StreamingJob Interface

public interface StreamingJob

An immutable client-side representation of StreamingJob.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract ClusterInfo cluster()

Gets the cluster property: The cluster which streaming jobs will run on.

abstract CompatibilityLevel compatibilityLevel()

Gets the compatibilityLevel property: Controls certain runtime behaviors of the streaming job.

abstract ContentStoragePolicy contentStoragePolicy()

Gets the contentStoragePolicy property: Valid values are JobStorageAccount and SystemAccount.

abstract OffsetDateTime createdDate()

Gets the createdDate property: Value is an ISO-8601 formatted UTC timestamp indicating when the streaming job was created.

abstract String dataLocale()

Gets the dataLocale property: The data locale of the stream analytics job.

abstract String etag()

Gets the etag property: The current entity tag for the streaming job.

abstract Integer eventsLateArrivalMaxDelayInSeconds()

Gets the eventsLateArrivalMaxDelayInSeconds property: The maximum tolerable delay in seconds where events arriving late could be included.

abstract Integer eventsOutOfOrderMaxDelayInSeconds()

Gets the eventsOutOfOrderMaxDelayInSeconds property: The maximum tolerable delay in seconds where out-of-order events can be adjusted to be back in order.

abstract EventsOutOfOrderPolicy eventsOutOfOrderPolicy()

Gets the eventsOutOfOrderPolicy property: Indicates the policy to apply to events that arrive out of order in the input event stream.

abstract External externals()

Gets the externals property: The storage account where the custom code artifacts are located.

abstract List<Function> functions()

Gets the functions property: A list of one or more functions for the streaming job.

abstract String id()

Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.

abstract Identity identity()

Gets the identity property: Describes the managed identity assigned to this job that can be used to authenticate with inputs and outputs.

abstract StreamingJobInner innerModel()

Gets the inner object.

abstract List<Input> inputs()

Gets the inputs property: A list of one or more inputs to the streaming job.

abstract String jobId()

Gets the jobId property: A GUID uniquely identifying the streaming job.

abstract String jobState()

Gets the jobState property: Describes the state of the streaming job.

abstract JobStorageAccount jobStorageAccount()

Gets the jobStorageAccount property: The properties that are associated with an Azure Storage account with MSI.

abstract JobType jobType()

Gets the jobType property: Describes the type of the job.

abstract OffsetDateTime lastOutputEventTime()

Gets the lastOutputEventTime property: Value is either an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp indicating the last output event time of the streaming job or null indicating that output has not yet been produced.

abstract String location()

Gets the location property: The geo-location where the resource lives.

abstract String name()

Gets the name property: The name of the resource.

abstract OutputErrorPolicy outputErrorPolicy()

Gets the outputErrorPolicy property: Indicates the policy to apply to events that arrive at the output and cannot be written to the external storage due to being malformed (missing column values, column values of wrong type or size).

abstract OutputStartMode outputStartMode()

Gets the outputStartMode property: This property should only be utilized when it is desired that the job be started immediately upon creation.

abstract OffsetDateTime outputStartTime()

Gets the outputStartTime property: Value is either an ISO-8601 formatted time stamp that indicates the starting point of the output event stream, or null to indicate that the output event stream will start whenever the streaming job is started.

abstract List<Output> outputs()

Gets the outputs property: A list of one or more outputs for the streaming job.

abstract String provisioningState()

Gets the provisioningState property: Describes the provisioning status of the streaming job.

abstract StreamingJob refresh()

Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.

abstract StreamingJob refresh(Context context)

Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.

abstract Region region()

Gets the region of the resource.

abstract String regionName()

Gets the name of the resource region.

abstract String resourceGroupName()

Gets the name of the resource group.

abstract void scale()

Scales a streaming job when the job is running.

abstract void scale(ScaleStreamingJobParameters scaleJobParameters, Context context)

Scales a streaming job when the job is running.

abstract Sku sku()

Gets the sku property: Describes the SKU of the streaming job.

abstract Sku skuPropertiesSku()

Gets the skuPropertiesSku property: Describes the SKU of the streaming job.

abstract void start()

Starts a streaming job.

abstract void start(StartStreamingJobParameters startJobParameters, Context context)

Starts a streaming job.

abstract void stop()

Stops a running streaming job.

abstract void stop(Context context)

Stops a running streaming job.

abstract Map<String,String> tags()

Gets the tags property: Resource tags.

abstract Transformation transformation()

Gets the transformation property: Indicates the query and the number of streaming units to use for the streaming job.

abstract String type()

Gets the type property: The type of the resource.

abstract Update update()

Begins update for the StreamingJob resource.

Method Details


public abstract ClusterInfo cluster()

Gets the cluster property: The cluster which streaming jobs will run on.


the cluster value.


public abstract CompatibilityLevel compatibilityLevel()

Gets the compatibilityLevel property: Controls certain runtime behaviors of the streaming job.


the compatibilityLevel value.


public abstract ContentStoragePolicy contentStoragePolicy()

Gets the contentStoragePolicy property: Valid values are JobStorageAccount and SystemAccount. If set to JobStorageAccount, this requires the user to also specify jobStorageAccount property. .


the contentStoragePolicy value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime createdDate()

Gets the createdDate property: Value is an ISO-8601 formatted UTC timestamp indicating when the streaming job was created.


the createdDate value.


public abstract String dataLocale()

Gets the dataLocale property: The data locale of the stream analytics job. Value should be the name of a supported .NET Culture from the set Defaults to 'en-US' if none specified.


the dataLocale value.


public abstract String etag()

Gets the etag property: The current entity tag for the streaming job. This is an opaque string. You can use it to detect whether the resource has changed between requests. You can also use it in the If-Match or If-None-Match headers for write operations for optimistic concurrency.


the etag value.


public abstract Integer eventsLateArrivalMaxDelayInSeconds()

Gets the eventsLateArrivalMaxDelayInSeconds property: The maximum tolerable delay in seconds where events arriving late could be included. Supported range is -1 to 1814399 (20.23:59:59 days) and -1 is used to specify wait indefinitely. If the property is absent, it is interpreted to have a value of -1.


the eventsLateArrivalMaxDelayInSeconds value.


public abstract Integer eventsOutOfOrderMaxDelayInSeconds()

Gets the eventsOutOfOrderMaxDelayInSeconds property: The maximum tolerable delay in seconds where out-of-order events can be adjusted to be back in order.


the eventsOutOfOrderMaxDelayInSeconds value.


public abstract EventsOutOfOrderPolicy eventsOutOfOrderPolicy()

Gets the eventsOutOfOrderPolicy property: Indicates the policy to apply to events that arrive out of order in the input event stream.


the eventsOutOfOrderPolicy value.


public abstract External externals()

Gets the externals property: The storage account where the custom code artifacts are located.


the externals value.


public abstract List functions()

Gets the functions property: A list of one or more functions for the streaming job. The name property for each function is required when specifying this property in a PUT request. This property cannot be modify via a PATCH operation. You must use the PATCH API available for the individual transformation.


the functions value.


public abstract String id()

Gets the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.


the id value.


public abstract Identity identity()

Gets the identity property: Describes the managed identity assigned to this job that can be used to authenticate with inputs and outputs.


the identity value.


public abstract StreamingJobInner innerModel()

Gets the inner object.


the inner object.


public abstract List inputs()

Gets the inputs property: A list of one or more inputs to the streaming job. The name property for each input is required when specifying this property in a PUT request. This property cannot be modify via a PATCH operation. You must use the PATCH API available for the individual input.


the inputs value.


public abstract String jobId()

Gets the jobId property: A GUID uniquely identifying the streaming job. This GUID is generated upon creation of the streaming job.


the jobId value.


public abstract String jobState()

Gets the jobState property: Describes the state of the streaming job.


the jobState value.


public abstract JobStorageAccount jobStorageAccount()

Gets the jobStorageAccount property: The properties that are associated with an Azure Storage account with MSI.


the jobStorageAccount value.


public abstract JobType jobType()

Gets the jobType property: Describes the type of the job. Valid modes are `Cloud` and 'Edge'.


the jobType value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime lastOutputEventTime()

Gets the lastOutputEventTime property: Value is either an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp indicating the last output event time of the streaming job or null indicating that output has not yet been produced. In case of multiple outputs or multiple streams, this shows the latest value in that set.


the lastOutputEventTime value.


public abstract String location()

Gets the location property: The geo-location where the resource lives.


the location value.


public abstract String name()

Gets the name property: The name of the resource.


the name value.


public abstract OutputErrorPolicy outputErrorPolicy()

Gets the outputErrorPolicy property: Indicates the policy to apply to events that arrive at the output and cannot be written to the external storage due to being malformed (missing column values, column values of wrong type or size).


the outputErrorPolicy value.


public abstract OutputStartMode outputStartMode()

Gets the outputStartMode property: This property should only be utilized when it is desired that the job be started immediately upon creation. Value may be JobStartTime, CustomTime, or LastOutputEventTime to indicate whether the starting point of the output event stream should start whenever the job is started, start at a custom user time stamp specified via the outputStartTime property, or start from the last event output time.


the outputStartMode value.


public abstract OffsetDateTime outputStartTime()

Gets the outputStartTime property: Value is either an ISO-8601 formatted time stamp that indicates the starting point of the output event stream, or null to indicate that the output event stream will start whenever the streaming job is started. This property must have a value if outputStartMode is set to CustomTime.


the outputStartTime value.


public abstract List outputs()

Gets the outputs property: A list of one or more outputs for the streaming job. The name property for each output is required when specifying this property in a PUT request. This property cannot be modify via a PATCH operation. You must use the PATCH API available for the individual output.


the outputs value.


public abstract String provisioningState()

Gets the provisioningState property: Describes the provisioning status of the streaming job.


the provisioningState value.


public abstract StreamingJob refresh()

Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.


the refreshed resource.


public abstract StreamingJob refresh(Context context)

Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


the refreshed resource.


public abstract Region region()

Gets the region of the resource.


the region of the resource.


public abstract String regionName()

Gets the name of the resource region.


the name of the resource region.


public abstract String resourceGroupName()

Gets the name of the resource group.


the name of the resource group.


public abstract void scale()

Scales a streaming job when the job is running.


public abstract void scale(ScaleStreamingJobParameters scaleJobParameters, Context context)

Scales a streaming job when the job is running.


scaleJobParameters - Parameters applicable to a scale streaming job operation.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


public abstract Sku sku()

Gets the sku property: Describes the SKU of the streaming job. Required on PUT (CreateOrReplace) requests.


the sku value.


public abstract Sku skuPropertiesSku()

Gets the skuPropertiesSku property: Describes the SKU of the streaming job. Required on PUT (CreateOrReplace) requests.


the skuPropertiesSku value.


public abstract void start()

Starts a streaming job. Once a job is started it will start processing input events and produce output.


public abstract void start(StartStreamingJobParameters startJobParameters, Context context)

Starts a streaming job. Once a job is started it will start processing input events and produce output.


startJobParameters - Parameters applicable to a start streaming job operation.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


public abstract void stop()

Stops a running streaming job. This will cause a running streaming job to stop processing input events and producing output.


public abstract void stop(Context context)

Stops a running streaming job. This will cause a running streaming job to stop processing input events and producing output.


context - The context to associate with this operation.


public abstract Map tags()

Gets the tags property: Resource tags.


the tags value.


public abstract Transformation transformation()

Gets the transformation property: Indicates the query and the number of streaming units to use for the streaming job. The name property of the transformation is required when specifying this property in a PUT request. This property cannot be modify via a PATCH operation. You must use the PATCH API available for the individual transformation.


the transformation value.


public abstract String type()

Gets the type property: The type of the resource.


the type value.


public abstract StreamingJob.Update update()

Begins update for the StreamingJob resource.


the stage of resource update.

Applies to