mobileThreatDefenseConnector resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Entity which represents a connection to Mobile Threat Defense partner.


Method Return Type Description
List mobileThreatDefenseConnectors mobileThreatDefenseConnector collection List properties and relationships of the mobileThreatDefenseConnector objects.
Get mobileThreatDefenseConnector mobileThreatDefenseConnector Read properties and relationships of the mobileThreatDefenseConnector object.
Create mobileThreatDefenseConnector mobileThreatDefenseConnector Create a new mobileThreatDefenseConnector object.
Delete mobileThreatDefenseConnector None Deletes a mobileThreatDefenseConnector.
Update mobileThreatDefenseConnector mobileThreatDefenseConnector Update the properties of a mobileThreatDefenseConnector object.


Property Type Description
id String
lastHeartbeatDateTime DateTimeOffset DateTime of last Heartbeat recieved from the Mobile Threat Defense partner
partnerState mobileThreatPartnerTenantState Mobile Threat Defense partner state for this account. Possible values are: unavailable, available, enabled, unresponsive, notSetUp, error, unknownFutureValue.
androidMobileApplicationManagementEnabled Boolean When TRUE, inidicates that data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner can be used during Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluations for Android devices. When FALSE, inidicates that data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner should not be used during Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluations for Android devices. Only one partner per platform may be enabled for Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluation. Default value is FALSE.
iosMobileApplicationManagementEnabled Boolean When TRUE, inidicates that data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner can be used during Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluations for IOS devices. When FALSE, inidicates that data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner should not be used during Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluations for IOS devices. Only one partner per platform may be enabled for Mobile Application Management (MAM) evaluation. Default value is FALSE.
windowsMobileApplicationManagementEnabled Boolean When TRUE, app protection policies using the Device Threat Level rule will evaluate devices including data from this connector for Windows. When FALSE, Intune will not use device risk details sent over this connector during app protection policies calculation for policies with a Device Threat Level configured. Existing devices that are not compliant due to risk levels obtained from this connector will also become compliant.
androidEnabled Boolean For Android, set whether data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner should be used during compliance evaluations
iosEnabled Boolean For IOS, get or set whether data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner should be used during compliance evaluations
windowsEnabled Boolean When TRUE, inidicates that data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner can be used during compliance evaluations for Windows. When FALSE, inidicates that data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner should not be used during compliance evaluations for Windows. Default value is FALSE.
macEnabled Boolean For Mac, get or set whether data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner should be used during compliance evaluations
androidDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData Boolean For Android, set whether Intune must receive data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner prior to marking a device compliant
iosDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData Boolean For IOS, set whether Intune must receive data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner prior to marking a device compliant
windowsDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData Boolean When TRUE, inidicates that Intune must receive data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner prior to marking a device compliant for Windows. When FALSE, inidicates that Intune may make a device compliant without receiving data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner for Windows. Default value is FALSE.
macDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData Boolean For Mac, get or set whether Intune must receive data from the Mobile Threat Defense partner prior to marking a device compliant
partnerUnsupportedOsVersionBlocked Boolean Get or set whether to block devices on the enabled platforms that do not meet the minimum version requirements of the Mobile Threat Defense partner
partnerUnresponsivenessThresholdInDays Int32 Get or Set days the per tenant tolerance to unresponsiveness for this partner integration
allowPartnerToCollectIOSApplicationMetadata Boolean When TRUE, indicates the Mobile Threat Defense partner may collect metadata about installed applications from Intune for IOS devices. When FALSE, indicates the Mobile Threat Defense partner may not collect metadata about installed applications from Intune for IOS devices. Default value is FALSE.
allowPartnerToCollectIOSPersonalApplicationMetadata Boolean When TRUE, indicates the Mobile Threat Defense partner may collect metadata about personally installed applications from Intune for IOS devices. When FALSE, indicates the Mobile Threat Defense partner may not collect metadata about personally installed applications from Intune for IOS devices. Default value is FALSE.
microsoftDefenderForEndpointAttachEnabled Boolean When TRUE, inidicates that configuration profile management via Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is enabled. When FALSE, inidicates that configuration profile management via Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is disabled. Default value is FALSE.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.mobileThreatDefenseConnector",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "lastHeartbeatDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "partnerState": "String",
  "androidMobileApplicationManagementEnabled": true,
  "iosMobileApplicationManagementEnabled": true,
  "windowsMobileApplicationManagementEnabled": true,
  "androidEnabled": true,
  "iosEnabled": true,
  "windowsEnabled": true,
  "macEnabled": true,
  "androidDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData": true,
  "iosDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData": true,
  "windowsDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData": true,
  "macDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData": true,
  "partnerUnsupportedOsVersionBlocked": true,
  "partnerUnresponsivenessThresholdInDays": 1024,
  "allowPartnerToCollectIOSApplicationMetadata": true,
  "allowPartnerToCollectIOSPersonalApplicationMetadata": true,
  "microsoftDefenderForEndpointAttachEnabled": true