Working with Microsoft Teams messaging APIs in Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Graph provides a comprehensive set of Microsoft Teams APIs that enable you to perform operations on Teams messages. This article describes the primary Teams API schema elements and provides an overview of the APIs to use based on high-level scenarios. For more details about Teams APIs in Microsoft Graph, see Use the Microsoft Graph API to work with Teams.

chatMessage schema

The chatMessage resource type represents messages in Teams chats and channels. This section describes the elements of the chatMessage schema.

Note: The examples in this section show only the relevant schema elements and not the entire message payload.


The chatMessageAttachment resource type represents entities that can be referenced from a chatMessage. These entities include files, tabs, cards, meetings, or other messages. The items themselves might be located somewhere else. For example, files might be stored in SharePoint. The following sections describe the possible types of attachments on a chatMessage object.

file attachment

When an attachment object refers to a file, it contains information about the file, including the link to open the file. The file itself is located in an accessible store like SharePoint. When a chatMessage has an attachment of type file, the value of the contentType property on the attachment resource is set to reference, and the contentUrl property contains the file URL.

Note: The SharePoint URL is the link that opens the file; it is not the Microsoft Graph URL. Callers can, however, use the access shared items API to get the information about the contents of the file.

The following example shows the schema for a file attachment.

    "attachments": [
            "id": "924D1F74-E0D2-4927-8A67-15ECEF455527",
            "contentType": "reference",
            "contentUrl": " Documents/General/color.png",
            "content": null,
            "name": "color.png",
            "thumbnailUrl": null,
            "teamsAppId": null

tab attachment

When an attachment object refers to a tab hosted in the present context, the contentType property is set to tabReference, the id property is set to the ID of the tab, and the name property is set to the tab name. This scenario often applies when tabs are newly added.

The following example shows the schema for an tab attachment.

"attachments": [
            "id": "tab::d64ea8d0-8b63-4f53-9bf6-806648176968",
            "contentType": "tabReference",
            "contentUrl": null,
            "content": null,
            "name": "Bing",
            "thumbnailUrl": null,
            "teamsAppId": null

card attachment

Cards represent visual elements backed by a predefined schema. Teams supports the cards defined by the Bot Framework in addition to the following card types:

  • Code snippet - Set contentType to application/
  • Announcement card - Set contentType set to application/

For cards, the contentType property is set to the type of card, and the content property contains the serialized json for the card.

Note: Aspects of cards such as images might refer to external resources or resources hosted by Teams as chatMessageHostedContent.

The following example shows the schema for an adaptive card attachment. This card has images that are hosted by Teams.

    "attachments": [
            "id": "74d20c7f34aa4a7fb74e2b30004247c5",
            "contentType": "application/",
            "contentUrl": null,
            "content": "{  \"type\": \"AdaptiveCard\",  \"body\": [    {      \"items\": [        {          \"columns\": [            {              \"width\": \"auto\",              \"items\": [                {                  \"size\": \"medium\",                  \"url\": \"$value\",                  \"height\": \"auto\",                  \"type\": \"Image\"                },                {                  \"horizontalAlignment\": \"center\",                  \"text\": \"SHADES\",                  \"weight\": \"bolder\",                  \"type\": \"TextBlock\"                }              ],              \"type\": \"Column\"            },            {              \"width\": \"stretch\",              \"items\": [                {                  \"horizontalAlignment\": \"center\",                  \"text\": \"08/31/2019 19:30:00\",                  \"type\": \"TextBlock\"                },                {                  \"horizontalAlignment\": \"center\",                  \"text\": \"Final\",                  \"spacing\": \"None\",                  \"type\": \"TextBlock\"                },                {                  \"horizontalAlignment\": \"center\",                  \"size\": \"extraLarge\",                  \"text\": \"40 - 7\",                  \"type\": \"TextBlock\"                }              ],              \"spacing\": \"Medium\",              \"separator\": true,              \"type\": \"Column\"            },            {              \"width\": \"auto\",              \"items\": [                {                  \"horizontalAlignment\": \"center\",                  \"size\": \"medium\",                  \"url\": \"$value\",                  \"height\": \"auto\",                  \"type\": \"Image\"                },                {                  \"horizontalAlignment\": \"center\",                  \"text\": \"SKINS\",                  \"weight\": \"bolder\",                  \"type\": \"TextBlock\"                }              ],              \"spacing\": \"Medium\",              \"separator\": true,              \"type\": \"Column\"            }          ],          \"type\": \"ColumnSet\"        }      ],      \"type\": \"Container\"    }  ],  \"speak\": \"The Seattle Seahawks beat the Carolina Panthers 40-7\",  \"$schema\": \"\",  \"version\": \"1.2\"}",
            "name": null,
            "thumbnailUrl": null,
            "teamsAppId": null

For messages that are created by a Teams app, for example via messaging extensions, the teamsAppId property contains the ID of the app that sent the message.

The following example shows the schema for an adaptive card attachment when the message was sent by a Teams app.

    "attachments": [
            "id": "f60e7358497741f5bdb5fa7f101fe425",
            "contentType": "application/",
            "contentUrl": null,
            "content": "{  \"type\": \"AdaptiveCard\",  \"body\": [    {      \"items\": [        {          \"items\": [],          \"type\": \"Container\"        },        {          \"altText\": \"Awesome\",          \"horizontalAlignment\": \"center\",          \"url\": \"\",          \"width\": \"82px\",          \"height\": \"auto\",          \"spacing\": \"small\",          \"type\": \"Image\"        },        {          \"size\": \"large\",          \"text\": \"Awesome\",          \"weight\": \"lighter\",          \"wrap\": true,          \"spacing\": \"large\",          \"type\": \"TextBlock\"        },        {          \"size\": \"large\",          \"text\": \"Test User 1\",          \"weight\": \"bolder\",          \"wrap\": true,          \"spacing\": \"none\",          \"type\": \"TextBlock\"        },        {          \"size\": \"small\",          \"text\": \"From Test User 2\",          \"wrap\": true,          \"spacing\": \"extraLarge\",          \"type\": \"TextBlock\"        },        {          \"items\": [],          \"spacing\": \"small\",          \"type\": \"Container\"        }      ],      \"backgroundImage\": {        \"url\": \"\"      },      \"type\": \"Container\"    },    {      \"columns\": [        {          \"width\": \"stretch\",          \"items\": [            {              \"text\": \"**[Review your praise history](**\",              \"wrap\": true,              \"spacing\": \"small\",              \"type\": \"TextBlock\"            }          ],          \"type\": \"Column\"        },        {          \"width\": \"auto\",          \"items\": [            {              \"horizontalAlignment\": \"right\",              \"text\": \"**[Send praise](**\",              \"spacing\": \"small\",              \"type\": \"TextBlock\"            }          ],          \"type\": \"Column\"        }      ],      \"spacing\": \"small\",      \"type\": \"ColumnSet\"    }  ],  \"speak\": \"Praise card sent from Test User 2 to Test User 1. Awesome, with message \",  \"version\": \"1.2\"}",
            "name": null,
            "thumbnailUrl": null,
            "teamsAppId": "d832a33f-28c2-4969-8ad0-4fee681dc5b4"

Note: Microsoft Graph only supports cards that have the OpenUrl action set. Other actions like ShowCard are not supported. Microsoft Graph does allow messages posted by bots that have other actions in them to be read.

meeting attachment

When a meeting is scheduled in a channel, a message with meeting details is posted in the channel. A meeting attachment represents this object and includes the meeting details. The id property contains the ID of the meeting, and the content property includes details about the meeting organizer and the Exchange ID of the meeting. You can use the Exchange ID to look up the meeting by using the calendar APIs. The contentType property is set to meetingReference for meeting attachments.

The following example shows the schema for an adaptive card attachment.

    "attachments": [
            "id": "1628156567881",
            "contentType": "meetingReference",
            "contentUrl": null,
            "content": "{\"exchangeId\":\"AAMkAGU2NzgzNDQ3LWFkMTctNGY2MC05ZjM1LWFkOTYxZWZhYTY2MgBGAAAAAADFwPNVvpzXRqmCO5F6qAKtBwB89fWKTP8MSaPLNsJWtozvAAAAAAENAAB89fWKTP8MSaPLNsJWtozvAAFg-8IoAAA=\",\"organizerId\":\"8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2\"}",
            "name": "Testing channel meeting",
            "thumbnailUrl": null

message attachment

An attachment object contains a message when a chat includes a reply to a specific message. For message attachments, the id property contains the ID of the message. The content property contains more details about the message; for example, the message preview text and sender. For message attachments, the contentType property is set to messageReference.

The following example shows the schema for a message attachment.

    "attachments": [
            "id": "1622853091207",
            "contentType": "messageReference",
            "contentUrl": null,
            "content": "{\"messageId\":\"1622853091207\",\"messagePreview\":\"Testing unread read status\",\"messageSender\":{\"application\":null,\"device\":null,\"user\":{\"userIdentityType\":\"aadUser\",\"id\":\"8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2\",\"displayName\":\"Alex\"}}}",
            "name": null,
            "thumbnailUrl": null


The body property of a chatMessage object represents the body of the message. The body property can refer to other elements in the schema such as mentions or attachments. The contents can be text or html, as specified by the contentType property of the itemBody resource type.

The chatMessage schema supports the following non-HTML elements that Teams also supports:

  • at - A reference to an chatMessageMention that represents the details of a user, application, channel, team, or tag that is @mentioned.
  • attachment - Represents the position of an attachment reference.
  • systemEventMessage - When the content property of the itemBody resource is set to <systemEventMessage/>, the message represents a special event. For more information, see Get system messages.
  • emoji - When the body of the message contains an emoji, the $"<emoji id="IdOfTheEmoji" alt="AlternateRepresentationOfEmoji" title="TitleOfEmoji"></emoji>" element represents the properties of an emoji:
    • id - The ID of the emoji.
    • alt - An alternate representation for the emoji; for example, Unicode.
    • title - A title for the emoji.
  • customemoji - When the body of the message contains a custom emoji, the $"<customemoji id=\"dGVzdHNjOzAtd3VzLWQyLTdiNWRkZGQ2ZGVjMDNkYzIwNTgxY2NkYTE1MmEyZTM4\" alt=\"testsc\" source=\"$value\"></customemoji>" element represents the properties of a customemoji:
    • id - The ID of the custom emoji.
    • alt - An alternate representation for the custom emoji; for example, the name of the custom emoji.
    • source - The hosted content of the custom emoji associated with the message.

Example: A message that @mentions a team

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "<div><div><at id=\"0\">WebhookTesting</at>&nbsp;Hello team</div></div>"
    "mentions": [
            "id": 0,
            "mentionText": "WebhookTesting",
            "mentioned": {
                "application": null,
                "device": null,
                "user": null,
                "tag": null,
                "conversation": {
                    "id": "68a3e365-f7d9-4a56-b499-24332a9cc572",
                    "displayName": "WebhookTesting",
                    "conversationIdentityType": "team"

Example: A message with an attachment

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "Scheduled a meeting<attachment id=\"1628156567881\"></attachment>"
    "attachments": [
            "id": "1628156567881",
            "contentType": "meetingReference",
            "contentUrl": null,
            "content": "{\"exchangeId\":\"AAMkAGU2NzgzNDQ3LWFkMTctNGY2MC05ZjM1LWFkOTYxZWZhYTY2MgBGAAAAAADFwPNVvpzXRqmCO5F6qAKtBwB89fWKTP8MSaPLNsJWtozvAAAAAAENAAB89fWKTP8MSaPLNsJWtozvAAFg-8IoAAA=\",\"organizerId\":\"8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2\"}",
            "name": "Testing channel meeting",
            "thumbnailUrl": null

Example: A message with a system event

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "<systemEventMessage/>"
    "channelIdentity": {
        "teamId": "68a3e365-f7d9-4a56-b499-24332a9cc572",
        "channelId": ""
    "attachments": [],
    "mentions": [],
    "reactions": [],
    "eventDetail": {
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.conversationMemberRoleUpdatedEventMessageDetail",
        "conversationMemberRoles": [],
        "conversationMemberUser": {
            "id": "c4aefc8e-f890-4aa6-b586-6cce899ff7f8",
            "displayName": null,
            "userIdentityType": "aadUser"
        "initiator": {
            "application": null,
            "device": null,
            "user": {
                "id": "8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2",
                "displayName": null,
                "userIdentityType": "aadUser"

Example: A message with an emoji

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "<p><emoji id=\"smile\" alt=\"🙂\" title=\"Smile\"></emoji></p>"

Example: A message with a custom emoji

Note: Custom emojis are only available on the /beta endpoint.

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "<p><customemoji id=\"dGVzdHNjOzAtd3VzLWQyLTdiNWRkZGQ2ZGVjMDNkYzIwNTgxY2NkYTE1MmEyZTM4\" alt=\"testsc\" source=\"$value\"></customemoji></p>"


If a chatMessage is sent in a channel, the channelIdentity property contains details about the channel. This includes the ID of the channel and the team. This property is read-only.

The following example shows the schema for a channelIdentity in a message.

    "channelIdentity": {
        "teamId": "68a3e365-f7d9-4a56-b499-24332a9cc572",
        "channelId": ""


If a chatMessage is sent in a chat, the chatId property contains the ID of the chat. This property is read-only.

The following example shows the schema for a chatId.

"chatId": "19:8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2_976f4b31-fd01-4e0b-9178-29cc40c14438@unq.gbl.spaces",


The createdDateTime property represents the time when the message was created on the server. This timestamp might be different than the time when the message was sent by the caller. The server only records the server-side timestamp. This property is read-only; however, it can be written when you import messages from an external system.


If a chatMessage is deleted, the deletedDateTime property contains the time that the message was deleted. This property is read-only.

Note: Deleted messages are not always returned by all APIs. Change notifications always return deleted message notifications if the changeType of the subscription includes deleted.


The etag property represents the version of the message. Any changes to the message (including reactions and edits) changes the etag value of the message. This property is read-only.


If present, the eventDetails property represents details of an event that happened in a chat, a channel, or a team; for example, the addition of new members. For event messages, the messageType property of the chatMessage is set to systemEventMessage. For more information, see Get system messages.


The from property represents the sender of the message. Microsoft Teams supports the following sender types.

  • Entra ID users - Users who have a valid Entra ID. This includes Entra External ID guests and external access users.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent by an Entra ID user.

    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2",
            "displayName": "Alex Wilber",
            "userIdentityType": "aadUser"
  • Anonymous guests - Users who join a meeting by using a join link. These users provide a display name when they join the meeting. They have no persistent identity in Microsoft 365.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent by an anonymous guest.

    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "8578568e393e4ffe8763e0b7c3da01fe",
            "displayName": "Anon (Guest)",
            "userIdentityType": "anonymousGuest"
  • Personal Microsoft account users - Users who use their personal Microsoft account to sign in to Teams.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent by an anonymous guest.

    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "d78f5bc88c39f6b8",
            "displayName": "TFL 1017",
            "userIdentityType": "personalMicrosoftAccountUser"
  • Skype users - Skype (for consumer) users. For more information, see Teams and Skype interoperability.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent by a Skype user.

    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "alex1122",
            "displayName": "Alex",
            "userIdentityType": "skypeUser"
  • Skype for business on-premises users - Users who use the Skype For Business on-premises offering. For more information, see Teams and Skype for Business coexistence and interoperability.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent by a Skype for business on-premises user.

    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "b0eddfe2-659b-437d-b289-cf55c8b3bb1d",
            "displayName": "Alex",
            "userIdentityType": "onPremiseAadUser"
  • Bots - Conversational bots created via the Microsoft Bot Framework.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent by a bot.

    "from": {
        "device": null,
        "user": null,
        "application": {
            "id": "358f0194-6b0e-4dd3-af35-c24fe8a9ec87",
            "displayName": "Flow",
            "applicationIdentityType": "bot"
  • Outgoing webhooks - Outgoing webhooks allow developers to build a low-cost solution that is similar to bots. For more information, see Create outgoing webhooks.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent by a bot.

    "from": {
        "device": null,
        "user": null,
        "application": {
            "id": "22e50a9b-80cc-4eab-a092-ce64796d28d7",
            "displayName": "Custom bot",
            "applicationIdentityType": "outgoingWebhook"
  • Connectors for Microsoft 365 groups - Connectors allow posting one-way message to Teams. For more information, see Create connectors for Microsoft 365 Groups.

    The following example shows the from property for a message from an Office 365 connector.

    "from": {
        "device": null,
        "user": null,
        "application": {
            "id": "4c6cfc6e-cf78-44e8-87fd-bbb0efcad6a2",
            "displayName": "Bing News",
            "applicationIdentityType": "office365Connector"
  • Email - Teams allows emails to be sent to channels. When the user isn't known, the identity of the sender is shown as an email user with the details of the email used to send the message.

    The following example shows the from property for a message sent from an email user.

    "from": {
            "application": null,
            "device": null,
            "user": {
                "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.teamworkUserIdentity",
                "id": "",
                "displayName": "Test User",
                "userIdentityType": "emailUser"
  • Azure Communication Services user - If a message is sent by an Azure Communication Services user, the identity details of the sender are represented in the from field.

    The following example shows the from property of an email send from an Azure Communication Services user.

    "from": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.teamworkUserIdentity",
            "id": "8:acs:a04d09ad-aaa9-4e25-90de-475594b0fb52_00000006-96d3-711c-6a0b-343a0d000eb4",
            "displayName": null,
            "userIdentityType": "azureCommunicationServicesUser"

This property is read-only; however, you can write to it when you import messages from an external system.

Note: The display name isn't always present.


The id property contains a unique ID that represents the message. This property is read-only.

Note: The ID is unique only within a specific scope, such as a chat or channel. Different messages across chats and channels might have the same ID.


The importance property represents the importance of the message. The following are the possible values:

  • normal
  • high
  • urgent

The following example shows a message with the importance set to high.

"importance": "high",


The lastEditedDateTime property represents the timestamp when the message was edited by the user. This is represented in the Teams UI with the Edited flag. It is set to null if the message has never been edited.


The lastModifiedDateTime property represents the timestamp when the message was last modified. This includes changes such as reactions. Both the eTag and lastModifiedDateTime properties when a message is modified.


The mentions property represents users, applications (bots, webhooks), channels, teams, or tags that are @mentioned.

Example: A message that @mentions another user

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "<div><div><div><div><at id=\"0\">Alex</at>&nbsp;Test123</div></div></div></div>"
    "mentions": [
            "id": 0,
            "mentionText": "Alex",
            "mentioned": {
                "application": null,
                "device": null,
                "conversation": null,
                "tag": null,
                "user": {
                    "id": "c27c1b19-3904-4822-9813-4f6bdaab2eae",
                    "displayName": "Alex",
                    "userIdentityType": "aadUser"

Example: A message that @mentions a bot

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "<div><div><at id=\"0\">Power Automate</at> Learn more&nbsp;</div></div>"
    "mentions": [
            "id": 0,
            "mentionText": "Power Automate",
            "mentioned": {
                "device": null,
                "user": null,
                "conversation": null,
                "tag": null,
                "application": {
                    "id": "358f0194-6b0e-4dd3-af35-c24fe8a9ec87",
                    "displayName": "Power Automate",
                    "applicationIdentityType": "bot"

Example: A message that @mentions a team

    "body": {
        "contentType": "html",
        "content": "<div><div><at id=\"0\">WebhookTesting</at>&nbsp;Hello team</div></div>"
    "mentions": [
            "id": 0,
            "mentionText": "WebhookTesting",
            "mentioned": {
                "application": null,
                "device": null,
                "user": null,
                "tag": null,
                "conversation": {
                    "id": "68a3e365-f7d9-4a56-b499-24332a9cc572",
                    "displayName": "WebhookTesting",
                    "conversationIdentityType": "team"

Note: @mentions can also appear inside cards.


The messageType property represents the type of message. The following are the possible values:

  • message - Represents messages sent by users and applications.
  • systemEventMessage - Represents messages sent by Teams with details about various events such as adding members or deleting channels. For more information, see Get system messages.

The following values are not currently in use:

  • typing
  • chatEvent


The onBehalfOf property represents the user attribution for messages sent by a bot on behalf of a user. For more information, see User attribution for bots messages.

The following example shows a message sent by a bot on behalf of a user.

"from": {
        "device": null,
        "user": null,
        "application": {
            "id": "8a34cb8d-65dc-44e2-8375-a2261d1f2a4b",
            "displayName": "PolicyMaker",
            "applicationIdentityType": "bot"
    "onBehalfOf": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2",
            "displayName": "Alex Wilber",
            "userIdentityType": "aadUser"


If a message violates any data loss prevention (DLP) policies set by the tenant, a message PATCH can be invoked with the details of the policy that was violated. This hides the message from the Teams UI. The policyViolation property represents the details of the policy that was violated, along with the action.

The following example shows a message that was blocked due to policy.

    "body": {
        "contentType": "text",
        "content": ""
    "policyViolation": {
        "dlpAction": "blockAccess",
        "justificationText": null,
        "userAction": "none",
        "verdictDetails": "none",
        "policyTip": null


The reactions property represents reactions from other users on the message, such as likes. Each element represents information about the reaction and the user who reacted.

The following example shows a message with reactions.

Note: The display name isn't always present.

    "reactions": [
            "reactionType": "like",
            "createdDateTime": "2022-01-18T23:41:57.573Z",
            "user": {
                "application": null,
                "device": null,
                "user": {
                    "id": "8ea0e38b-efb3-4757-924a-5f94061cf8c2",
                    "displayName": null,
                    "userIdentityType": "aadUser"

The following example shows a message with a custom reaction.


  • Custom reactions are only available on the /beta endpoint.
  • The display name isn't always present.
    "reactions": [
            "reactionType": "custom",
            "reactionContentUrl": "$value",
            "createdDateTime": "2024-02-14T22:07:02.288Z",
            "user": {
                "application": null,
                "device": null,
                "user": {
                    "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.teamworkUserIdentity",
                    "id": "28c10244-4bad-4fda-993c-f332faef94f0",
                    "displayName": null,
                    "userIdentityType": "aadUser"


The replyToId property represents the ID of the message that a message is a reply to in a reply chain. This property is only set for channel messages. This property is read-only.

Note: For replying to messages in a chat, message reference is used.


The subject property contains the subject of the message. This is valid only for messages sent in a channel.


The webUrl property contains a URL that points to the message in the Teams UI. This URL opens the message directly in the Teams UI in a browser.

Choosing the right API for your scenario

Choosing the right API is essential for you to build the best possible experience. Using the right set of APIs also ensure that you to fetch data without hitting throttling.

The messaging APIs in Microsoft Graph fall into three:

  • APIs that map to the Teams UI. Any changes are immediately visible.
  • APIs that export data focused on users and teams. Any changes can take up to 24 hours to be available.
  • Change notifications-based APIs to get notified in real time.

Teams UI-aligned APIs

APIs that align to the Teams UI work in a similar way to how the Teams UI works. These APIs are built for once in a while syncs to get messages in a specific context. These APIs are highly performant and any changes (messages sent, edited, or deleted) are immediately visible.

The following are Teams UI-aligned APIs:

In addition, the following APIs act along with these APIs to serve specific scenarios, such as fetching specific instances or changing the order of traversal.

APIs for exporting data from Teams

APIs that export data typically work at a higher granularity than UI-aligned APIs. These APIs focus on allowing the fetching of large amount of data. It might take a while (up to 24 hours in certain cases) for data to sync and become available through these APIs.

The following APIs fall into this category:

Real-time APIs

Real-time APIs allow a caller to get notified as soon as a change is made (message sent, edited, deleted, and so on). These APIs are suitable for real-time applications like rendering messages outside of the Teams UI. In addition, these APIs allow for the creation of subscriptions and therefore the reception of large amount of data without hitting throttling. For more information, see Change notifications for channles and chats.