SetupTask Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class SetupTask

Specifies a setup task which can be used to customize the compute nodes of the cluster.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
String commandLine()

Get the command line to be executed on each cluster's node after it being allocated or rebooted. The command is executed in a bash subshell as a root.

List<EnvironmentVariable> environmentVariables()

Get a collection of user defined environment variables to be set for setup task.

List<EnvironmentVariableWithSecretValue> secrets()

Get a collection of user defined environment variables with secret values to be set for the setup task. Server will never report values of these variables back.

String stdOutErrPathPrefix()

Get the prefix of a path where the Batch AI service will upload the stdout, stderr and execution log of the setup task.

String stdOutErrPathSuffix()

Get a path segment appended by Batch AI to stdOutErrPathPrefix to form a path where stdout, stderr and execution log of the setup task will be uploaded. Batch AI creates the setup task output directories under an unique path to avoid conflicts between different clusters. The full path can be obtained by concatenation of stdOutErrPathPrefix and stdOutErrPathSuffix.

SetupTask withCommandLine(String commandLine)

Set the command line to be executed on each cluster's node after it being allocated or rebooted. The command is executed in a bash subshell as a root.

SetupTask withEnvironmentVariables(List<EnvironmentVariable> environmentVariables)

Set a collection of user defined environment variables to be set for setup task.

SetupTask withSecrets(List<EnvironmentVariableWithSecretValue> secrets)

Set a collection of user defined environment variables with secret values to be set for the setup task. Server will never report values of these variables back.

SetupTask withStdOutErrPathPrefix(String stdOutErrPathPrefix)

Set the prefix of a path where the Batch AI service will upload the stdout, stderr and execution log of the setup task.

Method Details


public String commandLine()

Get the command line to be executed on each cluster's node after it being allocated or rebooted. The command is executed in a bash subshell as a root.


the commandLine value


public List environmentVariables()

Get a collection of user defined environment variables to be set for setup task.


the environmentVariables value


public List secrets()

Get a collection of user defined environment variables with secret values to be set for the setup task. Server will never report values of these variables back.


the secrets value


public String stdOutErrPathPrefix()

Get the prefix of a path where the Batch AI service will upload the stdout, stderr and execution log of the setup task.


the stdOutErrPathPrefix value


public String stdOutErrPathSuffix()

Get a path segment appended by Batch AI to stdOutErrPathPrefix to form a path where stdout, stderr and execution log of the setup task will be uploaded. Batch AI creates the setup task output directories under an unique path to avoid conflicts between different clusters. The full path can be obtained by concatenation of stdOutErrPathPrefix and stdOutErrPathSuffix.


the stdOutErrPathSuffix value


public SetupTask withCommandLine(String commandLine)

Set the command line to be executed on each cluster's node after it being allocated or rebooted. The command is executed in a bash subshell as a root.


commandLine - the commandLine value to set


the SetupTask object itself.


public SetupTask withEnvironmentVariables(List environmentVariables)

Set a collection of user defined environment variables to be set for setup task.


environmentVariables - the environmentVariables value to set


the SetupTask object itself.


public SetupTask withSecrets(List secrets)

Set a collection of user defined environment variables with secret values to be set for the setup task. Server will never report values of these variables back.


secrets - the secrets value to set


the SetupTask object itself.


public SetupTask withStdOutErrPathPrefix(String stdOutErrPathPrefix)

Set the prefix of a path where the Batch AI service will upload the stdout, stderr and execution log of the setup task.


stdOutErrPathPrefix - the stdOutErrPathPrefix value to set


the SetupTask object itself.

Applies to