgrade to the latest version of windows. When FALSE, indicates the check succeeded. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. |
workFromAnywhereScore | Double | Indicates work from anywhere per device overall score. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308 |
windowsScore | Double | Indicates per device windows score. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308 |
cloudManagementScore | Double | Indicates per device cloud management score. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308 |
cloudIdentityScore | Double | Indicates per device cloud identity score. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308 |
cloudProvisioningScore | Double | Indicates per device cloud provisioning score. Valid values 0 to 100. Value -1 means associated score is unavailable. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Valid values -1.79769313486232E+308 to 1.79769313486232E+308 |
healthStatus | userExperienceAnalyticsHealthState | The health state of the user experience analytics work from anywhere device. Possible values are: unknown, insufficientData, needsAttention, meetingGoals. Unknown by default. Supports: $select, $OrderBy. Read-only. Possible values are: unknown , insufficientData , needsAttention , meetingGoals , unknownFutureValue . |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.userExperienceAnalyticsWorkFromAnywhereDevice",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"deviceId": "String",
"deviceName": "String",
"serialNumber": "String",
"manufacturer": "String",
"model": "String",
"ownership": "String",
"managedBy": "String",
"autoPilotRegistered": true,
"autoPilotProfileAssigned": true,
"azureAdRegistered": true,
"azureAdDeviceId": "String",
"azureAdJoinType": "String",
"osDescription": "String",
"osVersion": "String",
"tenantAttached": true,
"compliancePolicySetToIntune": true,
"otherWorkloadsSetToIntune": true,
"isCloudManagedGatewayEnabled": true,
"upgradeEligibility": "String",
"ramCheckFailed": true,
"storageCheckFailed": true,
"processorCoreCountCheckFailed": true,
"processorSpeedCheckFailed": true,
"tpmCheckFailed": true,
"secureBootCheckFailed": true,
"processorFamilyCheckFailed": true,
"processor64BitCheckFailed": true,
"osCheckFailed": true,
"workFromAnywhereScore": "4.2",
"windowsScore": "4.2",
"cloudManagementScore": "4.2",
"cloudIdentityScore": "4.2",
"cloudProvisioningScore": "4.2",
"healthStatus": "String"