OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.azure.core.http.okhttp.OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder

public class OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder

Builder class responsible for creating instances of HttpClient backed by OkHttp. The client built from this builder can support sending requests synchronously and asynchronously. Use HttpClient#sendSync(HttpRequest, Context) to send the provided request synchronously with contextual information.

Building a new HttpClient instance

HttpClient client = new OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder()

Building a new HttpClient instance using http proxy.

Configuring the OkHttp client with a proxy is relevant when your application needs to communicate with Azure services through a proxy server.

final String proxyHost = "<proxy-host>"; // e.g. localhost
 final int proxyPort = 9999; // Proxy port
 ProxyOptions proxyOptions = new ProxyOptions(ProxyOptions.Type.HTTP,
         new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort));
 HttpClient client = new OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder()

Building a new HttpClient instance with connection timeout.

Setting a reasonable connection timeout is particularly important in scenarios where network conditions might be unpredictable or where the server may not be responsive.

final Duration connectionTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(250); // connection timeout of 250 seconds
 HttpClient client = new OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder()

Building a new HttpClient instance with HTTP/2 Support.

HttpClient client = new OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder()

It is also possible to create a OkHttp HttpClient that only supports HTTP/2.

// Constructs an HttpClient that only supports HTTP/2.
 HttpClient client = new OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder(new OkHttpClient.Builder()

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Creates OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder(OkHttpClient okHttpClient)

Creates OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder from the builder of an existing OkHttpClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder addNetworkInterceptor(Interceptor networkInterceptor)

Add a network layer interceptor to Http request pipeline.

HttpClient build()

Creates a new OkHttp-backed HttpClient instance on every call, using the configuration set in the builder at the time of the build method call.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder callTimeout(Duration callTimeout)

Sets the default timeout for complete calls.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder configuration(Configuration configuration)

Sets the configuration store that is used during construction of the HTTP client.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder connectionPool(ConnectionPool connectionPool)

Sets the Http connection pool.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder connectionTimeout(Duration connectionTimeout)

Sets the connection timeout for a request to be sent.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder dispatcher(Dispatcher dispatcher)

Sets the dispatcher that also composes the thread pool for executing HTTP requests.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder followRedirects(boolean followRedirects)

Sets the followRedirect flag on the underlying OkHttp-backed HttpClient.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder networkInterceptors(List<Interceptor> networkInterceptors)

Add network layer interceptors to Http request pipeline.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder proxy(ProxyOptions proxyOptions)

Sets the proxy.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder readTimeout(Duration readTimeout)

Sets the read timeout duration used when reading the server response.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder responseTimeout(Duration responseTimeout)

Sets the response timeout duration used when waiting for a server to reply.

OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder writeTimeout(Duration writeTimeout)

Sets the writing timeout for a request to be sent.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Constructor Details


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder()

Creates OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder(OkHttpClient okHttpClient)

Creates OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder from the builder of an existing OkHttpClient.


okHttpClient - the httpclient

Method Details


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder addNetworkInterceptor(Interceptor networkInterceptor)

Add a network layer interceptor to Http request pipeline.


networkInterceptor - the interceptor to add


the updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object


public HttpClient build()

Creates a new OkHttp-backed HttpClient instance on every call, using the configuration set in the builder at the time of the build method call.


A new OkHttp-backed HttpClient instance.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder callTimeout(Duration callTimeout)

Sets the default timeout for complete calls.

The call timeout spans the entire call: resolving DNS, connecting, writing the request body, server processing, and reading the response body.

Null or Duration#ZERO means no call timeout, otherwise values must be between 1 and Integer#MAX_VALUE when converted to milliseconds.

By default, call timeout is not enabled.


callTimeout - Call timeout duration.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder configuration(Configuration configuration)

Sets the configuration store that is used during construction of the HTTP client.

The default configuration store is a clone of the global configuration store, use NONE to bypass using configuration settings during construction.


configuration - The configuration store.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder connectionPool(ConnectionPool connectionPool)

Sets the Http connection pool.


connectionPool - The OkHttp connection pool to use.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder connectionTimeout(Duration connectionTimeout)

Sets the connection timeout for a request to be sent.

The connection timeout begins once the request attempts to connect to the remote host and finishes once the connection is resolved.

If connectTimeout is null either PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_CONNECT_TIMEOUT or a 10-second timeout will be used, if it is a Duration less than or equal to zero then no timeout will be applied. When applying the timeout the greatest of one millisecond and the value of connectTimeout will be used.

By default, the connection timeout is 10 seconds.


connectionTimeout - Connect timeout duration.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder dispatcher(Dispatcher dispatcher)

Sets the dispatcher that also composes the thread pool for executing HTTP requests.


dispatcher - The dispatcher to use.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder followRedirects(boolean followRedirects)

Sets the followRedirect flag on the underlying OkHttp-backed HttpClient.

If this is set to 'true' redirects will be followed automatically, and if your HTTP pipeline is configured with a redirect policy it will not be called.


followRedirects - The followRedirects value to use.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder networkInterceptors(List networkInterceptors)

Add network layer interceptors to Http request pipeline.

This replaces all previously-set interceptors.


networkInterceptors - The interceptors to add.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder proxy(ProxyOptions proxyOptions)

Sets the proxy.


proxyOptions - The proxy configuration to use.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder readTimeout(Duration readTimeout)

Sets the read timeout duration used when reading the server response.

The read timeout begins once the first response read is triggered after the server response is received. This timeout triggers periodically but won't fire its operation if another read operation has completed between when the timeout is triggered and completes.

If readTimeout is null or PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_READ_TIMEOUT or a 60-second timeout will be used, if it is a Duration less than or equal to zero then no timeout period will be applied to response read. When applying the timeout the greatest of one millisecond and the value of readTimeout will be used.


readTimeout - Read timeout duration.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder responseTimeout(Duration responseTimeout)

Sets the response timeout duration used when waiting for a server to reply.

The response timeout begins once the request write completes and finishes once the first response read is triggered when the server response is received.

If responseTimeout is null either PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT or a 60-second timeout will be used, if it is a Duration less than or equal to zero then no timeout will be applied to the response. When applying the timeout the greatest of one millisecond and the value of responseTimeout will be used.

Given OkHttp doesn't have an equivalent timeout for just responses, this is handled manually.


responseTimeout - Response timeout duration.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.


public OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder writeTimeout(Duration writeTimeout)

Sets the writing timeout for a request to be sent.

The writing timeout does not apply to the entire request but to the request being sent over the wire. For example a request body which emits 10 8KB buffers will trigger 10 write operations, the last write tracker will update when each operation completes and the outbound buffer will be periodically checked to determine if it is still draining.

If writeTimeout is null either PROPERTY_AZURE_REQUEST_WRITE_TIMEOUT or a 60-second timeout will be used, if it is a Duration less than or equal to zero then no write timeout will be applied. When applying the timeout the greatest of one millisecond and the value of writeTimeout will be used.


writeTimeout - Write operation timeout duration.


The updated OkHttpAsyncHttpClientBuilder object.

Applies to