ConnectionStringBuilder Class

  • java.lang.Object

public class ConnectionStringBuilder

This class can be used to construct a connection string which can establish communication with ServiceBus entities. It can also be used to perform basic validation on an existing connection string.

Sample Code:

ConnectionStringBuilder connectionStringBuilder = new ConnectionStringBuilder(

                                         "ServiceBusEntityName", // QueueName or TopicName or SubscriptionPath




String connectionString = connectionStringBuilder.toString();


A connection string is basically a string consisted of key-value pair separated by ";". Basic format is {{ <}key{>}={ <}value{>}[;{ <}key{>}={ <}value{>}]} where supported key name are as follow:

  • Endpoint - URL that points to the servicebus namespace

  • EntityPath - Path to the service bus entity (queue/topic/subscription/). For queues and topics, it is just the entity name. For subscriptions, path is <topicName>/subscriptions/<subscriptionName>

  • SharedAccessKeyName - Key name to the corresponding shared access policy rule for the namespace, or entity.

  • SharedAccessKey - Key value for the corresponding shared access policy rule of the namespace or entity.

  • SharedAccessSignatureToken - Instead of a key name and key value, clients can provide an already generated SAS Token.

  • OperationTimeout - Default timeout to be used for all senders, receiver and clients created from this connection string.

  • RetryPolicy - Name of the retry policy.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field and Description
final Duration DefaultOperationTimeout

Default operation timeout if timeout is not specified in the connection string. 30 seconds.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
ConnectionStringBuilder(final String namespaceName, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessSingature)

Creates a new instance from namespace, entity path and already generated SAS token.

ConnectionStringBuilder(final String namespaceName, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessKeyName, final String sharedAccessKey)

Creates a new instance from namespace, entity path and SAS Key name and value.

ConnectionStringBuilder(final URI endpointAddress, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessSingature)

Creates a new instance from endpoint address of the namesapce, entity path and already generated SAS token.

ConnectionStringBuilder(final URI endpointAddress, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessKeyName, final String sharedAccessKey)

Creates a new instance from endpoint address of the namesapce, entity path and SAS Key name and value

ConnectionStringBuilder(String connectionString)

Creates a new instance from the given connection string. ConnectionString format: Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessKeyName=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY or Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessSignatureToken=SHARED_ACCESS_SIGNATURE_TOKEN

ConnectionStringBuilder(String namespaceConnectionString, String entityPath)

Creates a new instance from the given connection string and entity path. A connection string may or may not include the entity path. ConnectionString format: Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessKeyName=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY or Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessSignatureToken=SHARED_ACCESS_SIGNATURE_TOKEN

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
URI getEndpoint()

Get the endpoint which can be used to connect to the ServiceBus Namespace

String getEntityPath()

Get the entity path value from the connection string

Duration getOperationTimeout()

Gets the duration after which a pending operation like Send or RECEIVE will time out. If a timeout is not specified, it defaults to DefaultOperationTimeout This value will be used by all operations which uses this ConnectionStringBuilder, unless explicitly over-ridden.

RetryPolicy getRetryPolicy()

Get the retry policy instance that was created as part of this builder's creation.

String getSasKey()

Get the shared access policy key value from the connection string or null.

String getSasKeyName()

Get the shared access policy owner name from the connection string or null.

String getSharedAccessSignatureToken()

Returns the shared access signature token from the connection string or null.

TransportType getTransportType()

TransportType on which all the communication for the Service Bus created using this ConnectionString. Default value is AMQP.

void setOperationTimeout(final Duration operationTimeout)

Set the OperationTimeout value in the Connection String. This value will be used by all operations which uses this ConnectionStringBuilder, unless explicitly over-ridden.

ConnectionString with operationTimeout is not inter-operable between java and clients in other platforms.

void setRetryPolicy(final RetryPolicy retryPolicy)

Set the retry policy.

RetryPolicy is not Serialized as part of toString() and is not interoperable with ServiceBus clients in other platforms.

ConnectionStringBuilder setTransportType(final TransportType transportType)

Set the TransportType value in the Connection String. If no TransportType is set, this defaults to AMQP.

String toLoggableString()
String toString()

Returns an inter-operable connection string that can be used to connect to ServiceBus Namespace

Field Details


public static final Duration DefaultOperationTimeout= Duration.ofSeconds(ClientConstants.DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS)

Default operation timeout if timeout is not specified in the connection string. 30 seconds.

Constructor Details


public ConnectionStringBuilder(final String namespaceName, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessSingature)

Creates a new instance from namespace, entity path and already generated SAS token.


namespaceName - Namespace name (dns suffix - ex: is not required)
entityPath - Entity path. For queue or topic, use name. For subscription use <topicName>/subscriptions/<subscriptionName>
sharedAccessSingature - Shared Access Signature already generated


public ConnectionStringBuilder(final String namespaceName, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessKeyName, final String sharedAccessKey)

Creates a new instance from namespace, entity path and SAS Key name and value.


namespaceName - Namespace name (dns suffix - ex: is not required)
entityPath - Entity path. For queue or topic, use name. For subscription use <topicName>/subscriptions/<subscriptionName>
sharedAccessKeyName - Shared Access Key name
sharedAccessKey - Shared Access Key


public ConnectionStringBuilder(final URI endpointAddress, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessSingature)

Creates a new instance from endpoint address of the namesapce, entity path and already generated SAS token.


endpointAddress - namespace level endpoint. This needs to be in the format of scheme://fullyQualifiedServiceBusNamespaceEndpointName
entityPath - Entity path. For queue or topic, use name. For subscription use <topicName>/subscriptions/<subscriptionName>
sharedAccessSingature - Shared Access Signature already generated


public ConnectionStringBuilder(final URI endpointAddress, final String entityPath, final String sharedAccessKeyName, final String sharedAccessKey)

Creates a new instance from endpoint address of the namesapce, entity path and SAS Key name and value


endpointAddress - namespace level endpoint. This needs to be in the format of scheme://fullyQualifiedServiceBusNamespaceEndpointName
entityPath - Entity path. For queue or topic, use name. For subscription use <topicName>/subscriptions/<subscriptionName>
sharedAccessKeyName - Shared Access Key name
sharedAccessKey - Shared Access Key


public ConnectionStringBuilder(String connectionString)

Creates a new instance from the given connection string. ConnectionString format: Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessKeyName=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY or Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessSignatureToken=SHARED_ACCESS_SIGNATURE_TOKEN


connectionString - ServiceBus ConnectionString


IllegalConnectionStringFormatException - when the format of the ConnectionString is not valid


public ConnectionStringBuilder(String namespaceConnectionString, String entityPath)

Creates a new instance from the given connection string and entity path. A connection string may or may not include the entity path. ConnectionString format: Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessKeyName=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=SHARED_ACCESS_KEY or Endpoint=sb://namespace_DNS_Name;EntityPath=EVENT_HUB_NAME;SharedAccessSignatureToken=SHARED_ACCESS_SIGNATURE_TOKEN


namespaceConnectionString - connections string of the ServiceBus namespace. This doesn't include the entity path.
entityPath - path to the entity within the namespace

Method Details


public URI getEndpoint()

Get the endpoint which can be used to connect to the ServiceBus Namespace


Endpoint representing the service bus namespace


public String getEntityPath()

Get the entity path value from the connection string


Entity Path


public Duration getOperationTimeout()

Gets the duration after which a pending operation like Send or RECEIVE will time out. If a timeout is not specified, it defaults to DefaultOperationTimeout This value will be used by all operations which uses this ConnectionStringBuilder, unless explicitly over-ridden.




public RetryPolicy getRetryPolicy()

Get the retry policy instance that was created as part of this builder's creation.


RetryPolicy applied for any operation performed using this ConnectionString


public String getSasKey()

Get the shared access policy key value from the connection string or null.


Shared Access Signature key value


public String getSasKeyName()

Get the shared access policy owner name from the connection string or null.


Shared Access Signature key name


public String getSharedAccessSignatureToken()

Returns the shared access signature token from the connection string or null.


Shared Access Signature Token


public TransportType getTransportType()

TransportType on which all the communication for the Service Bus created using this ConnectionString. Default value is AMQP.




public void setOperationTimeout(final Duration operationTimeout)

Set the OperationTimeout value in the Connection String. This value will be used by all operations which uses this ConnectionStringBuilder, unless explicitly over-ridden.

ConnectionString with operationTimeout is not inter-operable between java and clients in other platforms.


operationTimeout - Operation Timeout


public void setRetryPolicy(final RetryPolicy retryPolicy)

Set the retry policy.

RetryPolicy is not Serialized as part of toString() and is not interoperable with ServiceBus clients in other platforms.


retryPolicy - RetryPolicy applied for any operation performed using this ConnectionString


public ConnectionStringBuilder setTransportType(final TransportType transportType)

Set the TransportType value in the Connection String. If no TransportType is set, this defaults to AMQP.


transportType - Transport Type


the ConnectionStringBuilder instance being set.


public String toLoggableString()


public String toString()

Returns an inter-operable connection string that can be used to connect to ServiceBus Namespace


connection string

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