Business Metric Type in ESG data model

Base entity from which all Industry Data Model entities are derived.


Traits for this entity are listed here.


ParameterValueData typeExplanation
versionNumber"4.3"stringsemantic version number of the entity

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBase entity from which all Industry Data Model entities are derived.
enBusiness metrics are grouped by type:

Example: Debt and Capital

  • Ability To Meet Interest Plus Debt Repayments
  • Average Number Of Employees
  • Capital To Liabilities
  • Capital To Sales
  • Cash Disbursements
  • Cash Flow
  • Cash Flow To Debt Maturities
  • Cash To Liabilities
  • Cash To Working Capital
  • Comparative Fixed Assets
  • Current Assets To Working Capital
  • Current Debt To Equity
  • Current (Liquidity )
  • Debt Coverage
  • Debt To Assets
  • Debt To Equity
  • Debt To Fixed Assets
  • Depreciation
  • Doomsday
  • Equity (Common Stock )
  • Fixed Assets Depreciation Expense
  • Fixed Assets Insurance Expense
  • Fixed Assets Liquidity
  • Fixed Assets Mix
  • Fixed Assets
  • Fixed Assets To Stockholders Equity
  • Fixed Assets To Total Assets
  • Fixed Assets Turnover
  • Funded Debt
  • Income Tax Rate
  • Income To Equity
  • Interest Cost To Borrowed Capital
  • Inventory Expenses
  • Inventory To Cost-Of-Sales
  • Inventory To Current Assets
  • Inventory To Stockholders Equity
  • Long-Term Debt Capital Structure
  • Net Income To Capital
  • Operating Leverage
  • Pre-Tax Profit To Sales
  • Pre-Tax Return On Fixed Assets
  • Quick (Acid Test)
  • Return On Fixed Assets
  • Turnover Of Working Capital
  • Vendor Asset Financing
  • Vendor Fixed Asset Financing
  • Vendor Inventory Financing
  • Vendor-Financed Assets
  • Working Capital Turnover


  • Asset Turnover
  • Average Vendor Po
  • Bad Debts
  • Budget Expense Compliance
  • Budget Profit Compliance
  • Business Metric
  • Business Metric Category
  • Business Metric Relationship Type
  • Business Metric Type
  • Calculation Algorithm
  • Cash Sales
  • Channel
  • Channel Classification
  • Channel Type
  • Collection Period (Days Sales Outstanding)
  • Comparative Annual Bookings To Billings
  • Comparative Cancellations
  • Comparative Inventory Consignment Stock
  • Comparative Inventory Item Allocation Stock
  • Comparative Inventory Item Effective Stock
  • Comparative Inventory Item Excess Inventory
  • Comparative Inventory Item Free Stock
  • Comparative Inventory Item Shortage
  • Comparative Item Anticipation Stock Inventory
  • Comparative Item Contingency Stock
  • Comparative Item Economic Stock Inventory
  • Comparative Item Inventory Beyond Economic Repair
  • Comparative Item Inventory Loss
  • Comparative Item Inventory Turn
  • Comparative Item Obsolete Inventory Stock
  • Comparative Item Planned Inventory
  • Comparative Item Quarantine Stock Inventory
  • Comparative Item Safety Stock Inventory
  • Comparative Item Working Stock Inventory
  • Comparative Returns
  • Cost Of Sales Per Unit
  • Country (Iso 3166)
  • Currency (Iso 4217)
  • Deflated Employee Wage Growth
  • Depreciation Expense
  • Employee Compensation
  • Employee Turnover
  • Expense Growth
  • Expense
  • Expenses To Gross Profit
  • Facility
  • Facility Type
  • Fixed Assets Per Customer
  • Fixed Assets To Gross Profit
  • Fixed Assets Utilities Expense
  • Geographic Area
  • Geographic Area Type
  • Income From Opens
  • Indirect To Direct Cost
  • Indirect To Direct Labor
  • Insurance Expense
  • Interest Expense
  • Inventory Sales Days
  • Inventory To Fixed Assets
  • Inventory To Working Capital
  • Inventory Turnover
  • Iso Currency Conversion
  • Jurisdiction
  • Jurisdiction Type
  • Legal Entity
  • Legal Entity Business Metric
  • Legal Entity Business Metric Party Relationship Type
  • Legal Entity Business Metric Related Party
  • Legal Entity Form
  • Metric Purpose
  • New Fixed Assets
  • Orders To Employee
  • Overhead To Cost Of Sales
  • Party
  • Party Business Metric
  • Party Business Metric Party Relationship Type
  • Party Business Metric Related Party
  • Party Geographic Area Business Metric
  • Party Jurisdiction Business Metric
  • Party Organization
  • Party Organization Party Relationship Type
  • Party Organization Related Party
  • Party Organization Relationship
  • Party Organization Relationship Type
  • Party Organization Type
  • Party Relationship Type
  • Party Type
  • Payment Period
  • Period Purchase Orders To Total Assets
  • Pre-Tax Return On Order Billings
  • Receivables To Sales
  • Related Business Metric
  • Related Business Metric Type
  • Related Legal Entity Business Metric
  • Related Party
  • Related Party Business Metric
  • Related Party Geographic Area Business Metric
  • Related Party Jurisdiction Business Metric
  • Rent Expense
  • Return On Billings Before Taxes
  • Sales Growth
  • Sales Revenue To Productive Floor Space
  • Store
  • Store Type
  • Total Expense
  • Unit Of Measure
  • Utilities Expense
  • Warehouse (Stockroom)
  • Warehouse Type


  • Book Value Per Share
  • Capital Employed
  • Cash Turnover
  • Debt Retirement
  • Dividend Rate
  • Dividend Yield
  • Earning Per Common Share
  • Price To Book
  • Price To Earnings
  • Price To Sales
  • Return On Working Capital
  • Stockholder Equity (Investors Capital)
  • Vendor-Financed Purchase Orders


  • Adjusted Profit Growth
  • Average Marketing Return
  • Average Order
  • Customer Growth
  • Deflated Profit Growth
  • Marketing Expense Growth
  • Marketing Expense
  • Order Growth
  • Return On Marketing Expense
  • Sales Per Customer
  • Selling G&A Expenses To Gross Profit


  • Adequacy Of Profits
  • Break-Even Margin
  • Gross Profit Margin
  • Gross Profit On Sales
  • Income To Sales
  • Net Income
  • Operating Income
  • Operating Margin
  • Openal Income To Sales
  • Pre-Tax Profit (Net Income Before Taxes)
  • Profit Growth
  • Profit On Sales
  • Profit Per Employee
  • Profit Retention
  • Return On Assets
  • Return On Employee Compensation
  • Return On Gross Profit
  • Return On Invested Capital
  • Return On Net Worth (Return On Equity)
  • Return On Owners Compensation
  • Return On Presidents Compensation
  • Return On Risk
  • Return On Sales Before Taxes
  • Return On Sales
  • Working Capital
  • Working Capital


  • Affordable Growth Rate
  • Back Order
  • Billings Per Customer
  • Billings To Backlog
  • Billings To Cancellations
  • Billings To Returns
  • Break Even Point
  • Break-Even Sales
  • Budget Sales Compliance
  • Comparative Annual Sales
  • Comparative Orders
  • Cost Of Sales
  • Cpi Adjusted Sales Growth
  • Current Customer Booking
  • Days In Sales Backlog
  • Deflated Sales Growth
  • Income From Opens To Sales
  • Investor Capital To Sales
  • Net Income To Sales
  • New Customer Booking
  • New Customer Order
  • Order Billing Per Customer
  • Pre-Tax Return On Billings
  • Pre-Tax Return On Sales
  • Receivables Turnover (Sales-To-Receivables )
  • Return On Order Billings Before Taxes
  • Sales Per Direct Employee
  • Sales Per Employee
  • Sales Revenue To Fixed Assets
  • Sales To Inventory
  • Selling Expenses To Total Sales
  • Selling General And Administrative Expenses To Gross Profit
  • Sustainable Growth Rate
  • Working Capital Efficiency Sustainability
  • Emissions
  • Social and governance
  • Waste
  • Water
  • Workforce
  • Corporate Governance
  • Board of directors -Number of board meetings
  • Total board expenses
  • Percentage of board members that attended board meetings
  • Percentage of board members that attended board and applicable committee meetings
  • Number of directors on the board
  • Number of independent directors on the board
  • Average director tenure
  • Community support
  • Total amount donated to local, nonprofit, community and other philanthropic organizations
  • Total amount donated to local, nonprofit, community and other philanthropic organizations across subsidiaries
  • Corporate giving campaign donations
  • College scholarship donations
  • Employee giving campaign donations
  • Labor relations
  • Number of unionized workers
  • Number of non-unionized workers
  • Union workers salaries amount
  • Non-union workers salaries amount
  • Political lobby
  • Lobby payments amount
  • Lobby costs amount
  • Lobby Representatives Fees
  • Number of direct lobby representatives
  • Number of indirect lobby representatives
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Names a specific identity attribute to use with an entity.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Minimum version of the object model required to fully understand the data schema used.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Semantic version number of the IDM.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{FADFF93E-C04C-4623-B695-F8C2A926BA6E}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The name of the business area from which the entity originates.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
name"Business Metrics"string

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBusiness Metric Type
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

A level of abstraction assigned to an Entity schema. Logical schema descriptions use complex dataTypes, inheritance, and entities as attributes. Resolved descriptions contain none of those things, only final trait and attribute sets are shown. A composition schema manipulates, guides or restates parts of logical schemas to produce one resolved schema.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
level"resolved"stringPossible values: logical, composition, resolved


Name Description First Included in Instance
BusinessMetricTypeId The unique identifier of a Business Metric Type. BusinessMetricType
BusinessMetricTypeName The name of a Business Metric Type. BusinessMetricType
BusinessMetricTypeDescription The description of a Business Metric Type. BusinessMetricType
BusinessMetricCategoryId The unique identifier of a Business Metric Category. BusinessMetricType


The unique identifier of a Business Metric Type.
First included in: BusinessMetricType (this entity)


displayNameBusiness Metric Type ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Business Metric Type.


List of traits for the BusinessMetricTypeId attribute are listed here.

Names a specific identity attribute to use with an entity.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{636659DF-78AB-43C9-8442-DA68D7A3916B}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBusiness Metric Type ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Business Metric Type.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The name of a Business Metric Type.
First included in: BusinessMetricType (this entity)


displayNameBusiness Metric Type Name
descriptionThe name of a Business Metric Type.


List of traits for the BusinessMetricTypeName attribute are listed here.

Indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{C1055332-61A0-4998-A28C-3C97FBC9880C}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBusiness Metric Type Name
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe name of a Business Metric Type.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Maximum length or value constraints.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The description of a Business Metric Type.
First included in: BusinessMetricType (this entity)


displayNameBusiness Metric Type Description
descriptionThe description of a Business Metric Type.


List of traits for the BusinessMetricTypeDescription attribute are listed here.

Indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{F4D4F49B-FE0C-4A56-A722-812E1BD26D14}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBusiness Metric Type Description
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe description of a Business Metric Type.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Maximum length or value constraints.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String. Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The unique identifier of a Business Metric Category.
First included in: BusinessMetricType (this entity)


displayNameBusiness Metric Category ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Business Metric Category.


List of traits for the BusinessMetricCategoryId attribute are listed here.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBusiness Metric Category ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Business Metric Category.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Marks the attribute(s) that hold foreign key references to a linked (used as an attribute) entity. This attribute is added to the resolved entity to enumerate the referenced entities.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define other identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{27DB1885-0F19-4D75-AC03-11C27D156D56}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.
