appVulnerabilityTask resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
An app vulnerability task.
Inherits from deviceAppManagementTask
Method | Return Type | Description |
List appVulnerabilityTasks | appVulnerabilityTask collection | List properties and relationships of the appVulnerabilityTask objects. |
Get appVulnerabilityTask | appVulnerabilityTask | Read properties and relationships of the appVulnerabilityTask object. |
Create appVulnerabilityTask | appVulnerabilityTask | Create a new appVulnerabilityTask object. |
Delete appVulnerabilityTask | None | Deletes a appVulnerabilityTask. |
Update appVulnerabilityTask | appVulnerabilityTask | Update the properties of a appVulnerabilityTask object. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The entity key. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
displayName | String | The name. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
description | String | The description. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The created date. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
dueDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The due date. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
category | deviceAppManagementTaskCategory | The category. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask. Possible values are: unknown , advancedThreatProtection . |
priority | deviceAppManagementTaskPriority | The priority. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask. Possible values are: none , high , low . |
creator | String | The email address of the creator. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
creatorNotes | String | Notes from the creator. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
assignedTo | String | The name or email of the admin this task is assigned to. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask |
status | deviceAppManagementTaskStatus | The status. Inherited from deviceAppManagementTask. Possible values are: unknown , pending , active , completed , rejected . |
appName | String | The app name. |
appPublisher | String | The app publisher. |
appVersion | String | The app version. |
mitigationType | appVulnerabilityTaskMitigationType | The mitigation type. Possible values are: unknown , update , uninstall , securityConfiguration . |
insights | String | Information about the mitigation. |
managedDeviceCount | Int32 | The number of vulnerable devices. |
mobileAppCount | Int32 | The number of vulnerable mobile apps. |
remediation | String | The remediation steps. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
managedDevices | appVulnerabilityManagedDevice collection | The vulnerable managed devices. |
mobileApps | appVulnerabilityMobileApp collection | The vulnerable mobile apps. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.appVulnerabilityTask",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"displayName": "String",
"description": "String",
"createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"dueDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"category": "String",
"priority": "String",
"creator": "String",
"creatorNotes": "String",
"assignedTo": "String",
"status": "String",
"appName": "String",
"appPublisher": "String",
"appVersion": "String",
"mitigationType": "String",
"insights": "String",
"managedDeviceCount": 1024,
"mobileAppCount": 1024,
"remediation": "String"