multiTenantOrganizationJoinRequestRecord resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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Defines the status of a tenant joining a multi-tenant organization. Before a tenant added to a multi-tenant organization can participate in the multi-tenant organization, the administrator of the tenant must join the multi-tenant organization.


Method Return type Description
Get multiTenantOrganizationJoinRequestRecord Get the status of a tenant joining a multi-tenant organization.
Update multiTenantOrganizationJoinRequestRecord Join a multi-tenant organization.


Property Type Description
addedByTenantId String Tenant ID of the Microsoft Entra tenant that added a tenant to the multi-tenant organization. To reset a failed join request, set addedByTenantId to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. Required.
memberState multiTenantOrganizationMemberState State of the tenant in the multi-tenant organization. The possible values are: pending, active, removed, unknownFutureValue. Tenants in the pending state must join the multi-tenant organization to participate in the multi-tenant organization. Tenants in the active state can participate in the multi-tenant organization. Tenants in the removed state are in the process of being removed from the multi-tenant organization. Read-only.
role multiTenantOrganizationMemberRole Role of the tenant in the multi-tenant organization. The possible values are: owner, member (default), unknownFutureValue. Tenants with the owner role can manage the multi-tenant organization. There can be multiple tenants with the owner role in a multi-tenant organization. Tenants with the member role can participate in a multi-tenant organization.
transitionDetails multiTenantOrganizationJoinRequestTransitionDetails Details of the processing status for a tenant joining a multi-tenant organization. Read-only.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.multiTenantOrganizationJoinRequestRecord",
  "addedByTenantId": "String",
  "memberState": "String",
  "role": "String",
  "transitionDetails": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.multiTenantOrganizationJoinRequestTransitionDetails"