Application |
openDocument(filePath: string) |
Opens a document and displays it in a new tab or window. |
Body |
getTrackedChanges() |
Gets the collection of the TrackedChange objects in the body. |
ContentControl |
getTrackedChanges() |
Gets the collection of the TrackedChange objects in the content control. |
Document |
getParagraphByUniqueLocalId(id: string) |
Gets the paragraph by its unique local ID. |
importStylesFromJson(stylesJson: string) |
Import styles from a JSON-formatted string. |
onParagraphAdded |
Occurs when the user adds new paragraphs. |
onParagraphChanged |
Occurs when the user changes paragraphs. |
onParagraphDeleted |
Occurs when the user deletes paragraphs. |
InsertFileOptions |
importCustomProperties |
Represents whether the custom properties from the source document should be imported. |
importCustomXmlParts |
Represents whether the custom XML parts from the source document should be imported. |
Paragraph |
getTrackedChanges() |
Gets the collection of the TrackedChange objects in the paragraph. |
uniqueLocalId |
Gets a string that represents the paragraph identifier in the current session. |
ParagraphAddedEventArgs |
source |
The source of the event. |
type |
The event type. |
uniqueLocalIds |
Gets the unique IDs of the involved paragraphs. |
ParagraphChangedEventArgs |
source |
The source of the event. |
type |
The event type. |
uniqueLocalIds |
Gets the unique IDs of the involved paragraphs. |
ParagraphDeletedEventArgs |
source |
The source of the event. |
type |
The event type. |
uniqueLocalIds |
Gets the unique IDs of the involved paragraphs. |
Range |
getTrackedChanges() |
Gets the collection of the TrackedChange objects in the range. |
Shading |
backgroundPatternColor |
Specifies the color for the background of the object. |
Style |
shading |
Gets a Shading object that represents the shading for the specified style. |
tableStyle |
Gets a TableStyle object representing Style properties that can be applied to a table. |
TableStyle |
bottomCellMargin |
Specifies the amount of space to add between the contents and the bottom borders of the cells. |
cellSpacing |
Specifies the spacing (in points) between the cells in a table style. |
leftCellMargin |
Specifies the amount of space to add between the contents and the left borders of the cells. |
rightCellMargin |
Specifies the amount of space to add between the contents and the right borders of the cells. |
topCellMargin |
Specifies the amount of space to add between the contents and the top borders of the cells. |
TrackedChange |
accept() |
Accepts the tracked change. |
author |
Gets the author of the tracked change. |
date |
Gets the date of the tracked change. |
getNext() |
Gets the next tracked change. |
getNextOrNullObject() |
Gets the next tracked change. |
getRange(rangeLocation?: Word.RangeLocation.whole | Word.RangeLocation.start | Word.RangeLocation.end | "Whole" | "Start" | "End") |
Gets the range of the tracked change. |
reject() |
Rejects the tracked change. |
text |
Gets the text of the tracked change. |
type |
Gets the type of the tracked change. |
TrackedChangeCollection |
acceptAll() |
Accepts all the tracked changes in the collection. |
getFirst() |
Gets the first TrackedChange in this collection. |
getFirstOrNullObject() |
Gets the first TrackedChange in this collection. |
items |
Gets the loaded child items in this collection. |
rejectAll() |
Rejects all the tracked changes in the collection. |