PublicIPAddressConfiguration Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class PublicIPAddressConfiguration

The public IP Address configuration of the networking configuration of a Pool.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
List<String> ipAddressIds()

Get the number of IPs specified here limits the maximum size of the Pool - 100 dedicated nodes or 100 Spot/Low-priority nodes can be allocated for each public IP.

IPAddressProvisioningType provision()

Get the default value is BatchManaged.

PublicIPAddressConfiguration withIpAddressIds(List<String> ipAddressIds)

Set the number of IPs specified here limits the maximum size of the Pool - 100 dedicated nodes or 100 Spot/Low-priority nodes can be allocated for each public IP.

PublicIPAddressConfiguration withProvision(IPAddressProvisioningType provision)

Set the default value is BatchManaged.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Constructor Details


public PublicIPAddressConfiguration()

Method Details


public List ipAddressIds()

Get the number of IPs specified here limits the maximum size of the Pool - 100 dedicated nodes or 100 Spot/Low-priority nodes can be allocated for each public IP. For example, a pool needing 250 dedicated VMs would need at least 3 public IPs specified. Each element of this collection is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{group}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{ip}.


the ipAddressIds value


public IPAddressProvisioningType provision()

Get the default value is BatchManaged. Possible values include: 'batchManaged', 'userManaged', 'noPublicIPAddresses'.


the provision value


public PublicIPAddressConfiguration withIpAddressIds(List ipAddressIds)

Set the number of IPs specified here limits the maximum size of the Pool - 100 dedicated nodes or 100 Spot/Low-priority nodes can be allocated for each public IP. For example, a pool needing 250 dedicated VMs would need at least 3 public IPs specified. Each element of this collection is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{group}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{ip}.


ipAddressIds - the ipAddressIds value to set


the PublicIPAddressConfiguration object itself.


public PublicIPAddressConfiguration withProvision(IPAddressProvisioningType provision)

Set the default value is BatchManaged. Possible values include: 'batchManaged', 'userManaged', 'noPublicIPAddresses'.


provision - the provision value to set


the PublicIPAddressConfiguration object itself.

Applies to