ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties Class

  • java.lang.Object

public final class ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties

A utility class that parses a connection string into sections. A Service Bus connection string is a set of key value pairs separated by semi-colon. A typical example is "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=someKeyName;SharedAccessKey=someKeyValue".

A connection may have the following sections:

  • Endpoint, which is mandatory. The hostname part of it is the "Fully qualified namespace".
  • SharedAccessKeyName and SharedAccessKey, optional, used to authenticate the access to the ServiceBus.
  • SharedAccessSignature, optional, an alternative way to authenticate the access to the ServiceBus.
  • EntityPath, optional, the queue name or the topic name under the service namespace

When you have a ServiceBus connection string, you can use connectionString(String connectionString) to build a client. If you'd like to use a TokenCredential to access a Service Bus, you can use this utility class to take the fully qualified namespace and optionally the entity path (queue/topic name) from the connection string and then use credential(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, TokenCredential credential).

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
String getEndpoint()

Gets the "Endpoint" value of the connection string.

String getEntityPath()

Gets the "EntityPath" value of the connection string.

String getFullyQualifiedNamespace()

Gets the fully qualified namespace, or hostname, from the connection string "Endpoint" section.

String getSharedAccessKey()

Gets the "SharedAccessSignature" section of the connection string.

String getSharedAccessKeyName()

Gets the "SharedAccessKeyName" section of the connection string.

String getSharedAccessSignature()

Gets the "SharedAccessSignature" section of the connection string.

static ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties parse(String connectionString)

Parse a Service Bus connection string into an instance of this class.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Method Details


public String getEndpoint()

Gets the "Endpoint" value of the connection string.


The endpoint.


public String getEntityPath()

Gets the "EntityPath" value of the connection string.


The entity path, or null if the connection string doesn't have an "EntityPath".


public String getFullyQualifiedNamespace()

Gets the fully qualified namespace, or hostname, from the connection string "Endpoint" section.


The fully qualified namespace.


public String getSharedAccessKey()

Gets the "SharedAccessSignature" section of the connection string.


The shared access key value, or null if the connection string doesn't have a "SharedAccessSignature".


public String getSharedAccessKeyName()

Gets the "SharedAccessKeyName" section of the connection string.


The shared access key name, or null if the connection string doesn't have a "SharedAccessKeyName".


public String getSharedAccessSignature()

Gets the "SharedAccessSignature" section of the connection string.


The shared access signature, or null if the connection string doesn't have a "SharedAccessSignature".


public static ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties parse(String connectionString)

Parse a Service Bus connection string into an instance of this class.


connectionString - The connection string to be parsed.


An instance of this class.

Applies to