Recent Marketing API Changes

September 2024 - Version 202409 (Latest)

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Connected TV (CTV) Campaigns: Brand Safety Capabilities

    Last month, we shared that our partners can now use the new boolean field connectedTelevisionOnly in Campaign API and Ad Supply Forecasts API to create and run Connected TV (CTV) video ad campaigns. LinkedIn Connected TV (CTV) ads help your customers reach their audience on a large-screen experience, using first-party data from our community of one billion professionals.

    Starting with the 202409 version, we are extending the brand safety capabilities for CTV via Publisher Lists. We have introduced a new field publisherListType in the request body schema for POST /globalPublisherList to specify CONNECTED_TELEVISION as a separate category from WEB_AND_APP for the type of publisher list to be downloaded. This enables your customers to download the list of Connected TV apps directly in your UI and access information such as Bundle ID, Publisher Name, Platform URL (when available), and IAB Categories.

    Please note, this new capability is available in addition to the following features for LAN that are available for CTV by default. Read more about the definitions and different use cases of these lists here.

    • Creating and uploading a blocklist or allowlist
    • Applying a blocklist or allowlist
    • Applying IAB categories
  • Media Planning API: Forecast CTV Campaign Delivery

    Partners now have access to a new capability in LinkedIn’s Media Planning API to forecast CTV-only campaign delivery. You can add an optional ctvOnly field in the API request to forecast CTV-only campaigns in your media plans.

  • Conversions API: Auto-campaign Association:

    A new field autoAssociateCampaigns has been added to the request query parameters for POST /conversions. This field enables automatic association of all ACTIVE, PAUSED, and DRAFT campaigns with a conversion rule, ensuring only these associated campaigns are considered for reporting and optimization.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be sunset and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate to the latest API version launched today.

  • 202306 - Dec 16, 2024
  • 202307 - Dec 16, 2024
  • 202308 - Aug 16, 2024
  • 202309 - Sep 16, 2024
  • 202310 - Oct 15, 2024
  • 202311 - Nov 15, 2024


  • Offline Conversions API Sunset:
    Last October, we launched the Conversions API, allowing our partners and customers to seamlessly connect both online and offline conversions directly to LinkedIn, replacing the legacy Offline Conversions API. If you are still integrated with the legacy Offline Conversions API, please migrate to the new Conversions API before October 15, 2024.

  • AdCampaignRecommendation API Sunset:
    The AdCampaignRecommendation API endpoint was deprecated in July 2023 and has been sunset with no alternative endpoint. Please note any future calls to this API will return an error.

August 2024 - Version 202408

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Campaign API and Ad Supply Forecasts API: Connected TV (CTV) Only Campaigns
    We are excited to share that starting with the 202408 version, we have introduced a new boolean field connectedTelevisionOnly in the Campaign API and Ad Supply Forecasts. This new field enables the creation and delivery of Connected TV (CTV) video ad campaigns. LinkedIn Connected TV (CTV) ads help your customers reach their audience on a large-screen experience using first-party data from our community of one billion professionals. CTV campaign metrics are identical to existing video campaign metrics.

    Please note the requirements below and check out our recommendations to make the most out of LinkedIn CTV campaigns here.

    • Ad Format: Video only
    • LinkedIn Placement: LAN (LinkedIn Audience Network)
    • Campaign Objective: Brand Awareness
    • Geo Eligibility: US & Canada
    • Language: English only
  • Campaign API: Frequency Cap Customization
    You can now use a new field optimizationPreference in the Campaign API to set a maximum campaign-level frequency to better manage reach and frequency outcomes. Frequency is defined as the number of times an ad is served to a LinkedIn member over a specific time period. Research has shown that frequency is a key factor in improving brand awareness from advertising campaigns and positively influences ad recall and purchase intent.

    With this new frequency control, you can set a maximum frequency value between 3 to 30 within a 7-day window. This capability is available for CTV campaigns with the brand awareness objective and is accessible via a limited beta for LinkedIn Feed and LAN (LinkedIn Audience Network) campaigns.

  • Conversions API: Deprecating MQL and SQL Conversion Types
    Starting with the 202408 version, we will no longer support MARKETING_QUALIFIED_LEAD and SALES_QUALIFIED_LEAD conversion types when creating a new conversion rule. We recommend using QUALIFIED_LEAD as the conversion type, which has been available since version 202405.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions listed below will be sunset and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate to the latest API version launched(202308) today. For more information on the latest version, see here.

  • 202306 - Dec 16, 2024
  • 202307 - Dec 16, 2024
  • 202308 - Aug 16, 2024
  • 202309 - Sep 16, 2024
  • 202310 - Oct 15, 2024
  • 202311 - Nov 15, 2024


  • AdAnalytics API: Reporting Changes to In-Feed Video & Sponsored Messaging
    Starting in July, we enhanced our measurement methodology for Video and Sponsored Messaging campaigns on and the LinkedIn mobile app to align more closely with industry standards. As a result, you may observe changes in your overall campaign reports.

  • Video Campaigns Video ads that serve on and in the LinkedIn mobile app now report impressions and clicks only when they start to play. This may lead to a decrease in Video ad impressions, clicks, and CTRs reported for your customer campaigns, and CPMs, CPCs, and Video View Rates may increase. These changes apply to videos that run on LinkedIn feed only; campaigns utilizing LAN/CTV are not impacted.

  • Sponsored Messaging Impressions, clicks, and related metrics (such as CPM and CPC) from Sponsored Messaging campaigns are no longer reported. However, historical data from your customer campaigns delivered before late July is not impacted. You can continue to review sends and opens metrics under the “sends” and “opens” columns, respectively. We recommend that you utilize sends and opens metrics moving forward versus the historical data for impressions, clicks, and derived metrics.

July 2024 - Version 202407

Product & Platform Announcements

  • AdAnalytics API: Reporting changes to In-Feed Video & Sponsored Messaging
    At LinkedIn, we are committed to delivering measurement solutions that meet or exceed industry standards. We are pleased to share that we have improved our measurement methodology for Video and Sponsored Messaging campaigns that serve on and in the LinkedIn mobile app to better align with the industry standards. Due to these changes you may see a change in your holistic campaign reports.

  • Video Campaigns
    Beginning July 11, Video ads that serve on and in the LinkedIn mobile app will begin reporting impressions and clicks only when they begin to play. This may result in a decrease of Video ad impressions, clicks, and CTRs reported for your customer campaigns, and CPMs, CPCs and Video View Rates may increase. These changes apply to videos that run on LinkedIn feed only, campaigns utilizing LAN/CTV will not be impacted.

  • Sponsored Messaging
    Starting July 30, impressions, clicks, and related metrics (such as CPM and CPC) for Sponsored Messaging campaigns will no longer be reported. Historical data from campaigns prior to late July 2024 will remain unaffected. You can still access sends and opens metrics under the "sends" and "opens" columns, respectively. We recommend using sends and opens metrics for future analysis instead of relying on historical data for impressions, clicks, and derived metrics.

  • AdAnalytics API: New metrics available for Sponsored Newsletter Articles
    We are introducing two new metrics to the API: subscriptionClicks and viralSubscriptionClicks. The subscriptionClicks metric measures the number of members whose first click on the ad in the feed is the Subscribe button. Any clicks on +Subscribe on subsequent pages, for example, the newsletter article page or the newsletter landing page, aren’t counted as part of this metric. The viralSubscriptionClicks metric measures the number of members whose first click on the post is the Subscribe button that resulted from other members sharing a sponsored newsletter article with their network.

  • Matched Audiences API and Conversions API: Email hashing guideline
    To ensure the best audience match rates the following guidelines must be followed for email hashing:

    • Convert all the email addresses to lowercase before hashing
    • Remove any whitespace in the email address and then generate appropriate hash
  • Leadgen Forms: Ability to apply custom Images
    We have introduced an enhancement to Leadgen Forms that allows advertisers to personalize their Leadgen Form backgrounds with custom images (for sponsored content only), instead of the form automatically defaulting to the ad image. However, please note that at the time of the initial rollout, partners or advertisers will not be able to edit custom images via API. If you would like to explore or leverage this new feature, we recommend utilizing LinkedIn Campaign Manager to create and edit your Leadgen Forms and offer a more tailored experience for your target audience.

  • AdCampaignGroups API: Objective Type for Campaign Group
    Campaign groups may now be created with objective type. If created with an objective type, then all campaigns in the group will share the same objective type. This field is optional and immutable once created.

  • Engagement Retargeting API: New engagement source types
    We are introducing the ability to build retargeting audiences based on their engagement with the Document and Conversation ad formats. Once an engagement rule is created, these audiences will refresh automatically based on the trigger and time frame selected. Advertisers can use audience retargeting to stay top of mind and move their target audiences through the funnel.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be sunset and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate to the latest API version launched today. For more information on the latest version, see here.

  • 202308 - Aug 16, 2024
  • 202309 - Sep 16, 2024
  • 202310 - Oct 15, 2024


  • AdAnalytics API: Reminder to switch to approximateMemberReach field
    As communicated in January 2024, approximateUniqueImpressions field has been deprecated and is replaced by the new API field approximateMemberReach. If you are still utilizing the old field, please note that we will be updating the approximateUniqueImpressions measurement methodology to align more closely with approximateMemberReach. When this transition takes place in July, you may notice a change in the approximateUniqueImpressions field and we recommend that you switch to approximateMemberReach as soon as possible.

June 2024 - Version 202406

Product & Platform Announcements

  • DMP Segments API: Field Removal We have removed the accessPolicy field due to low usage. Please note that including this in your create or update requests will no longer return a response from READs (e.g. GET, BATCH_GET, FINDER).

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be sunset and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate to the latest API version launched today.

  • 202306 - December 16, 2024
  • 202307 - Dec 16, 2024
  • 202308 - Aug 16, 2024
  • 202309 - Sep 16, 2024


  • Changes to Member Groups’ Targeting in the EEA and Switzerland As part of our ongoing efforts to provide a safe and trusted platform for members, we disabled Member Groups’ targeting within the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland (CH) as of May 15, 2024. Our global advertising policies do not allow targeting sensitive groups on our platform, and this change further helps protect LinkedIn members, customers, and partners, as well as clarify LinkedIn's compliance with applicable laws in the region.

As a reminder, if you have created campaigns before May 15 that target the EEA or CH using Member Groups’ targeting, they will continue to deliver unless you make any edits. However, you will not be able to use this targeting facet for new campaigns targeting members residing in these regions. If your campaigns only target countries outside the EEA and Switzerland, you are not impacted by this change.

There are multiple ways advertisers can reach their desired audiences on LinkedIn and meet their marketing goals. We encourage you to review our targeting best practices to learn more about optimizing your campaigns.

May 2024 - Version 202405

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Changes to Member Groups’ targeting in the EEA and Switzerland starting May 15, 2024
    As part of our ongoing efforts to provide a safe and trusted platform for members, we have decided to disable Member Groups’ targeting within the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland (CH). We have global advertising policies in place that do not allow targeting sensitive groups on our platform. This decision helps protect LinkedIn members, customers, and partners as well as clarify LinkedIn's compliance with applicable laws in the region.
    Starting May 15, 2024, you may experience changes in the LinkedIn campaign creation process if you run campaigns targeting members residing in the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland (CH). Please review the following to understand how this change impacts your customer campaigns:
Campaigns created before May 15 that target the EEA or CH AND Member Groups - Campaigns will continue to deliver and edits can continue to be made.
- On or after May 15: Edits to these campaigns will require the removal of Member Groups or EEA & CH targeting to be able to save and activate.
Campaigns created on or after May 15 that target the EEA or CH Member Groups’ targeting will no longer be available.

If campaigns only target countries outside the EEA and Switzerland, these changes do not apply. There are multiple ways advertisers can reach their desired audiences on LinkedIn and meet their marketing goals. We encourage you to review our targeting best practices to learn more.

  • Conversions API: New Conversion Type
    Partners can access a new conversion type that has been added for creating conversion rules: QUALIFIED_LEAD with LinkedIn’s Conversions API.

  • Ad Analytics API

    • Reporting for Connected TV Ads
      We have introduced CONNECTED_TV as an additional value supported on the IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE pivot for both the analytics finder and the statistics finder. When this pivot is used, ad performance metrics will be grouped by the device type the ad made an impression on, such as DESKTOP_WEB, MOBILE_WEB, MOBILE_APP, CONNECTED_TV, and UNDETECTED. Learn more about the reporting by impression device type in Campaign Manager here.

    • Reporting for New Qualified Leads Conversion Rule
      We have introduced new metrics qualifiedLeads and costPerQualifiedLead to the statistics finder. The qualifiedLeads metric will show the total count of qualified leads attributed to the entities in the given time range and costPerQualifiedLead will return the number of qualified leads divided by spend. Partners can now submit this new conversion rule, QUALIFIED_LEAD, through the Conversions API as noted above.

  • Media Planning API: Forecast Lead Generation
    Partners now have access to a new capability in LinkedIn’s Media Planning API to forecast lead generation. With a deeper insight into forecasted leads you can now plan and launch more effective campaigns on LinkedIn. With this release version, we now also support negative targeting(exclude section) in our Media Planning targeting input. Get started today.

  • Creatives API & Legacy Creatives API: Updates to Ad Creative Rejection Reasons
    The description for a few existing rejection reasons have been updated along with a new rejection reason symbol, which could be returned as rejection reasons from the API: MISSING_UK_FCA_FINANCIAL.

  • Campaign API: Updates to the Brand Safety Feature
    The publisher blocklists and allowlists under the Brand Safety feature have been updated to include a validation logic to prevent incorrect application of blocklists and allowlists during the campaign creation or update process. For example, allowlists can only be applied as an allowlist. Read more about the definitions and different use cases of these lists here.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be sunset and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202306 - December 16, 2024
  • 202307 - December 16, 2024
  • 202308 - Aug 16, 2024


AdAccounts, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, Creative API: Adopt cursor-based pagination by May 31, 2024 to improve scalability of our platform
We are moving from index-based to cursor-based pagination. You will need to use pageToken returned in the previous call to get to the next set of results, instead of accessing a random page using start and count.

  • Instead of start & count, pageToken and pageSize will be used for pagination.
  • PageSize will be used to specify the number of entities to be returned.
  • NextPageToken is an opaque string that will be returned in the metadata and it represents the last entity in the response. It can be used to fetch the next set of results by passing it in “pageToken” in the next api call.
  • Sorting will only be supported by ID. SortOrder will define the sorting order (Ascending/ Descending) of the results.
  • Totals will no longer be supported as a query parameter.

April 2024 - Version 202404

Product & Platform Announcements

Posts API: Capability to Fetch Celebration Posts
API partners can now fetch celebration content type posts by using the latest 202404 version. Learn more here.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be sunset and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate to the latest API version launched today.

  • 202305 - May 15, 2024
  • 202306 - December 16, 2024
  • 202307 - December 16, 2024


AdAccounts, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, Creative API: Adopt cursor-based pagination by May 31, 2024 to improve scalability of our platform
We are moving from index-based to cursor-based pagination. You will need to use pageToken returned in the previous call to get to the next set of results, instead of accessing a random page using start and count.

  • Instead of start & count, pageToken and pageSize will be used for pagination.
  • PageSize will be used to specify the number of entities to be returned.
  • NextPageToken is an opaque string that will be returned in the metadata and it represents the last entity in the response. It can be used to fetch the next set of results by passing it in “pageToken” in the next api call.
  • Sorting will only be supported by ID. SortOrder will define the sorting order (Ascending/ Descending) of the results.
  • Totals will no longer be supported as a query parameter.

Migrate to the new Lead Sync API by December 16, 2024: Collect leads from ads, events, and other organic sources via a single API
The new Lead Sync API simplifies and enhances LinkedIn lead syncing capabilities by consolidating the legacy Ads Lead Sync and Events Lead Sync APIs into a single API. It provides the ability to collect leads from additional organic sources and offers customized form field mapping to ensure lead information gets mapped to the right system fields. If you’re integrated with any of the legacy APIs, you will automatically have access to the new API and will need to migrate to the new API using the migration guide before December 16, 2024 when versions 202306 and 202307 will sunset. See our YouTube video covering the high level requirements of the migration.

March 2024 - Version 202403

Product & Platform Announcements

Media Planning API: Improve Campaign Results by Optimizing Audiences and Budgets
LinkedIn’s Media Planning API enables marketers to have a better understanding of investment delivery against valuable audiences and objectives. With a deeper insight into forecasted reach, impressions, and frequency by audience, along with the ability to compare reach & frequency across multiple channels and partners ​you can now plan and launch more successful campaigns on LinkedIn.​ Get started today.

Campaign Recommendations: Endpoints to be Deprecated
The adCampaignRecommendations and adCampaignInsights APIs let advertisers determine if active LinkedIn campaigns are achieving the desired reach and impact. Starting 202403 these API endpoints will be deprecated but you can continue to use 202402 or earlier versions until it is sunset in a year.

LeadGenNotificationSubscription API: New Associated Entity Type
You can now access a new field LeadGenNotificationAssociatedEntity to support LeadGenNotificationSubscription creation by campaign. This would allow advertisers to receive lead notifications at a campaign level.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be sunset and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202304 - April 15, 2024
  • 202305 - May 15, 2024
  • 202306 - December 16, 2024


LinkedIn in Europe: Changes for the Digital Markets Act
Starting in February, LinkedIn made changes for members in the EEA and Switzerland to comply with new requirements imposed on us by the Digital Markets Act (DMA). We are providing the ability for members in these regions to choose whether to connect their core LinkedIn experience with LinkedIn marketing products and services in order to better tailor their experiences to their professional interests. As this new experience ramps to members, your customers may notice changes in LinkedIn campaign performance. For example, if you use LinkedIn Reporting API, they may notice fewer conversions reported based on how we apply modeling to report conversions from members residing in the EEA and Switzerland. Or if they use certain targeting facets such as inferred targeting or retargeting from company Page visits and events, they may observe decreased audience sizes that could result in changes to ROI.

The changes you observe are a reflection of members in the EEA and Switzerland who have either not yet engaged with the new consent experience or have chosen not to connect their Marketing Solutions feature to their core LinkedIn experience. The impact is highly variable based on DMA consent rates, targeting usage & behaviors (e.g. AND vs OR, hyper targeting), budgets, and more. Read more about our approach to DMA here and how this may change our marketing solutions products and services here.

AdAccounts, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, Creative API: Adopt cursor-based pagination by May 31, 2024 to improve scalability of our platform
We are moving from index-based to cursor-based pagination. You will need to use pageToken returned in the previous call to get to the next set of results, instead of accessing a random page using start and count.

  • Instead of start & count, pageToken and pageSize will be used for pagination.
  • PageSize will be used to specify the number of entities to be returned.
  • NextPageToken is an opaque string that will be returned in the metadata and it represents the last entity in the response. It can be used to fetch the next set of results by passing it in “pageToken” in the next api call.
  • Sorting will only be supported by ID. SortOrder will define the sorting order (Ascending/ Descending) of the results.
  • Totals will no longer be supported as a query parameter.

February 2024 - Version 202402

Product & Platform Announcements

Conversions API (CAPI): Attribute LinkedIn campaigns to business outcomes Help your customers navigate measurement uncertainty and impending cookie deprecation with a solution designed to improve full funnel measurement and unlock optimization by connecting online and offline conversions to LinkedIn and using those insights to power campaign optimization. Explore CAPI benefits.

New Lead Sync API: Collect more leads The Lead Sync API is easier to access than ever before and includes both organic and paid leads in a single API to help your customers collect leads from more LinkedIn sources. Check out what you can do with the new API.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202303 - March 15, 2024
  • 202304 - April 15, 2024
  • 202305 - May 15, 2024


AdAccounts, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, Creative API: Adopt cursor-based pagination by May 31, 2024 to improve scalability of our platform We are moving from index-based to cursor-based pagination. You will need to use pageToken returned in the previous call to get to the next set of results, instead of accessing a random page using start and count.

  • Instead of start & count, pageToken and pageSize will be used for pagination.
  • PageSize will be used to specify the number of entities to be returned.
  • NextPageToken is an opaque string which will be returned in the metadata and it represents the last entity in the response. It can be used to fetch the next set of results by passing it in “pageToken” in the next api call.
  • Sorting will only be supported by id. SortOrder will define the sorting order (Ascending/ Descending) of the results.
  • Totals will no longer be supported as a query parameter.

Lookalike Audiences API: Sunset on February 29 On February 29, 2024, we will sunset the ability to create new Lookalike Audiences in both Campaign Manager and via API, as we evolve our audience solutions and invest in new solutions to help scale marketers’ first- and third-party data. Existing Lookalike Audiences can still be used in campaigns but will not be updated when the seed audience updates. Additionally, the following changes will impact existing audiences:

  • If the LaL audience is not used in a draft or active campaign for 30 days, it will be ARCHIVED.
  • If an LaL audience is ARCHIVED but added to a draft or active campaign, it will go back to BUILDING but it will not be regenerated. It will reflect the original state of the LaL as it was prior to February 29.
  • If an ARCHIVED LaL audience is EXPIRED, it is purged and can never be used again.

Migrate to the new Lead Sync API: Collect leads from ads, events, and other organic sources via a single API The Ads Lead Sync and Events Lead Sync APIs will be deprecated and replaced with the new Lead Sync API. If you’re integrated with any of the legacy APIs, you will automatically have access to the new API and will need to migrate to the new API using the migration guide before July 2024 when version 202307 sunsets. See our YouTube video covering the high level requirements of the migration.

January 2024 - Version 202401

Product & Platform Announcements

AdAccounts, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, Creative API: Adopt cursor-based pagination by May 31, 2024
We are moving from index-based to cursor-based pagination. You must use pageToken returned in the previous call to get to the next set of results, instead of accessing a random page using start and count.

  • Instead of start & count, pageToken and pageSize will be used for pagination.
  • PageSize will be used to specify the number of entities to be returned.
  • NextPageToken is an opaque string which will be returned in the metadata and it represents the last entity in the response. It can be used to fetch the next set of results by passing it in “pageToken” in the next API call.
  • Sorting will only be supported by ID. SortOrder will define the sorting order (Ascending/ Descending) of the results.
  • Totals will no longer be supported as a query parameter.
  • We will soon sunset index-based pagination from all API versions prior to 2024, so you need to migrate to any 2024 API version before then.

Ad Preview API: Migrate to Latest Version
On February 29, 2024 we will sunset ads preview from all API versions before 202311. To continue to support ads preview, make sure to migrate to the latest version.

Ad Analytics API: Upcoming Reach Metric Changes
Starting in January 2024, approximateUniqueImpressions will be deprecated and the new API field will be called approximateMemberReach. As we move to a new metric measurement methodology, you may see some deviation between upcoming approximateMemberReach and old approximateUniqueImpressions for the same creative/campaign/campaign group with the same date range. Additionally, we will be restricting the availability of approximateMemberReach metrics in the following ways:

  • approximateMemberReach will only be supported with pivot(s): CREATIVE, CAMPAIGN, CAMPAIGN_GROUP, CAMPAIGN_TYPE, OBJECTIVE_TYPE and/or SERVING_LOCATION. All requests which supply additional pivot(s) will not include approximateMemberReach in the response.
  • approximateMemberReach can be requested for date ranges with a maximum range of 92 days.
  • approximateMemberReach will not be available for the current UTC day. The expected delay for current UTC day will be 24-48 hours. Requests which include today in the date range will only return reach for days where data exists.

Page Statistics API: Improving location standardization for demographic analytics
We will replace the Page demographic breakdown by legacy geo region and country with the Bing Geo market area and country. This will provide more accurate and comprehensive geographical data. As a result, pageStatisticsByRegion and pageStatisticsByCountry will be replaced with pageStatisticsByGeo and pageStatisticsByGeoCountry.

Creatives API & Legacy Creatives API: Updates to Ad Creative Rejection Reasons

  1. We have added a new rejection reason symbol, which could be returned as rejection reasons from the API: MISINFORMATION
  2. We have updated the description for below existing rejection reasons

Lookalike Audiences API: Sunset on February 29
On February 29, 2024, we will sunset the ability to create new Lookalike Audiences in both Campaign Manager and via API, as we evolve our audience solutions and invest in new solutions to help scale marketers’ first- and third-party data. Existing Lookalike Audiences can still be used in campaigns but will not be updated when the seed audience updates. Additionally, the following changes will impact existing audiences:

  • If the LaL audience is not used in a draft or active campaign for 30 days, it will be ARCHIVED.
  • If an LaL audience is ARCHIVED but added to a draft or active campaign, it will go back to BUILDING but it will not be regenerated. It will reflect the original state of the LaL as it was prior to February 29.
  • If an ARCHIVED LaL audience is EXPIRED, it is purged and can not be reused.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched.

  • 202302 - February 15, 2024
  • 202303 - March 15, 2024
  • 202304 - April 15, 2024


Migrate to the new Lead Sync API: Collect leads from ads, events, and other organic sources via a single API
The Ads Lead Sync and Events Lead Sync APIs will be deprecated and replaced with the new Lead Sync API. If you’re integrated with any of the legacy APIs, you will automatically have access to the new API and will need to migrate to the new API using the migration guide before July 2024 when version 202307 sunsets. See our YouTube video covering the high-level requirements of the migration.

November 2023 - Version 202311

Product & Platform Announcements

Ad Preview API: Ad account URN required to generate creative preview. Starting with the 202311 version, you need to pass the Creative URN and Ad account URN to generate a preview of the creative in your platform.

Offline Conversion API: Sunsetting Offline Conversions. In October 2023, we launched the Conversions API, which connects both online and offline conversions directly to LinkedIn, and replaces the Offline Conversions API. If you have integrated with Offline Conversions API, migrate to the new Conversions API before October 2024.

Brand Lift Testing API: New question type is now available. You can now use a new brand lift metric ‘Top-of-mind Awareness’, for example "What [brand / product / service / employer] comes to mind when you think of [user input]?", in Brand Lift Testing to prove how your brand efforts are moving the needle to keep your brand top of mind.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202212 - December 15, 2023
  • 202301 - January 15, 2024
  • 202302 - February 15, 2024

October 2023 - Version 202310

Documentation Changes

New Marketing APIs Landing Page: A brand new landing page has been added to the Marketing APIs section that provides a detailed view of the API products offered with a fresh look and feel.

Product & Platform Announcements

Conversions API: Build a server-to-server integration to strengthen both performance and privacy.
Leverage LinkedIn's Conversions API to build a solution that connects marketing data, like online and offline conversions, directly to LinkedIn. Conversions API enables full-funnel measurement and powers campaign optimization while providing a secure, reliable data connection. Get started by reviewing the prerequisites and application process here.

Creatives API: New call to action types
We've expanded the call to action types for a lead generation form creative to include: JOIN, SIGNUP, REQUEST DEMO.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202211 - November 15, 2023
  • 202212 - December 15, 2023
  • 202301 - January 15, 2024

September 2023 - Version 202309

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version (202309) launched today.

  • 202210 to be deprecated on October 16, 2023
  • 202211 to be deprecated on November 15, 2023
  • 202212 to be deprecated on December 15, 2023.

See Versioning Guide for more.

August 2023 - Version 202308

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Conversation Ads API: Add subject to a Conversation Ad
    You can now add a subject to a Conversion Ad which will appear as the first line in the member’s inbox. Previously it was auto populated with the first conversation message.

  • mediaArtifactPublicUrls API: API is deprecated
    Additional fields have been added to Assets API to support the mediaArtifactPublicUrls use case.

  • Creatives API & Legacy Creatives API: Updates to Ad Creative Rejection Reasons

    • We have added six new rejection reason symbols, which could be returned as rejection reasons from the API:

    • We have updated the description of the HEALTH_MATTERS symbol explaining the current policy for rejecting Ads with this reason.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202209 - September 15, 2023
  • 202210 - October 16, 2023
  • 202211 - November 15, 2023

Starting with the 202307 version, API decoration will not be supported for any API. We’ve created this video to assist you with this change.


Message Ads to be sunset on August 31, 2023 On August 31, 2023, we will be sunsetting Message Ads and recommend switching to Conversation Ads. The ability to create a Message Ad will be sunset across all API versions. Delivery for existing Message Ads campaigns will be reduced, and we recommend notifying your clients to stop creating new Message Ads.

July 2023 - Version 202307

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Post API: More images allowed in multi-image posts.

We have increased the max number of images you can include in a multi-image post from 9 to 20. To know more, go to Post API page.

  • Comments API: Update to $URN field and digitalmediaAsset field

We have replaced the following: - $URN field with the id field. - digitalmediaAsset field with the image field. To know more, go to Comments API page.

  • Reactions API: Updates to MAYBE reaction and $URN field.

The following updates are made to the Reactions API: - The MAYBE reaction is no longer supported. Any write with the MAYBE reaction will be rejected with a 400 error. - The $URN field is replaced with the id field.

  • New Lead Sync API: Collect leads from ads, events, and other future marketing cases via a single API
    The Ads Lead Sync and Events Lead Sync APIs will be deprecated and replaced with the new Lead Sync API. If you’re integrated with any of the legacy APIs, you will automatically have access to the new API and will need to migrate to the new API using the migration guide before July 2024 when version 202307 sunsets. If you’re interested in accessing the new API for the first time, learn about the qualifications, and application steps here.

  • Creatives API and the Legacy Creatives API: Updates to Ad Creative Rejection Reasons


We have updated the description of the HEALTH_MATTERS symbol explaining the current policy for rejecting Ads with this reason.

The timeFrame field will accept timeSpan instead of com.linkedin.common.timeSpan.

Breaking Changes

The monthly API versions below will be deprecated and removed from the platform on the dates listed. To avoid disruptions to your platform, please migrate the latest API version launched today.

  • 202207 - July 25, 2023
  • 202208 - August 15, 2023
  • 202209 - September 15, 2023

Starting with the 202307 version, API decoration will not be supported for any API. We’ve created this video to assist you with this change.


  • Message Ads to be sunset on August 31, 2023
    On August 31, 2023, we will be sunsetting Message Ads and recommend switching to Conversation Ads. The ability to create a Message Ad will be sunset across all API versions. Delivery for existing Message Ads campaigns will be reduced, and we recommend notifying your clients to stop creating new Message Ads.

June 2023 - Version 202306


Critical API migrations must be completed by June 30, 2023.

  • API Versioning and new Content APIs: We will sunset unversioned APIs and legacy Content APIs (Shares API, UGCAPI) on June 30, 2023. Migrate to versioned APIs and new Content APIs to avoid any disruptions.

  • New Community Management API*: We introduced a new Community Management API in January 2023 to offer more functionality to enable your customers to grow their professional communities. Apply and migrate to the new API to keep your community management integration active. Legacy community management permissions will sunset and be removed on June 30, 2023

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Audience Insights API: Make it easier to plan and understand professional audiences We are introducing the Audience Insights API, which provides aggregated insights into the demographic and firmographic details, and interests of a target audience. These insights help you understand more about “who” the audience is and can be leveraged to discover new audiences, plan & optimize your strategy, and build new audiences to seamlessly start your campaign. This is a private API and requires additional approval to access. Learn more on how to apply here.

  • Ad Analytics API: B2B query templates make it easy to get relevant reporting metrics
    Templated, B2B-focused queries are now available via Postman collection to enable quick access to B2B-relevant metrics that can be used to build insightful reports and inform optimization. We are starting with 3 focused bundles - Performance Overview, ABM Performance Overview, Conversions Deep Dive - and will continue to evolve our templates library, so please take advantage and share feedback here for future updates.

  • Response format change for thirdPartyTrackingTags API
    Starting with version 202306, we're making changes to the response format of the thirdPartyTrackingTags API. The GET and FINDER APIs will now return changeTimeStamps instead of changeAuditStamps in their responses. The new changeTimeStamps will still include the created, lastUpdated, and deleted fields, but they will now directly contain the timestamp value instead of being nested within another object with a time field.

  • Query params changes: Enabling unwrapped query params
    We previously announced that certain query params had to be wrapped - e.g. we required intendedStatuses=(value:List(ARCHIVED,CANCELED)) rather than intendedStatuses=List(ARCHIVED,CANCELED). Based on your feedback and to create a better experience, we’ve decided to revert this decision and enable you to make requests without wrapping the query params. We will support both wrapped and unwrapped query params until the 202305 version. From 202306 onwards only unwrapped query params are allowed. The APIs that are affected by this change are: Ad Analytics API, Creatives API, Posts API, Saved Audience Template API, Videos API.

Breaking Changes

  • 202207 version will be deprecated and removed from the platform on July 17, 2023. Be sure to update your apps to the latest version before then.

  • Message Ads will be sunset and removed across all versions starting August 31, 2023.

  • Starting with the 202305 and 202306 versions, API decoration will not be supported for certain APIs. See the Recent Changes page in documentation for the complete list of impacted APIs. We’ve created this video to assist you with this change.

    From 202305:


    From 202306:



  • Access and refresh token requests after June 30, 2023
    Make access token and refresh token requests using the POST method to /accessToken endpoint with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body. Using the GET /accessToken endpoint after June 30, 2023 will result in a 400 error.

  • Message Ads to be sunset on August 31, 2023
    On August 31, 2023, we will be sunsetting Message Ads and recommend switching to Conversation Ads. The ability to create a Message Ad will be sunset across all API versions. Delivery for new Message Ads campaigns will be reduced, and we recommend notifying your clients to stop creating new Message Ads.

May 2023 - Version 202305

Migrations & Breaking Changes

  • Critical API migrations must be completed by June 30, 2023.
    Please review details below for recent API enhancements that may impact your apps.

If you have impacted apps, please make the necessary changes immediately or set aside time/resources to complete updates before June 30th 2023.

  • Migrate June 2022 versioned APIs to the latest version prior to June 15, 2023
    Beginning June 2022, we introduced monthly versioning of our APIs and committed to supporting each monthly version for 12 months. Applications using the 202206 version of any versioned APIs must migrate to the latest version before June 15, when we will release the June 2023 versions of our APIs.

  • Reminder about access and refresh token requests after June 30, 2023
    All access token and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method to /accessToken endpoint with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body. We will start returning 400 errors on the GET /accessToken endpoint after June 30, 2023.

  • Update to adCreativesV2 deco Starting May, all deco calls for creative URN will resolve via the /creatives endpoint instead of the /adCreativesV2 endpoint. Partners who use the adAnalytics endpoint and other endpoints that use deco calls to fetch creatives need to update their calls.

  • Message Ads API We’re sunsetting Message Ads API starting May 22, 2023. New campaign creation will be disabled on June 19, 2023. We strongly encourage switching from the legacy Message Ads API to Conversation Ads API by June 19th to avoid disruption of campaign delivery.

  • Updates to Base URLs Starting with the 202305 version, all API calls to the following endpoints will be modified to include advertiser Account ID in the URL path:

Endpoint Changed Previous Base URL New Base URL

What this means:

  • Finder functionality will now be limited to a single account. Currently, we can search for campaign groups, campaigns and creatives across accounts using finders. Adding advertiser account ID to the URL would limit the ability to do this. Any calls from now on need to be made per account.

  • In addition, we will be removing the ability to filter by account predicate from campaign group, campaign and creative finders. As we are already limiting the finder functionality to a single account, it doesn’t make sense to have it as a filter predicate. Similarly, we can no longer sort by Account field since the search results are being limited to an advertiser account.

  • The new URLs will be active from the May version. This means that all APIs using version header 202304 or earlier will need to call the old URLs. And all APIs using version headers 202305 or above will need to call the new API URLs.

  • With the new APIs, applications will always need to pass an advertiser account ID in the URL path.

  • Ad Analytics API

    • Deprecate API Decoration starting with the June 2023 version: Starting with the 202306 version, we will remove API Decoration from the Ad Analytics API. As an alternative, individual requests can be made to access the corresponding entity associated with a URN. More information can be found in URN Resolution. For eligible pivots of the Ad Analytics API, we are adding a note that indicates which type of URN will be returned for each pivot. For example, if the MEMBER_COMPANY pivot is used with an analytics finder, then the response will contain a pivot value in the format urn:li:organization:<organizationId>.
    • Remove support for pivot and pivotValue fields: Starting with the 202305 version, we will no longer support the pivot and pivotValue fields in the returned entities of the Ad Analytics API. Requests with these fields in the field projections will be rejected. We will continue to support pivotValues, which provides more accurate and comprehensive information about the values of the pivots requested.

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Content API: Externalizing Document Ads In September 2022, we rolled out a new ad format, Document Ads, which allows advertisers to share ungated and gated documents, such as case studies, white papers, or research reports, directly in the LinkedIn feed. With Document Ads, target audiences can read or download documents without leaving the feed. Advertisers can choose to share their content freely to build awareness and grow thought leadership or gate their documents with a Lead Gen Form.

  • Document Ads API Prior to today, creating a Document Ad was only available to advertisers through Campaign Manager. The new Document Ads API allows advertisers to now have access to a new format during ad creation on partner platforms. To learn more, see the Document Ads API page.

  • Ad Analytics API: New metrics for Conversation Ads We’re launching a new & improved version of Conversation Ads on May 22nd, with availability increasing over time. Alongside this product change, we will introduce two new reporting metrics for Conversation Ads - headlineImpressions and headlineCTR - to help you measure campaign performance for new & improved Conversation Ads. These new metrics will measure the number of times members are shown the headline of the Conversation Ad and the number of times members clicked on it to start a conversation. To learn more, see this article.

April 2023

Migrations & Breaking Changes

  • Critical API migrations must be completed by June 30, 2023.

Please review details below for recent API enhancements that may impact your apps.

If you have impacted apps, please make the necessary changes immediately or set aside time/resources to complete updates before June 30th 2023.

  • Migrate June 2022 versioned APIs to the latest version prior to June 15, 2023
    Beginning June 2022, we introduced monthly versioning of our APIs and committed to supporting each monthly version for 12 months. Applications using the 202206 version of any versioned APIs must migrate to the latest version before June 15, when we will release the June 2023 versions of our APIs.

  • Reminder about access and refresh token requests after June 30, 2023
    All access token and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method to /accessToken endpoint with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body. We will start returning 400 errors on the GET /accessToken endpoint after June 30, 2023.

  • Ad Segments API: find by account requests without start or count parameters are now paginated according to the standard pagination behavior.

Schema changes

  • Ad Targeting, Ad Targeting Entities API: Starting with the 202304 version, we're changing the format of certain query parameters in the adTargetingFacet finder, the similarEntities finder, the typeahead finder and the urns finder. In the finders, entityType, queryVersion, and fetchType would be records containing the expected values instead of directly accepting values. For example, entityType=SENIORITY would become entityType=(value:SENIORITY).

  • Ad Targeting, Ad Targeting Facets API: Starting with the 202304 version, we're changing the $URN field of type urn in the GET_ALL method to adTargetingFacetUrn of type AdTargetingFacetUrn.

Deco Updates

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Images API & Videos API: Beginning with the 202304 release, we are removing a role check for company URN owners and member URN owners when retrieving an image and/or video. For partners using a combination of /posts and /images or /videos, if /post API viewability checks are satisfied (e.g. you need to own the post as a member or company admin or be a role in AdAccount) you will be able to access images through /images and videos through /video.

  • Ad Analytics API:

    • Introducing IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE pivot: Starting with the 202304 version, we are introducing the IMPRESSION_DEVICE_TYPE pivot for both the statistics finder and the analytics finder. When this pivot is used, the results will be grouped by the device type the ad made an impression on, such as MOBILE_APP and DESKTOP_WEB.
    • Deprecate API Decoration starting from the June 2023 version: Starting with the 202306 version, we are removing API Decoration from the Ad Analytics API. As an alternative, individual requests can be made to access the corresponding entity associated with a URN. More information can be found in LinkedIn Marketing API URN Resolution. For eligible pivots of the Ad Analytics API, we are adding a note that indicates which type of URN will be returned for each pivot. For example, if the MEMBER_COMPANY pivot is used with an analytics finder, then the response will contain a pivot value in the format urn:li:organization: <organizationId>
  • Ad Publisher Restrictions API: Externalizing the type field Starting with the 202304 version, we are introducing a new field type. This field can be used to create allowlist by passing type as ALLOWLIST in create method. This is an optional field having a default value as BLOCKLIST for backward compatibility since in earlier versions we supported only creation of BLOCKLIST from API. For example, “type”: “ALLOWLIST” can be used to create allowlist.

  • New training videos To support our developer community, we've started to produce training videos on topics we think you'll find helpful. Our first two cover:

March 2023

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Ad Analytics API: Introducing validWorkEmailLeads metric and PLACEMENT_NAME pivot Starting with the 202303 version, we are introducing the following:

    • validWorkEmailLeads: This metric represents the count of leads with a valid work email that does not use an established free or personal email domain.
    • PLACEMENT_NAME: This pivot enables grouping of metrics by placement. The pivot values are: LINKEDIN, OFFSITE and OFFSITE_IN_STREAM. Only LAN(Linkedin Audience Network) enabled video campaigns are eligible to deliver on offsite in-stream inventory. When video campaigns deliver on offsite in-stream inventory, you will see the metrics available for "OFFSITE_IN_STREAM" placement.
  • Image API & Videos API: Externalizing the Media Library In October 2022, we rolled out the media library in the Campaign Manager UI. The media library provides one location where advertisers can upload, manage, and select images and videos for single image ads and video ads. We are externalizing the media library for our API partners so that advertisers can use the same media library during ad creation on partner platforms.

    This will allow API partners to perform the following actions:

    • initializeUpload (existing method): This is an existing method for asset upload; the update in the release would be parallel registration under the Media Library

    • findByAssociatedAccount (new method): Return all media library assets under a specific account and asset type

    • partialUpdate (new method): Update an existing media library asset- specifically to rename an asset or to archive it

      We will enable findByIdsAndAssociatedAccount to return specific media library assets based on ID in a future release.

  • Saved Audience Template API: Save Audience Criteria
    We are introducing a new API to enable the following:

    • Save audiences, including targeting attributes and/or existing matched audiences, for easy re-use in campaigns. This is especially valuable for users who build audiences via the Audience Insights and wish to apply those audiences to a campaign.

    • Fetch audiences to access audience insights when used in tandem with the Audience Insights saved via the Campaign Manager UI.

  • Ads A/B Testing API: Test Campaign Performance
    We have launched A/B Testing to help our advertisers optimize their ROI with rigorous testing. A/B Testing measures the performance of two campaigns with equal audiences and budgets to test one variable, such as creative content / ad format, targeting, or placement. The testing tool then selects a winner (if any), or verifies that the performance difference between the variants is insignificant or inconclusive.

Breaking Changes

Starting with the 202303 version, we will change the format of certain query parameters in both the analytics finder and the statistics finder. In both finders, pivot, pivots, timeGranularity, campaignType, and objectiveType would be records containing the expected values instead of directly accepting values. For example, pivot=CAMPAIGN would become pivots=(value:List(CREATIVE,CAMPAIGN)) would become pivots=List((value:CREATIVE),(value:CAMPAIGN)).


  • Migrate to the new Community Management API before June 30, 2023
    We’re accelerating our push to release more functionality that enables your customers to know and grow their professional communities — starting with a new Community Management API. Existing community management partners must migrate to the new API by June 30, 2023. Check out this article to learn more about our plans for community management.

  • All access and refresh token requests should only be made using the POST method after June 30, 2023
    This is a reminder that access token and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method to /accessToken endpoint with the request header Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded and all required parameters in the request body. We will start returning 400 errors on the GET /accessToken endpoint after June 30, 2023.

February 2023

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Posts API: Specify the sort order for finder results
    We’re introducing an optional sortBy parameter to the posts author finder to enable you to specify the sort order for finder results. You can sort by either last modified time or created time, in descending order. The default sort order is by last modified time in descending order.

Breaking Changes

  • Ad Account Users API: API decoration deprecation
    In November 2022, we began deprecating API decoration for some APIs. Starting with the 202302 version, we will no longer support decoration on the adAccountUsers API.


  • Migrate to versioned APIs and new Content APIs by February 28, 2023
    In June 2022, we introduced API Versioning and new Content APIs to make it easier for you to build with ease and manage API changes with predictability. With the new APIs, we plan to sunset the unversioned APIs and legacy Content APIs ( Shares API, UGC API) on February 28, 2023.
    Migrate to the latest versioned API (February 2023) and the new Content APIs using this migration guide.
    You can learn more about API versioning at LinkedIn and the new Content APIs through these videos: Versioning, Content APIs.

  • Migrate to the new Community Management API before the end of June 2023
    We’re accelerating our push to release more functionality that enables your customers to know and grow their professional communities — starting with a new Community Management API. Existing community management partners must migrate to the new API by June 30, 2023. Check out this article to learn more about our plans for community management.

January 2023

Product & Platform Announcements

  • LinkedIn Marketing Developer Products refreshed with 2 API products LinkedIn Marketing Developer Products now has 2 API products the Advertising API to build paid marketing solutions and Community Management API to build organic marketing solutions. Check out the updated Developer Portal to learn more on what you can build, with which API, and how it benefits your customers. If you have a paid marketing integration, no action is required. If you have an organic marketing integration, you will need to migrate to the new Community Management API by June 2023 to keep your integration active.

  • Posts API: Find posts authored by a specified member
    Starting with the 202301 version, we’re introducing a member author finder to enable you to fetch post contents authored by specified members. Results for all /posts finders (findByDscAccount and findByAuthor) will be sorted by last modified time in descending order (latest -> oldest) by default. This will help you manage post contents more efficiently.

  • Ad Analytics API: Sort reporting metrics
    The finder methods, Analytics and Statistics, of the adAnalytics endpoint now support two additional optional parameters: sortBy.field and sortBy.order. These parameters allow the results of these endpoints to be sorted in an ascending or descending order by one of the following fields: costInLocalCurrency, impressions, clicks, oneClickLeads, opens, sends, externalWebsiteConversions.

Breaking Changes

Content APIs: New batch size limit To handle batch requests more effectively, batch calls to the following endpoints: /creatives, /inMailContents, /posts, /videos, /images, /conversationAds, will only support 100 requests in a single batch, starting January 18, 2023. This change will apply to all versions.


  • Migrate to versioned APIs before the end of February 2023 We now support API versioning for all LinkedIn Marketing APIs – giving you the power to decide when to adopt API changes. We will release a new version every month and intend to support each version for a full year with its own set of documentation that covers all Marketing APIs. Continue to check the Recent Changes page to stay up to date on the latest releases.

  • Make sure when calling an API version to include the request header with key “LinkedIn-Version” and set the value to correspond with the version you’re referencing using the YYYYMM format. Get started with this blog post, walk through video, or versioning documentation. Make sure to migrate before February 2023 when we will sunset unversioned APIs.

  • New Content APIs that simplify the content creation experience and save you time We introduced four new Content APIs that enable you to build quicker and to adopt the latest formats easier: Images, Videos, Post, and Creatives. With the new APIs, we’ve reduced the steps to upload creative assets and create posts; and the APIs are built to support your workflow. Get started with the new migration guide. Make sure to migrate to the new APIs before February 28, 2023 when we will sunset the Shares and UGC APIs.

November 2022

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Engagement Retargeting API: Retarget an audience based on content engagement or member actions. The Engagement Retargeting API is available again starting with the November API version, after we removed the API in May due to a bug. You can retarget audiences based on content engagement or member actions such as company website or LinkedIn Page visits, engagement with Single Image Ads, Video Ad views, Lead Gen Form opens and more. We’ve also introduced more flexibility with website retargeting lookback windows, and added the ability to delete segments.

  • New methodology for Video Completion Rate: To align with the industry standard, we are changing how we calculate Video Completion Rate (VCR) for all videos across LinkedIn and the LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN) — from completions divided by views to completions divided by plays. Learn more about the definitions of these metrics here. VCR is a derived metric that is not shared in any APIs. However, if you are calculating VCR using data that is available via Ad Analytics API, we recommend updating the calculation to videoCompletions divided by videoStarts as a percentage.

  • Deprecating API decoration: Starting with the 202211 version, we will no longer support API Decoration for the adAccounts, adCampaigns and adCampaignGroups APIs; we will deprecate API Decoration for other APIs in future versions. To replace API Decoration, we are introducing additional fields in the schemas. Learn more about how to access these fields here.

  • A new, more focused inbox experience: We’re introducing a two-tabbed inbox in the LinkedIn platform so members can more easily find and respond to the messages that matter most. The Focused tab contains the most relevant messages, while the Other tab houses the remaining conversations. Sponsored Messages will be delivered to the Focused tab for members who have a higher propensity to click or submit a lead based on their past interactions with Sponsored Messages. Sponsored Messages will be delivered in the Other tab for all other members. No action is required. Please make note of this change as it may impact campaign performance. Learn more here.

October 2022

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Offline Conversions API: A new API to measure the marketing impact on offline events The new Offline Conversions API gives you the tools to build a solution that enables you to attribute offline marketing data to more accurately measure the down-funnel effectiveness of ad campaigns - unlocking insights to improve ROI measurement and optimize performance. See this blog post to learn more about what you can build with this API, how it can benefit your customers, who this API is for, and how to apply for access.

  • Organization Follower Statistics API: New accurate and comprehensive follower data for Pages. Starting with the version 202210, the organization follower breakdown is replaced by legacy geo region and country with the Bing Geo market area and country/region. This will provide more accurate and comprehensive geographical data for Page followers. To avoid disruption and inconsistency in the naming conventions and follower counts across products, please take the following actions:

  1. Migrate to followerCountsByGeo or followerCountsByGeoCountry and to be able to read the Bing Geo URNs, which can be resolved by the Bing Geo API.
  2. Migrate to the new Industry Taxonomy Versions API, introduced in the September 2022 update, to resolve the industry V2 URNs in followerCountsByIndustry.
  • Ad Campaigns API: LinkedIn Audience Network offsiteDeliveryEnabled field now required. The LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN) helps you reach targeted professional audiences across multiple touch points and in different trusted environments to boost campaign performance. Starting with the version 202210, you will have to explicitly set the offsiteDeliveryEnabled field (now a mandatory) to be true or false, so that the LinkedIn Audience Network can be enabled across all eligible campaigns.

September 2022

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Ad Supply Forecasts API: New metricType values for cost per key result forecasting such as COST_PER_MILLION_IMPRESSIONS, COST_PER_MILLION_CLICKS, COST_PER_MILLION_VIEWS, COST_PER_MILLION_LEADS, COST_PER_MILLION_REACHES, and COST_PER_MILLION_MESSAGE_SENDS have been added to the /adSupplyForecasts API. This enables advertisers to understand cost per objective key result hypothetically based on their campaign set up, so they can better plan their campaign and budget use.

  • Brand Lift Results API: we’ve introduced two new values to understand statistical strength of Brand Lift test. First, statistical strength for Relative Brand Lift has been added as relativeLiftStatisticalStrengthMetrics to adLiftResultMetrics. Secondly, the statistical strength for demographic breakdown is now available as adLiftResultStatisticalMetrics in adLiftTestResultMetricMemberDemographicBreakdowns.

  • Industry Taxonomy Versions API: We’ve introduced a new API to better represent industry data on LinkedIn. It replaces the /industries API and queries industry data based on industry URNs. The new API offers a hierarchical structure to easily navigate the comprehensive list of industries available on LinkedIn. It supports the existing industry data and 400+ additional industry codes that are aligned with the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

  • New API Postman Collection workspace for versioned APIs only A new workspace dedicated for versioned APIs is now available to test newly released versioned APIs. Clicking on the “Try with postman” button from public developer pages links you right into this workspace. This change enhances the overall dev experience, searchability & tracking capabilities. Check it out.

Breaking Changes

  • Unversioned Ad Analytics API: approximateUniqueImpressions available again [in beta] In our July update, we communicated the removal of the approximateUniqueImpressions metric. As of September 12, 2022, we’ve reinstated this metric in the AdAnalyticsV2 endpoint, based on feedback from our partners and our customers. The reach metric will come with a new 92-day maximum window, meaning you will be able to pull the metrics on any dimension (e.g. campaign level, campaign-group level, etc.,) for any time range<=92 days. For all campaigns, the approximateUniqueImpressions metric is currently in beta, meaning that we’re still testing and iterating on it. During these iterations, the calculation of the metric can change. Therefore, we recommend using this metric directionally. We do not recommend using it for historical performance comparisons. Moreover, for campaigns running on our Audience Network, some traffic is excluded, so the metric may be underestimated — in some cases significantly. We will also deprecate the following approximateReach metrics from the unversioned APIs starting in October: averageDailyReachMetrics,averagePreviousDayReachMetrics, averagePreviousSevenDayReachMetrics, averagePreviousThirtyDayReachMetrics.

  • DMP Segments Lookalike API: Starting October 31, 2022, we will introduce 1 minute per user (a.k.a member) rate limits for our Lookalike API. The limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications and their users. For more detailed information, see the rate limit specific sections of our FAQ.

  • Unversioned Industries API: Starting January 31, 2023, the /industries API will be deprecated. It has been replaced by the Industry Taxonomy Versions API. Requests made to /industries will receive a 404 status code error in response.


  • DMP Segments API: New rate limits for users and companies streaming endpoints. Starting October 31, 2022, we will introduce 1 minute per user (a.k.a member) rate limits for our streaming APIs. The limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications and their users. For more detailed information, see the rate limit specific sections of our FAQ.

  • All LinkedIn Marketing APIs are now versioned: We now support API versioning for all LinkedIn Marketing APIs – giving you the power to decide when to adopt API changes. The first version is available now, and we will release a new version every month. We intend to support each API version for a full year with its own set of documentation that covers all Marketing APIs. Continue to check the Recent Changes page to stay up to date on the latest releases. To call an API version, include the request header with key “LinkedIn-Version” and set the value to correspond with the version you’re referencing using the YYYYMM format. Get started with this blog post, walk through video, or documentation. Make sure to migrate to the new APIs before February 2023 when we will sunset the Shares and UGC APIs.

  • New Content APIs that simplify the content creation experience and save you time: We introduced four new Content APIs that enable you to build quicker and to adopt the latest formats easier: Images, Videos, Post, and Creatives. With the new APIs, we’ve reduced the steps to upload creative assets and create posts, and the APIs are built to support your workflow. Get started with the new migration guide. Make sure to migrate before February 2023 when we will sunset unversioned APIs.

August 2022

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Ad Account Users API: We’ve updated our error format to make the errors more descriptive and easier to resolve.

Breaking Changes

  • New rate limits for users and companies streaming endpoints: Starting October 31, 2022, we will introduce 1 minute per user (a.k.a member) rate limits for our streaming APIs. The limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications and their users. For more detailed information, see the rate limit specific sections of our FAQ.


  • All LinkedIn Marketing APIs are now versioned: We now support API versioning for all LinkedIn Marketing APIs – giving you the power to decide when to adopt API changes. The first version is available now, and we will release a new version every month. We intend to support each API version for a full year with its own set of documentation that covers all Marketing APIs. Continue to check the Recent Changes page to stay up to date on the latest releases. To call an API version, include the request header with key “LinkedIn-Version” and set the value to correspond with the version you’re referencing using the YYYYMM format. Get started with this blog post, walk through video, or documentation.

  • New Content APIs that simplify the content creation experience and save you time: We introduced four new Content APIs that enable you to build quicker and to adopt the latest formats easier: Images, Videos, Post, and Creatives. With the new APIs, we’ve reduced the steps to upload creative assets and create posts, and the APIs are built to support your workflow. Get started with the new migration guide.

July 2022

Product & Platform Announcements

  • Posts API

    • Create Polls and Multi-Image Posts to engage your community: Our new Posts API now supports the creation and retrieval of polls and multi-image posts, increasing the variety of content formats marketers can use to reach their audiences.
  • Dynamic UTM API/adTrackingParameters

    • Create a dynamic UTM parameter to effectively track campaigns: You can now attach dynamic and custom UTM parameters on supported creative URLs to understand your ad's effectiveness across platforms and to track all campaigns and creatives uniquely, even if duplicated from an existing campaign. These macros are automatically filled with LinkedIn platform values for a campaign, creative, account, and more. Moreover, you don't need to trigger numerous creative content changes for UTM tracking purposes, which overloads Ads Quality with creative edit history and large review queues. Sponsored Content (Image, Article, Video) will be supported with this change. Support for Dynamic Ads, Carousel, and Message ads will come later. All partners using Shares and UGC APIs exclusively for UTM purposes, should now use this new API and avoid duplicate UTM assignments due to more than one method. Previous static UTM assignments will be preserved, but moving them from content to campaign is advisable using this API.
  • Brand Lift API

    • Get brand lift survey results broken down by member age and gender demographics: Two new values MEMBER_AGE_RANGE and MEMBER_GENDER are added to AdLiftTestMemberDemographicCategory Enum. You can now see raw survey results and lift metrics broken down by member age range and gender demographics (assuming that there are enough data points, according to our privacy thresholds). Start reading the new enum values to see member age and gender demographics for the adLiftTestResults.

Breaking Changes

  • Ad Analytics API
    • approximateUniqueImpressions removed on July 31: On June 8, we launched 9 new metrics on the versioned & unversioned Ad Analytics API to replace the approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics are contained within the averageDailyReachMetrics, averagePreviousSevenDayReachMetrics, and averagePreviousThirtyDayReachMetrics sub-records and will approximately reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached for three fixed time ranges: the current day, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. approximateUniqueImpressions will be removed on July 31, 2022 from the API, and any calls with this metric will result in a 404 error.


  • All LinkedIn Marketing APIs are now versioned: We now support API versioning for all LinkedIn Marketing APIs – giving you the power to decide when to adopt API changes. The first version is available now, and we will release a new version every month. We intend to support each API version for a full year with its own set of documentation that covers all Marketing APIs. Continue to check the Recent Changes page to stay up to date on the latest releases. To call an API version, include the request header with key “LinkedIn-Version” and set the value to correspond with the version you’re referencing using the YYYYMM format. Get started with this blog post, walk through video, or documentation.

  • New Content APIs that simplify the content creation experience and save you time: We introduced four new Content APIs that enable you to build quicker and to adopt the latest formats easier: Images, Videos, Post, and Creatives. With the new APIs, we’ve reduced the steps to upload creative assets and create posts, and the APIs are built to support your workflow. Get started with this blog post or walk through video.

June 2022


  • Introducing API Versioning at LinkedIn
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: We now support API versioning for all LinkedIn Marketing APIs – giving you more power to decide when to adopt API changes. The first version is available now, and we will release a new version every month. Each API version will be supported for a full year with its own set of documentation that covers all Marketing APIs. Continue to check the Recent Changes page to stay up to date on the latest releases. To call an API version, include the request header with key “LinkedIn-Version” and set the value to correspond with the version you’re referencing using the YYYYMM format. Get started with this blog post, walk through video, or documentation.
  • New Content APIs that simplify the content creation experience
    • Who’s impacted: Partner using Shares or UGCPost APIs
    • What’s happening: We’re introducing four new Content APIs that enable you to build quicker and to adopt the latest formats easier: Images, Videos, Post, and Creatives. With the new APIs, we’ve reduced the steps to upload creative assets and create posts, and the APIs are built to support your workflow. Get started with this blog post or walk through video.
  • Get started with the new versioned and Content APIs using postman collection
  • Get started with the new versioned and Content APIs using postman collection

Reporting & ROI

  • [reminder] New Reporting Metrics
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening: Starting June 8, 2022, we provided 9 new metrics on the AdAnalyticsV2 API to replace the existing approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics are contained within the averageDailyReachMetrics, averagePreviousSevenDayReachMetrics, and averagePreviousThirtyDayReachMetrics subrecords and will approximate reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached for three fixed time ranges: the current day, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. For example, you can pull the “average last 7-day reach” for October 25, (which covers October 18 - October 25), for October 24 (which covers October 17 - October 24), and selecting October 24 - October 25 will average the two individual last 7-day counts. approximateUniqueImpressions will be removed July 31, 2022. Calls requesting approximateUniqueImpressions after this date will receive a 400 error in response.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New industryV2 filter for Company Search API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Company Search API industry parameter
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the Company Search API to find companies using the filter.industry parameter, we are deprecating the existing filter.industry parameter in favor of a new parameter, filter.industryV2, which supports all values plus 200+ new industry codes. Learn more.
    • When: Starting June 30, 2022
  • [reminder] Updating LinkedIn Audience Network to being enabled by default via Ads Campaign API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns API
    • What’s happening: The LinkedIn Audience Network helps customers reach, engage and convert targeted professional audiences in different trusted environments beyond the LinkedIn Feed to boost performance across advertising objectives. Within the LinkedIn Campaign Manager UI, LinkedIn Audience Network is enabled by default, and we’re updating the API accordingly. This means that the default value for offsiteDeliveryEnabled will change from false to true for new campaigns. If you support our Audience Network in your platform, please ensure that the option for it is also set as true by default so that advertisers can continue to benefit from reach and scale efficiencies. If you do not support our Audience Network, make sure this field is set to false to avoid having ads being served on it. We recommend enabling the Audience Network for all eligible objective types and ad formats. Learn more here.
    • When: Starting June 30, 2022
  • [reminder] approximateUniqueImpressions metric to be sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening: API requests that include approximateUniqueImpressions metric in their request query will receive a 400 status code error in response. More details to migrate to new reach & frequency metrics are mentioned above.
    • When: July 31, 2022

May 2022

Campaign Management

  • Engagement Retargeting unavailable until further notice
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using or considering the Engagement Retargeting API
    • What’s happening: We discovered a bug that impacts the Engagement Retargeting API. While we resolve the bug, the API will be un-externalized and not available. We’ll update you via this newsletter when the API is available again.
  • Removal of campaign floor price (unitCost field)
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns API or Ad Budget Pricing API
    • What’s happening: We are removing the floor price for manual bidding campaigns. Beginning on July 18, when creating manual bidding campaigns, advertiser campaigns now must satisfy two criteria: a bid must be greater than 0 and cannot exceed bidLimits.max. Previously, bids had to be greater than bidLimits.min, which is returned by the Ad Budget Pricing API. If you are using bidLimits.min as a requirement for unitCost, you no longer need to and only need to ensure bids are greater than 0. If an advertiser tries to create or update a campaign to have bid > 0 and below bidLimits.min, this will no longer return an error. The campaign would be created successfully.
  • Brand Lift Test Benchmarking released
    • Who’s impacted: Advertisers currently adopting or will adopt the Brand Lift Test API
    • What’s happening: We’re introducing Brand Lift Test Benchmarking, which provides industry and region-level benchmarks for brand lift results. The solution will [a] allow for comparison of results to other tests that selected the same region and industry and [b] enable customers to make better decisions from their results by contextualizing brand lift against other advertisers.

Reporting & ROI

  • New Reporting Metrics
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening:
      • New Reach & Frequency Metrics: Starting June 8, 2022, we will provide 9 new metrics on the AdAnalyticsV2 API to replace the existing approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics are contained within the averageDailyReachMetrics, averagePreviousSevenDayReachMetrics, and averagePreviousThirtyDayReachMetrics sub records and will approximate reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached for three fixed time ranges: the current day, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. For example, you can pull the “average last 7-day reach” for October 25, (which covers October 18 - October 25), for October 24 (which covers October 17 - October 24), and selecting October 24 - October 25 will average the two individual last 7-day counts. approximateUniqueImpressions will be removed July 31, 2022. Calls requesting approximateUniqueImpressions after this date will receive a 400 error in response.
      • Event Registrations: Advertisers can now run ads to drive registrations to online events. The new registrations metrics capture the number of registrations occurring after the member saw or clicked on an ad which is set up to land on the event registration page.
      • Document Progress & Completions: Document ads provide advertisers a way to show documents natively in the feed which users can peruse or download. Document metrics, similar to video metrics, show insight into the progress users make through reading the document and how many times the document has been downloaded.
      • Job Apply Clicks & Applications: Talent media ads promote job pages. jobApplyClicks and jobApplications count when a member sees a talent media ad and then clicks to apply or submits their application on the job’s landing page.

Breaking Changes

  • approximateUniqueImpressions metric to be sunset

    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening: API requests that include approximateUniqueImpressions metric in their request query will receive a 400 status code error in response. More details to migrate to new reach & frequency metrics are mentioned above.
    • When: July 31, 2022
  • [reminder] New industryV2 filter for Company Search API

    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Company Search API industry parameter
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the Company Search API to find companies using the filter.industry parameter, we are deprecating the existing filter.industry parameter in favor of a new parameter, filter.industryV2, which supports all values plus 200+ new industry codes. Learn more.
    • When: Starting June 30, 2022
  • [reminder] Updating LinkedIn Audience Network to being enabled by default via Ads Campaign API

    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns API
    • What’s happening: The LinkedIn Audience Network helps customers reach, engage and convert targeted professional audiences in different trusted environments beyond the LinkedIn Feed to boost performance across advertising objectives. Within the LinkedIn Campaign Manager UI, LinkedIn Audience Network is enabled by default, and we’re updating the API accordingly. This means that the default value for offsiteDeliveryEnabled will change from false to true for new campaigns. If you support our Audience Network in your platform, please ensure that the option for it is also set as true by default so that advertisers can continue to benefit from reach and scale efficiencies. If you do not support our Audience Network, make sure this field is set to false to avoid having ads being served on it. We recommend enabling the Audience Network for all eligible objective types and ad formats. Learn more here.
    • When: Starting June 30, 2022

April 2022

Campaign Management

  • Delete Ad entities
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Account API, Campaign API, Campaign Group API, and Creatives API
    • What’s happening: Partners can now delete ad entities (Ad Account, Campaign Group, Campaign, and Creative) in any status, including test entities. This action is permanent and cannot be recovered. Deleted entities that contain spend data are moved into a read-only REMOVED status in order for billing administrators to reconcile charges. Search or retrieve of ad entities may show these new values (PENDING_DELETION, REMOVED) in the status field.

Page Management

  • Editing page comments
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Comments API
    • What’s happening: Partners can now edit existing comments. Only the comment’s message field, which contains the comment’s text, is editable. Unlike the endpoints for CREATE and GET, the new PARTIAL_UPDATE endpoint will not have a resolved URN in its responses’ $URN field.


  • Granular rate limiting for Audiences
    • Who’s impacted: Audiences partners using the /users and /companies streaming endpoints
    • What’s happening: We will be introducing 1 minute per user (a.k.a member) rate limits for our streaming APIs. The limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications and their users. For more detailed information, see the rate limit specific sections of our FAQ.
    • When: Starting July 31, 2022

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting April 30, 2022
  • [reminder] New industryV2 filter for Company Search API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Company Search API industry parameter
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the Company Search API to find companies using the filter.industry parameter, we are deprecating the existing filter.industry parameter in favor of a new parameter, filter.industryV2, which supports all values plus 200+ new industry codes. Learn more.
    • When: Starting June 30, 2022
  • Updating LinkedIn Audience Network to being enabled by default via Ads Campaign API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns API
    • What’s happening: The LinkedIn Audience Network helps customers reach, engage and convert targeted professional audiences in different trusted environments beyond the LinkedIn Feed to boost performance across advertising objectives. Within the LinkedIn Campaign Manager UI, LinkedIn Audience Network is enabled by default, and we’re updating the API accordingly. This means that the default value for offsiteDeliveryEnabled will change from false to true for new campaigns. If you support our Audience Network in your platform, please ensure that the option for it is also set as true by default so that advertisers can continue to benefit from reach and scale efficiencies. If you do not support our Audience Network, make sure this field is set to false to avoid having ads being served on it. We recommend enabling the Audience Network for all eligible objective types and ad formats. Learn more here.
    • When: Starting June 30, 2022

Coming Soon

  • [reminder] Upcoming Reach & Frequency metric changes
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening: In Q2 CY 2022, 9 new metrics on the AdAnalyticsV2 API will be available, and replace the existing approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics will approximate reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached for three fixed time ranges: the previous day, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. For example, you can pull the “average last 7-day reach” for October 25, (which covers October 18 - October 25), for October 24 (which covers October 17 - October 24), and selecting October 24 - October 25 will average the two individual last 7-day counts. Please plan accordingly to have time to migrate to these new metrics. The exact date for removal of the existing reach metric will be announced when the replacement metrics are available.

March 2022


  • All access and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method

    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: Reminder that access and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body.
  • Getting started with LinkedIn Marketing APIs just got easier with a Marketing Sample Application.

    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: The Marketing Sample Application provides ready-to-use code that you can use to try out RESTful API calls to LinkedIn's OAuth and Marketing APIs. For example, you can use the sample application to fetch an authenticated user's ad account and role profile to confirm access. Learn more.

Campaign Management

  • New cost control bid strategy for all advertisers
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using adCampaignsV2 and adSupplyForecastsV2 APIs
    • What’s happening: Cost Cap Bidding is an automated bid strategy that enables you to input your maximum cost per key (CPX) result when setting up a campaign. LinkedIn provides you with all of the possible results in accordance with the maximum CPX cost you set. To create campaigns with this bid strategy, use the new optimization target types described here. Cost Cap Bidding is a new feature which is ramping and may not be immediately available to all advertisers.
  • Retarget audiences that visited a website or engaged with an ad
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Engagement Retargeting API
    • What’s happening: Partners can use the new trigger WEBSITE and SINGLE_IMAGE_ADS to create engagement retargeting segments, retargeting audiences who have visited your website, performed chargeable clicks on your single image ads, or engaged with your single image ads.

Page Management

  • New industryV2 filter for Company Search API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Company Search API industry parameter
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the Company Search API to find companies using the filter.industry parameter, we are deprecating the existing filter.industry parameter in favor for a new parameter, filter.industryV2, which supports all values plus 200+ new industry codes. The filter.industry parameter will sunset on June 30, 2022. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting April 30, 2022
  • New industryV2 filter for Company Search API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Company Search API industry parameter
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the Company Search API to find companies using the filter.industry parameter, we are deprecating the existing filter.industry parameter in favor for a new parameter, filter.industryV2, which supports all values plus 200+ new industry codes. Learn more.
    • When: Starting June 30, 2022

February 2022

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting April 30, 2022

Coming Soon

  • [reminder] Upcoming Reach & Frequency metric changes
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening: In Q2 CY 2022, 9 new metrics on the AdAnalyticsV2 API will be available and replace the existing approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics will approximate reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached for three fixed time ranges: the previous day, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. For example, you can pull the “average last 7-day reach” for October 25, (which covers October 18 - October 25), for October 24 (which covers October 17 - October 24), and selecting October 24 - October 25 will average the two individual last 7-day counts. Please plan accordingly to have time to migrate to these new metrics. The exact date for removal of the existing reach metric will be announced when the replacement metrics are available.

January 2022

Campaign Management

  • LinkedIn’s privacy-first approach to B2B digital advertising
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: In case you missed it, last month we shared our privacy-first approach to B2B digital advertising. We are introducing new approaches that help provide online consistency across channels and devices, all while limiting or even eliminating the use of third-party personal data including: testing Group Identity for B2B leveraging our first-party data and further investing in B2B measurement. Learn more.
  • [reminder] Sponsored Messaging EU Targeting Restrictions
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Message Ads API or Conversation Ads API
    • What’s happening: We are stopping the display of Message and Conversations Ads to EU members effective starting January 10, 2022 for new and existing campaigns. New and existing Message or Conversation Ads campaigns targeting EU members will fail with a 400 error. This only affects targeting members based in the EU. Targeting members outside the EU are not impacted.
  • [reminder] Changes to conversion tracking on LinkedIn
    • Who’s impacted: Partner using the Insight Tag API
    • What’s happening: In light of changing regulations on privacy, we are asking customers to enable “enhanced conversion tracking” for all LinkedIn Campaign Manager accounts. “Enhanced conversion tracking” allows first-party cookie tracking to minimize impact to their campaign performance due to privacy changes. If a customer uses LinkedIn Insight Tags, we recommend they enable “enhanced conversion tracking” in Campaign Manager. If a customer uses site-wide image pixels, we recommend they switch to Insight Tag and enable “enhanced conversion tracking”. There is no impact to your integration. More information can be found in this help center article.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] OAuth 2.0 scopes enforcement
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: We sunset all legacy OAuth permissions on December 31, 2021. Ensure your authorization request only includes permissions listed in your application settings otherwise your call will be rejected. The complete permission list is under the “Auth” tab under “OAuth 2.0 scopes”.
  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting April 30, 2022

November and December 2021

For this release, we are happy to share our perspective on the changing privacy landscape and our privacy-first approach to B2B digital advertising. First, we are introducing new approaches that help provide online consistency across channels and devices, all while limiting or even eliminating the use of third-party personal data. We’re beginning to test Group Identity for B2B leveraging our first-party data to group members together based on shared professional identity attributes, such as seniority and industry. Second, reaching your audience is only one part of effective digital advertising - B2B measurement must evolve, too. As part of the many paths that we’re exploring, we also are applying technologies to measure campaign success including: collecting conversions using first-party cookies, using artificial intelligence to measure conversions, and attributing offline conversions.These are a few of the solutions we’re testing, and we’ll continue to update you through this monthly newsletter.


  • Save time with the new OAuth Token Generator tool
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: The new OAuth token generator tool configures your app and generates access tokens for you, saving you time and allowing you to jump straight into exploring our APIs. Learn more.

Campaign Management

  • Try the new Video API open beta
    • Who’s impacted: All partners.
    • What’s happening: Video is the most engaging format on LinkedIn. And we’ve launched a new Video API open beta to make it easier to create video posts and ads, with thumbnails and captions capabilities. The API also now supports the ability to post on behalf of a member, and not just a company page. Learn how to create videos that deliver results on LinkedIn with these recommendations.. Please submit any feedback through Zendesk.
  • Sponsored Messaging EU Targeting Restrictions
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Message Ads API or Conversation Ads API
    • What’s happening: We are stopping the display of Message and Conversations Ads to EU members effective starting January 10, 2022 for new and existing campaigns. New and existing Message or Conversation Ads campaigns targeting EU members will fail with a 400 error. This only affects targeting members based in the EU. Targeting members outside the EU are not impacted.
  • Changes to conversion tracking on LinkedIn
    • Who’s impacted: Partner using the Insight Tag API
    • What’s happening: In light of changing regulations on privacy, we are asking customers to enable “enhanced conversion tracking” for all LinkedIn Campaign Manager accounts. “Enhanced conversion tracking” allows first-party cookie tracking to minimize impact to their campaign performance due to privacy changes. If a customer uses LinkedIn Insight Tags, we recommend they enable “enhanced conversion tracking” in Campaign Manager. If a customer uses site-wide image pixels, we recommend they switch to Insight Tag and enable “enhanced conversion tracking”. There is no impact to your integration. More information can be found in this help center article.

Page Management

  • [reminder] School mentions now require an organization ID
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
    • What’s happening: If you are using a school URN (urn:li:school:{id}) to mention a school, starting November 30, 2021, you will be required to use an organization ID (urn:li:organization:{id}) to mention a school. After this date, you will get an error response when using the Share API with CREATE operations and a school URN is mentioned. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] School Mentions for Shares and UGC API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting November 30, 2021
  • [reminder] OAuth 2.0 scopes enforcement
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: LinkedIn will sunset all legacy OAuth permissions on December 31, 2021. To ensure that your integration’s OAuth flow is not impacted, your authorization request should only include permissions listed in your application settings. The complete permission list is under the “Auth” tab under “OAuth 2.0 scopes”. Existing access tokens and refresh tokens are not impacted.
    • When: December 31, 2021

October 2021


  • LinkedIn Marketing APIs now available on the Postman API Network
  • All access and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: Reminder that access and refresh token requests should be made using only the POST method with the request header “Content-Type”: “x-www-form-urlencoded” and all required parameters in the request body.

Reporting & ROI

  • Upcoming Reach & Frequency metric changes
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening: In Q1 2022, we will announce the availability of 9 new metrics on the AdAnalyticsV2 API that will replace the existing approximateUniqueImpressions metric. These new metrics will approximate reach, frequency, and cost per 1,000 reached for three fixed time ranges: previous day, last 7 days, and last 30 days. You’ll be able to pull these metrics for any day. For example, you can pull the “average last 7-day reach” for October 25, (which covers October 18 - October 25), for October 24 (which covers October 17 - October 24), and selecting October 24 - October 25 will average the two individual last 7-day counts. Please plan accordingly to have time to migrate to these new metrics. The exact date for removal of the existing reach metric will be announced when the replacement metrics are available.

Page Management

  • [reminder] School mentions now require an organization ID
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
    • What’s happening: If you are using a school URN (urn:li:school:{id}) to mention a school, starting November 30, 2021, you will be required to use an organization ID (urn:li:organization:{id}) to mention a school. After this date, you will get an error response when using the Share API with CREATE operations and a school URN is mentioned. Learn more.
  • [reminder] Companies endpoint sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the /v2/companies endpoint.
    • What’s happening: The /companies endpoint will be sunset and should be replaced with the Organization Lookup API. An example scenario is: /v2/companies?ids=123456&projection=(results*(organizationalEntity)) will become /v2/organizationsLookup?ids=123456
  • [reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API
    • What's happening: We are sunsetting the organizationalEntityAcls API in favor of the organizationAcls API. organizationalEntityAcls API will be removed on October 30, 2021. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • [reminder] Companies endpoint sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the /v2/companies endpoint
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • [reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • [reminder] School Mentions for Shares and UGC API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting November 30, 2021
  • [reminder] OAuth 2.0 scopes enforcement
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: LinkedIn will sunset all legacy OAuth permissions on December 31, 2021. To ensure that your integration’s OAuth flow is not impacted, your authorization request should only include permissions listed in your application settings. The complete permission list is under the “Auth” tab under “OAuth 2.0 scopes”. Existing access tokens and refresh tokens are not impacted.
    • When: December 31, 2021

September 2021

Campaign Management

  • Text Ads top rail sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners that support text ads
    • What’s happening: We have decided to shift the focus of our Text Ad engagement from the top rail to the desktop right rail experience exclusively to create a better member experience. Starting December 15, 2021, the top rail placement above all other pages will be removed. As a result, your customers may see a decrease in Text Ad campaign pacing and delivery.
  • Target companies based on company revenue
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adTargetingFacets and adTargetingEntities endpoints
    • What’s happening: We expanded our targeting functionality to include company revenue of the member’s primary employer(s) as a new facet. Learn More.
  • Engagement Retargeting
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: With the new Engagement Retargeting API, you can retarget an audience based on content engagement or member actions, such as video viewers or article reads. Learn more.
  • Updated API error messages for adSupplyForecasts to provide the most relevant information
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API
    • What’s happening: Some of our error messages are updated (using standardized error schema, which includes new error details) to provide the specific information to make it easier to use our APIs. Use this information to create more specific forecasting error messages. Learn more.
  • New field for Ad Page Sets API: urlMatchRuleExpression
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Page Sets API
    • What’s happening: A new field, urlMatchRuleExpression, will be available for /adPageSets, used to determine if a page view event matches and will replace the existing field matchRules. Learn more.


  • Website Retargeting segments will now show a new state: ARCHIVED
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using Matched Audience website retargeting segments
    • What’s happening: Website retargeting segments that have not been updated or used in the last 30 days will be archived and can be identified with the new state, ARCHIVED. This will not impact your campaigns. Learn more.
  • Member interests and Matched Audiences lists targeting combination re-enabled
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who target member interest & traits AND with Matched Audiences of types contact list, marketing automation contact list and website retargeting.
    • What's happening: In March, we disabled the ability to include or exclude a contact list, contact marketing automation or website segment with a member interest or trait targeting, due to Apple’s App Tracking legal terms. Now, we’ve made changes to the member interest and traits to make them compliant, and we re-enabled the ability to create the above targeting combination in new campaigns.

Page Management

  • New lifecycle state field: ARCHIVED
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the UGC API
    • What’s happening: A new ARCHIVED value has been added to the existing lifecycleState enum. Posts with this value will not be visible on LinkedIn. Posts with the lifecycleState field set to ARCHIVED may be retrieved.
  • School Mentions for Shares and UGC API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares API to mention a School
    • What’s happening: If you are using a school URN (urn:li:school:{id}) to mention a school, starting November 30, 2021, you will be required to use an organization ID (urn:li:organization:{id}) to mention a school. After this date, you will get an error response when using the Share API with CREATE operations and a school URN is mentioned. Learn more.
  • [reminder] Companies endpoint sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
    • What’s happening: The /companies endpoint will be sunset and should be replaced with the Organization Lookup API. An example scenario is: /v2/companies?ids=123456&projection=(results*(organizationalEntity)) will become /v2/organizationsLookup?ids=123456
  • [reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API
    • What's happening: We are sunsetting the organizationalEntityAcls API in favor of the organizationAcls API. organizationalEntityAcls API will be removed on October 30, 2021. Learn more.
  • [reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using Share Distribution Target or UGC Target Audience APIs
    • What’s happening: Similar to the Bing geo migration that migrated location data to a new geo data source for ads targeting, we are deprecating the locations field on Sept 30, 2021 and migrating to the new geoLocations field (already available) for organic (non-sponsored) targeted company Shares or UGC posts. Please use the Geo Typeahead API to get respective geoUrns to be used in the new geoLocations field. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

  • OAuth 2.0 scopes enforcement
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: LinkedIn will sunset all legacy OAuth permissions on December 31, 2021. To ensure that your integration’s OAuth flow is not impacted, your authorization request should only include permissions listed in your application settings. The complete permission list is under the “Auth” tab under “OAuth 2.0 scopes”. Existing access tokens and refresh tokens are not impacted.
    • When: December 31, 2021
  • [reminder] The legacy adBudgetPricing criteria finder will be sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who use the criteria finder for adBudgetPricing to get insights on pricing metrics
    • What’s happening: The API will be sunset and criteriaV2 should be used instead.
    • When: Starting September 30, 2021
  • [reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs
  • [reminder] Change to response header names
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: LinkedIn is changing how we generate our API HTTP response headers, and as a result headers will be all lowercase. Although RFC-2616 specifies that HTTP headers are case-insensitive, your software may be case-sensitive. Please ensure that your handling of LinkedIn headers is done without expecting a case-sensitive match so your integration doesn’t break.
    • When: Starting September 30, 2021, all APIs will return headers in lower case.
  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using Query Tunneling. See the query tunneling migration guide here.
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • [reminder] Companies endpoint sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • [reminder] Organization Entity ACL API sunset
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • School Mentions for Shares and UGC API
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares or UGC API to mention a School
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting November 30, 2021

August 2021

Campaign Management

  • unitCost field required for manual or target-cost bidding campaigns
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaign API
    • What’s happening: As a reminder, if you create a campaign using manual or target-cost bidding, ensure that the unitCost field is present and has a non-zero value. If the field is set to zero (0), the campaign will not deliver. Learn more.
  • Delete campaigns or campaign groups in draft mode
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaign API and Campaign Group API
    • What’s happening: You can now delete campaigns or campaign groups that are in DRAFT status. Once deleted, these campaigns and campaign groups cannot be retrieved or recovered. Learn more about Campaign and Campaign Group changes.
  • [reminder] iOS device member trait sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners that enable targeting by iOS device
    • What’s happening: With Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework changes in place, we plan to sunset the iPhone user member trait starting August 31, 2021. New campaigns created with the iOS device segment will fail with a 400 error INVALID_VALUE_FOR_FIELD. Existing campaigns targeting the iOS device segment before August 31, 2021 can continue to run their campaigns without disruption. However, any campaign editing operations will fail with the validation error.

Reporting & ROI

  • Reach & Frequency Privacy Impact
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the approximateUniqueImpressions metric from the Ad Analytics API
    • What’s happening: Due to the evolving privacy landscape, we can’t monitor the unique reach of member accounts using the same methodologies as before. As we work towards a better reach and frequency experience that embraces these new privacy initiatives, please note that a small portion of LinkedIn Audience Network traffic will be excluded from the current reach metric, so it may be slightly underestimated for Audience Network campaigns. Consequently, average frequency and cost per 1,000 member accounts reached may be slightly overestimated when using approximateUniqueImpressions in the calculations.
  • Brand Lift Testing Privacy Impact
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Brand Lift Testing API.
    • What’s happening: Due to industry-wide privacy changes, a small amount of traffic from the LinkedIn Audience Network is currently excluded from Brand Lift Tests. If your test includes campaigns that run on our Audience Network, then that portion of traffic won’t be reflected in your results.

Page Management

  • Companies endpoint sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the endpoint
    • What’s happening: The /companies endpoint will be sunset and should be replaced with the Organization Lookup API. An example scenario is: /v2/companies?ids=123456&projection=(results*(organizationalEntity)) will become /v2/organizationsLookup?ids=123456
  • Organization Entity ACL API sunset
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API
    • What's happening: We are sunsetting the organizationalEntityAcls API in favor of the organizationAcls API. organizationalEntityAcls API will be removed on October 30, 2021. Learn more.
  • [reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using Share Distribution Target or UGC Target Audience APIs
    • What’s happening: Similar to the Bing geo migration that migrated location data to a new geo data source for ads targeting, we are deprecating the locations field on Sept 30, 2021 and migrating to the new geoLocations field (already available) for organic (non-sponsored) targeted company Shares or UGC posts. Please use the Geo Typeahead API to get respective geoUrns to be used in the new geoLocations field. [Learn more.](integrations/../community-management/shares/
  • [reminder] New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets.
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the /search?q=companiesV2 endpoint to find companies with industry, location, and other criteria, this endpoint will be deprecated and replaced with a new endpoint: /companySearch?q=search API. The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting August 31, 2021
  • [reminder] iOS device member trait sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners that enable targeting by iOS device
    • What’s happening: See Campaign Management section above
    • When: Starting August 31, 2021
  • The legacy adBudgetPricing criteria finder will be sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who use the criteria finder for adBudgetPricing to get insights on pricing metrics
    • What’s happening: The API will be sunset and criteriaV2 should be used instead.
    • When: Starting September 30, 2021
  • [reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs
  • Change to response header names
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: LinkedIn is changing how we generate our API HTTP response headers, and as a result headers will be all lowercase. Although RFC-2616 specifies that HTTP headers are case-insensitive, your software may be case-sensitive. Please ensure that your handling of LinkedIn headers is done without expecting a case-sensitive match so your integration doesn’t break.
    • When: Starting September 30, 2021, all APIs will return headers in lower case.
  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • Companies endpoint sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the /v2/companies endpoint
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021
  • Organization Entity ACL API sunset
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using Organization Entity ACLS API
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021

July 2021

Campaign Management

  • Change to default campaign group name.

    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaign Group API.
    • What’s happening: Whenever an ad account is created, a campaign group is automatically created. Previously, it was called "default campaign group" and now it's called "new campaign group". When searching for the campaign group, make sure to use the new campaign group name.
  • iOS device member trait sunset

    • Who’s impacted: Partners that enable targeting by iOS device.
    • What’s happening: With Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework changes in place, we plan to sunset the iPhone user member trait starting August 31, 2021. New campaigns created with the iOS device segment will fail with a 400 error INVALID_VALUE_FOR_FIELD. Existing campaigns targeting the iOS device segment before August 31, 2021 can continue to run their campaigns without disruption. However, any campaign editing operations will fail with the validation error.

Reporting & ROI

  • Schedule field now required to run a Brand Lift test
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Lift Test API.
    • What’s happening: When calling the budget validation endpoint, you are now required to provide the schedule field to indicate how long the lift test will be running.

Page Management

  • [reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using Share Distribution Target or UGC Target Audience APIs.
    • What’s happening: Similar to the Bing geo migration that migrated location data to a new geo data source for ads targeting, we are deprecating the locations field on Sept 30, 2021 and migrating to the new geoLocations field (already available) for organic (non-sponsored) targeted company Shares or UGC posts. Please use the Geo Typeahead API to get respective geoUrns to be used in the new geoLocations field. Learn more.
  • [reminder] New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets.
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the /search?q=companiesV2 endpoint to find companies with industry, location, and other criteria, this endpoint will be deprecated and replaced with a new endpoint: /companySearch?q=search API. The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021. Learn more.
  • Changes to certain fields used in company search API filters
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using country region, followers range, location projection.
    • What’s happening: Field companyCountryRegion is no longer supported in the filter. followersRange is renamed to followersSize with updated valid values and location projection is renamed to locations. Learn more.
  • Commentary length limit increase
    • Who’s impacted: Partner using the Shares or UGC API.
    • What’s happening: UGC (shareCommentary.text field) and Share (text field) APIs increased the maximum text length limit from 1,300 to 3,000 characters.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets.
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above.
    • When: The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021.
  • iOS device member trait sunset
    • Who’s impacted: Partners that enable targeting by iOS device.
    • What’s happening: See Campaign Management section above.
    • When: iPhone user member trait will be removed on August 31, 2021.
  • [reminder] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs
  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners.
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting October 30, 2021, we will reject calls that do not meet the new requirements.

June 2021

Reporting & ROI

  • Get a demographic breakdown for your Brand Lift tests
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the new Ad Lift Test API
    • What’s happening: You can now see raw survey results and lift metrics broken down by member demographic for your LinkedIn Brand Lift tests with these new fields: adLiftTestSurveyResponseMemberDemographicBreakdowns and adLiftTestResultMetricMemberDemographicBreakdowns. Learn more. Note: we are making this feature available via the API first; it will appear in the LinkedIn UI soon.
  • Standardized error codes for Brand Lift Tests
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Lift Test API
    • What’s happening: The Ad Lift Test API will now return robust error messages and service-level error codes including the complete metadata of what fields are causing the errors and actions required to help you troubleshoot. Learn more.

Page Management

  • [breaking change] Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using Share Distribution Target or UGC Target Audience APIs
    • What’s happening: Similar to the Bing geo migration that migrated location data to a new geo data source for ads targeting, we are deprecating the locations field on Sept 30, 2021 and migrating to the new geoLocations field (already available) for organic (non-sponsored) targeted company Shares or UGC posts. Please use the Geo Typeahead API to get respective geoUrns to be used in the new geoLocations field.
  • [reminder] New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets.
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the /search?q=companiesV2 endpoint to find companies with industry, location, and other criteria, this endpoint will be deprecated and replaced with a new endpoint: /companySearch?q=search API. The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021. Learn more.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New error response schema
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adAccountsV2 API
    • What’s happening: Last year, we introduced new error response fields (errorDetailType and errorDetails) and updated HTTP status codes for the adCampaignsGroups and adCampaigns API. Now, we are introducing the same changes for the adAccounts API. Make sure to check if you have parsed these fields and update your error parsing logic to account for the new error fields and the updated HTTP codes, as necessary. Learn more.
    • When: These changes will be implemented on July 24, 2021. Please make sure your parsing logic accounts for the changes. *[reminder] New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021
  • Geo-location migration for Shares and UGC APIs

May 2021

Reporting & ROI

  • Increased daily retention for campaign metrics
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adAnalyticsV2 API
    • What’s happening: Historically, when querying for campaign performance and engagement data by member attributes (e.g. MEMBER_JOB_TITLE, MEMBER_COMPANY, etc.) we have offered 6 months of retention for queries using the DAILY time granularity and 2 years of retention for the MONTHLY and YEARLY granularities. Today, we will begin ramping a consistent 2 years retention regardless of the time granularity used.

Page Management

  • Introducing Roles & Permissions
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Organization Access Control API
    • What’s happening: New Roles & Permissions on LinkedIn Pages make it easier than ever for teams to work remotely and collaboratively. Now admins can take one of three new roles within an organic hierarchy to access their Page and maintain distributed access with increased security. Through this new API, partners will check permissions for each user and match the user’s access level determined by their assigned role on the Page. Learn more
    • There are three new roles introduced in Organization Access Control API, including:
      • Content admin – has permission to create and manage Page content, including updates (as well as boosting updates), Events, Stories, and jobs.
      • Curator – has permission to view Content Suggestions, create recommended content, and view and * export Page analytics.
      • Analyst – has permission to monitor the Page’s performance through analytics to help drive goals.
    • The new Organization Authorizations API (/organizationAuthorizations) can be used to implement the same permission checks as the Organization Access Control API (/organizationsAcls). Please refer to the Role to Permission Mapping table in Getting Started, or see the Overview Page to learn more.
  • [breaking change] New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets.
    • What’s happening: If you are currently using the /search?q=companiesV2 endpoint to find companies with industry, location, and other criteria, this endpoint will be deprecated and replaced with a new endpoint /companySearch?q=search API. The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021. Learn more.
  • Video Posts can now be created on member feeds
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the UGC API
    • What’s happening: You can now use the UGC API to create video posts on behalf of a member and be posted on their member profile. Make sure the author references a member urn and not an organization. Learn more.
  • [reminder] Shares and UGC Posts Article Type Posts
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: Starting May 31, 2021, for article type posts the description, title, and thumbnail will be set from LinkedIn’s URL Preview of the URL only if the description, title, and thumbnail are not provided from the API call. Prior to this change, each field was set from LinkedIn’s URL Preview if the specific field was not set. If a specific representation of the post is desired, set the description, title, or thumbnail fields, rather than rely on automatic preview. Use the Post Inspector tool to determine what the LinkedIn URL Preview looks like.

Breaking Changes

  • New error response schema
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adAccountsV2 API
    • What’s happening: Last year, we introduced new error response fields (errorDetailType and errorDetails) and updated HTTP status codes for the adCampaignsGroups and adCampaigns API. Now, we are introducing the same changes for the adAccounts API. Make sure to check if you have parsed these fields and update your error parsing logic to account for the new error fields and the updated HTTP codes, as necessary. Learn more.
    • When: These changes will be implemented on July 24, 2021. Please make sure your parsing logic accounts for the changes.
  • New API for company search
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who search companies using industry, location, or other company facets
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: The old endpoint will be removed on August 31, 2021
  • [reminder] Shares and UGC Posts Article Type Posts
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting May 31, 2021

April 2021

Reporting & ROI

  • Introducing LinkedIn Brand Lift Testing
    • What’s happening: Use the new Ad Lift Test API to create a brand lift test and gauge the impact of your ads on brand metrics that you care about: awareness, consideration, familiarity, favorability, and more. Better measure your brand marketing efforts and optimize for future brand value. Learn more.
  • Use the Ads Review Information API to check the status of a Brand Lift test
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the new Ad Lift Test API
    • What’s happening: Use this new API to understand if a Brand Lift test has been approved or rejected and potential rejection reasons to better troubleshoot. Before calling the endpoint, make sure to obtain the brandLiftTest urn and the reviewVersionTag of the specific version of the entity being tested. Learn more.
  • Metrics grouped by member demographics now require longer processing time
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adAnalyticsV2 API
    • What’s happening: Metrics grouped by member demographics, such as company size and job function, will now be available in 12-24 hours. Historically this data was available within a few hours. The change is a first step towards scaling our systems to provide greater value. There is no change to performance metrics, such as those reported by creative, campaign or account, which will continue to be near real-time.

Page Management

  • [Reminder] Shares and UGC Posts Article Type Posts
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: Starting May 31, 2021, for article type posts the description, title, and thumbnail will be set from LinkedIn’s URL Preview of the URL only if the description, title, and thumbnail are not provided from the API call. Prior to this change, each field was set from LinkedIn’s URL Preview if the specific field was not set. If a specific representation of the post is desired, set the description, title, or thumbnail fields, rather than rely on automatic preview. Use the Post Inspector tool to determine what the LinkedIn URL Preview looks like.


  • [Reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API
    • What’s happening: Starting April 30, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs (Users & Companies to prevent abuse, ensure service stability, and consistent API availability. These limits will be enforced in addition to your current daily limits, which can be found through Developer Portal > My Apps > App > Analytics > Quotas and usage.

Breaking Changes

  • [Reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API
    • What’s happening: See Audiences section above
    • When: Starting April 30, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs.
  • [Reminder] Shares and UGC Posts Article Type Posts
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting May 31, 2021

Developer Platform

  • Use the new API product endpoint catalog to know what you have access to
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: Use this new Developer Portal tool to get a holistic view of the endpoints and permissions your application has access to. Easily view, sort, and filter through all the endpoints associated with an API product. Get started by visiting the Products tab under any application and select view endpoints for any product. Learn more.

March 2021

Campaign Management

  • Sharing an update on our plans for IDFA
    • One of the bigger industry shifts is Apple’s upcoming changes to Identifier for Advertising (IDFA), which companies use for tracking and ad targeting. We are committed to privacy-by-design principles that deliver value to our shared customers. As such, we have decided to stop our iOS apps’ collection of IDFA data for now. Although this change affects the LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN), Conversion Tracking and Matched Audiences, we expect limited impact to campaign performance. Our plan is to leverage our first-party data to help marketers reach buyer groups, which are critical for success in B2B marketing. We’ll update you next quarter on our progress and will share what we’ve learned along the way. Learn more.
  • Change to ad review rejection reasons
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Creatives and Ad Forms API
    • What’s happening: LinkedIn does not allow ads that could capitalize from, exploit or sensationalize the currently monitored sensitive event. Therefore, we've added two new rejection reasons: prohibited political content and current sensitive events. We have also deprecated the existing reasons: prohibited political or religious content. Learn more.

Page Management

  • For the first time, get real-time notifications for social actions, now including mentions.
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: Organization social actions webhooks enables you to receive real time notification on engagement with a LinkedIn Page or post. Use it to receive real-time activity for likes, comments, shares and mentions. Learn more.
  • Shares and UGC Posts Article Type Posts
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: Starting May 31, 2021, for article type posts the description, title, and thumbnail fields will be set from LinkedIn’s URL Preview of the URL only if the description, title, and thumbnail are not provided from the API call. Prior to this change, each field was set from LinkedIn’s URL Preview if the specific field was not set. This feature has always been the best effort and when fields are not present in the URL Preview, then it will not be set. If a specific representation of the post is desired, then it is recommended that partners set the description, title, or thumbnail fields rather than rely on automatic preview from this feature. LinkedIn provides Post Inspector, a tool to determine what LinkedIn’s URL Preview looks like. The tool uses slightly different naming. The three fields can be found under Properties with description and title named the same and Image corresponding to thumbnails.
  • [Reminder] Shares and UGC Posts Article Thumbnails
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, only the first thumbnail will be kept per content entity or share media. Any thumbnails beyond the first will be removed. The specific fields impacted are thumbnails in the ShareMedia of UGC Posts and thumbnails in ShareContent of Shares. If the first thumbnail does not have the required url field set and thus is invalid then this will result in no thumbnail regardless of if there are any thumbnails beyond the first.
  • [Reminder] Shares and UGC Posts Validations
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, the following length validations will be added to the following String fields in Shares and UGC Posts APIs. Posts that violate these validations will be rejected with a 422 HTTP error code and message indicating the field that is out of range along with the valid range.
      • The following length validations will be added to UGC Posts:
        • ShareContent primaryLandingPageUrl: 2000 length limit
        • ShareMedia landingPage.landingPageUrl: 2000 length limit
        • ShareMedia originalUrl: 8192 length limit
        • ShareMedia thumbnail.altText: 4086 length limit
        • ShareMedia thumbnail.url: 8192 length limit
      • The following length validations will be added to Shares:
        • Share Content landingPageUrl: 2000 length limit
        • Share Content contentEntities[i].landingPageUrl: 2000 length limit
        • Share Content contentEntities[i].entityLocation: 8192 length limit
        • Share Content contentEntities[i].thumbnails[j].resolvedUrl: 8192 length limit


  • Changes to targeting combination due to Apple’s App Tracking terms
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who target member interest & traits AND with Matched Audiences of types contact list, marketing automation contact list and website retargeting.
    • What’s happening: As per Apple’s App Tracking (ATT) legal terms we cannot link information inferred from user activity data on iOS app with any third party data for the purposes of ad targeting. With this, we are preventing customers from including or excluding a contact list, contact marketing automation or website segment with a member interest or trait targeting segments.
    • What does this mean for your application?
      • New campaigns created with the targeting combination mentioned above will fail with the following error:
      • Error message format: Facet {field1} with value(s) {value1} cannot be AND'ed together with {field2} to comply with app tracking transparency requirements.
        • field1: the targeting facet being checked
        • value1: the targeting facet value corresponding to field1
        • field2: the facets that are incompatible with field1
      • Please refer to the API documentation for the list of incompatible combinations.
    • Existing campaigns created prior to March 29, 2021 will continue to serve as before. However, any updates to targeting criteria with incompatible combinations post March 29 will fail with the error mentioned above.
  • [Reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API
    • What’s happening: Starting April 30, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs (Users & Companies to prevent abuse, ensure service stability, and consistent API availability. These limits will be enforced in addition to your current daily limits, which can be found through Developer Portal > My Apps > App > Analytics > Quotas and usage.
      • What does this mean for my application? If your application calls /dmpSegments/users or /dmpSegments/companies, you may get a HTTP 429 response if calling the endpoints too frequently, indicating that you are exceeding the rate limits.
      • How do I handle API calls that are throttled? Your application should be catching errors when making calls to /dmpSegment/users and /dmpSegment/companies and retry after a minimum of 1 second whenever you receive an HTTP 429 response.
      • Can I get the limits increased for my application? No, the limits we intend to enforce will not be customizable at an application level. However the limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications.
      • My application creates a significant amount of automated API calls (eg. one time full data dump or weekly data pushes with large volumes followed by smaller traffic that contains diffs throughout the week). Will this rate limit affect my throughput ? If the volume of your automated traffic exceeds tens of millions, then you can expect to see frequent throttling. While this might affect the throughput of your API calls, you will not see any differences in the matched audience processing SLA.

Breaking Changes

  • Changes to targeting combination due to Apple’s App Tracking terms
    • Who’s impacted: Partners who target member interest & traits AND with Matched Audiences of types contact list, marketing automation contact list and website retargeting.
    • What’s happening: See Audiences section above
    • When: Starting March 29, 2021
  • Shares and UGC Posts Article Type Posts
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting May 31, 2021
  • [Reminder] Shares and UGC Posts Validations
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021
  • [Reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will reject calls that do not meet the new requirements.
  • [Reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API
    • What’s happening: See Audiences section above
    • When: Starting April 30, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs.

February 2021

Campaign Management

  • [Reminder] Support for additional currencies
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adAccountsV2 API
    • What’s happening: The account creation endpoint adAccountsV2 will support creating ad accounts with 14 new currencies. Learn more.

Page Management

  • Shares and UGC Posts Article Thumbnails
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, only the first thumbnail will be kept. Any thumbnails beyond the first will be removed. The specific fields impacted are thumbnails in the ShareMedia of UGC Posts and thumbnails in ShareContent of Shares. If the first thumbnail does not have the required url field set and thus is invalid then this will result in no thumbnail regardless of if there are any thumbnails beyond the first.
  • Shares and UGC Posts Validations
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, the following length validations will be added to the following String fields in Shares and UGC Posts APIs. Posts that violate these validations will be rejected with a 422 HTTP error code and message indicating the field that is out of range along with the valid range.
      • The following length validations will be added to UGC Posts:
        • ShareContent primaryLandingPageUrl: 2000 length limit
        • ShareMedia landingPage.landingPageUrl: 2000 length limit
        • ShareMedia originalUrl: 8192 length limit
        • ShareMedia thumbnail.altText: 4086 length limit
        • ShareMedia thumbnail.url: 8192 length limit
      • The following length validations will be added to Shares:


  • [Reminder] Returning Organization Urn in AdTargetingEntities API school typeahead results
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the AdTargetingEntities API to identify targeting school segments using the typeahead finder
    • What’s happening: Starting March 1, 2021, we return an Organization Urn (E.g.:urn:li:organization:1646 for Harvard University) in place of a School Urn (E.g.:urn:li:school:18483 for Harvard University). No schema change is involved. The only change is the entity type and ID of each urn. To convert a saved school urn to an organization urn, call the Find Entities by Typeahead finder with the same school entity name to get the corresponding organization urn. Learn more.
  • [Reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs Users & Companies to prevent abuse, ensure service stability, and consistent API availability. These limits will be enforced in addition to your current daily limits, which can be found through Developer Portal > My Apps > App > Analytics > Quotas and usage.
      • What does this mean for my application? If your application calls /dmpSegments/users or /dmpSegments/companies, you may get a HTTP 429 response if calling the endpoints too frequently, indicating that you are exceeding the rate limits.
      • How do I handle API calls that are throttled? Your application should be catching errors when making calls to /dmpSegment/users and /dmpSegment/companies and retry after a minimum of 1 second whenever you receive an HTTP 429 response.
      • Can I get the limits increased for my application? No, the limits we intend to enforce will not be customizable at an application level. However the limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications.
      • My application creates a significant amount of automated API calls (eg. one time full data dump or weekly data pushes with large volumes followed by smaller traffic that contains diffs throughout the week). Will this rate limit affect my throughput ? If the volume of your automated traffic exceeds tens of millions, then you can expect to see frequent throttling. While this might affect the throughput of your API calls, you will not see any differences in the matched audience processing SLA.

Breaking Changes

  • Shares and UGC Posts Validations
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: See Page Management section above
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021
  • [Reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will reject calls that do not meet the new requirements.
  • [Reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API
    • What’s happening: See Audiences section above
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs.

January 2021

Campaign Management

  • New optimization target to maximize reach
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts and adCampaignsV2 APIs to create new campaigns optimizing for unique member accounts.
    • What’s happening: A new optimization target (MAX_REACH) will be available under the Brand Awareness objective that aims to maximize the number of unique member accounts reached. The new OptimizationTargetType is usable specifically for the Brand Awareness objective and a new metric type (Reach & Reach per Million Impressions) under forecasting to show predicted number of new members reached, as well as the frequency they see an ad. Learn more.


  • Returning Organization Urn in AdTargetingEntities API school typeahead results
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the AdTargetingEntities API to identify targeting school segments using the typeahead finder
    • What’s happening: Starting March 1, 2021, we return an Organization Urn (E.g.:urn:li:organization:1646 for Harvard University) in place of a School Urn (E.g.:urn:li:school:18483 for Harvard University). No schema change is involved. The only change is the entity type and ID of each urn. To convert a saved school urn to an organization urn, call the Find Entities by Typeahead finder with the same school entity name to get the corresponding organization urn. Learn more.
  • [reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs (Users & Companies) to prevent abuse, ensure service stability, and consistent API availability. These limits will be enforced in addition to your current daily limits, which can be found through Developer Portal > My Apps > App > Analytics > Quotas and usage.
      • What does this mean for my application? If your application calls /dmpSegments/users or /dmpSegments/companies, you may get a HTTP 429 response if calling the endpoints too frequently, indicating that you are exceeding the rate limits.
      • How do I handle API calls that are throttled? Your application should be catching errors when making calls to /dmpSegment/users and /dmpSegment/companies and retry after a minimum of 1 second whenever you receive an HTTP 429 response.
      • Can I get the limits increased for my application? No, the limits we intend to enforce will not be customizable at an application level. However the limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications.
      • My application creates a significant amount of automated API calls (eg. one time full data dump or weekly data pushes with large volumes followed by smaller traffic that contains diffs throughout the week). Will this rate limit affect my throughput ? If the volume of your automated traffic exceeds tens of millions, then you can expect to see frequent throttling. While this might affect the throughput of your API calls, you will not see any differences in the matched audience processing SLA.

Breaking Changes

  • [reminder] New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will reject calls that do not meet the new requirements.
  • [reminder] New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API
    • What’s happening: See Audiences section above
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs.


December 2020

Campaign Management

  • Updates to Message & Conversation Ads
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Message & Conversation Ads API
    • What’s happening: Starting July 5, 2021, we are changing how you create a Message or Conversation ad:
      • You can update creatives that are not in the DRAFT status for Message/Conversation Ads.
      • The AdInMailContent’s editable field will not be automatically set to false any longer.
      • The Sponsored Conversation’s editable field will be set to false when an AdInMailContent is associated with a SponsoredConversation. When calling the adInMailContentsV2 endpoint with a subContent of type AdInMailGuidedRepliesSubContent, the editable field of the referenced SponsoredConversation will be set to false automatically.
  • Support for additional currencies
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adAccountsV2 API
    • What’s happening: Starting February 24, 2021, the account creation endpoint adAccountsV2 will support creating ad accounts with 14 new currencies. Learn more.

Reporting & ROI

  • We discovered two measurement issues
    • Who’s impacted: All reporting partners
    • What’s happening: We are committed to transparency and the integrity of our ads products, and we wanted to let you know about two measurement issues that our engineering team discovered in August and subsequently fixed on November 10. As a result of these issues, we may have over-reported some of your customers’ Sponsored Content campaign performance metrics. You can learn more by reading our blog post.


  • New API rate limits for DMP streaming
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the DMP streaming API
    • What’s happening: Starting March 31, 2021, we will be introducing granular rate limits for our DMP streaming APIs (Users & Companies) to prevent abuse, ensure service stability, and consistent API availability. These limits will be enforced in addition to your current daily limits, which can be found through Developer Portal > My Apps > App > Analytics > Quotas and usage.
      • What does this mean for my application? If your application calls /dmpSegments/users or /dmpSegments/companies, you may get a HTTP 429 response if calling the endpoints too frequently, indicating that you are exceeding the rate limits.
      • How do I handle API calls that are throttled? Your application should be catching errors when making calls to /dmpSegment/users and /dmpSegment/companies and retry after a minimum of 1 second whenever you receive an HTTP 429 response.
      • Can I get the limits increased for my application? No, the limits we intend to enforce will not be customizable at an application level. However the limits will be enforced such that there is minimal interruption to existing applications.
      • My application creates a significant amount of automated API calls (eg. one time full data dump or weekly data pushes with large volumes followed by smaller traffic that contains diffs throughout the week). Will this rate limit affect my throughput ? If the volume of your automated traffic exceeds tens of millions, then you can expect to see frequent throttling. While this might affect the throughput of your API calls, you will not see any differences in the matched audience processing SLA.

Breaking Changes

  • New API call length requirements
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: To improve our network infrastructure and API traffic, we now require all API calls to meet the new length requirements. Requests exceeding the new length requirements will be rejected. To avoid calls being rejected, we recommend using query tunneling. See migration guide here.
    • When: Starting March 31, 2021, we will reject calls that do not meet the new requirements.
  • UGC permalinkSuffixes endpoint removed
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the UGC permalinkSuffixes finder endpoint
    • What's happening: The permalinkSuffixes endpoint has been removed. To retrieve UGC posts, we recommend you find posts by author.

October 2020

  • Page Management
    • New validations for mentions
      • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
      • What’s happening: New validations for the start and length fields for mentions that require the following: length must be greater than 0, start must be greater than or equal to 0, and start + length must be less than the length of the text. If these requirements are not met, the request will result in a 400 error code.
    • UGC Posts duplicate content error code change
      • Who's impacted: Partners using the UGC Posts API
      • What's happening: Previously, requests to create duplicate UGC Posts returned a 409 error code. Now, these requests return a 422 error code.
  • Reporting & ROI
    • Increased pivot values on Statistics Finder
      • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Analytics Statistics Finder
      • What's happening: The Statistics Finder now supports grouping results by up to 3 pivot values. See Ad Analytics to learn more.
  • Breaking Changes
    • [Optional to Required] campaignGroup field for campaign creation
      • Who’s impacted: Partners using adCampaignsV2
      • What’s happening: Starting October 30, 2020, campaignGroup field in adCampaignsV2 endpoint will change from optional to required. Any calls to the adCampaignsV2 endpoint to create a new campaign that do not specify campaignGroup will fail and return a 400.
    • Integrate Lifetime Pacing for a better customer experience
      • Who’s impacted: Partners using adCampaignsV2
      • What’s happening: We recommend you integrate Lifetime Pacing by September 30 not only for improved ROI but also for a better customer experience. Starting in end-September, all campaigns created in LinkedIn Campaign Manager will be lifetime pacing campaigns only. The biggest impact will be on customers who create campaigns in LinkedIn Campaign Manager and then manage budgets via your platform. If you choose not to integrate Lifetime Pacing, you will still need to update API restrictions. For example, setting total budget + daily budget with fixed schedule or total budget run continuously are no longer valid options.
    • [Warning] Deprecation of totalBudget and totalBudgetEndsAt
      • Who’s impacted: all partners using adAccountsV2
      • What’s happening: Starting October 30, 2020, totalBudget and totalBudgetEndAt field in adAccountsV2 will be deprecated. All budget and run date information should be set and read at the Campaign Group level. totalBudget from adAccountsV2 maps to totalBudget in adCampaignGroupsV2 and totalBudgetEndAt maps to runSchedule.end in adCampaignGroupsV2.

September 2020

General API

  • Specify synchronous upload when creating a post with an image
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the Shares and UGC Posts APIs
    • What’s happening: When creating a post with an image, you are required to specify “SYNCHRONOUS_UPLOAD” as supportedUploadMechanism in registerUploadRequest Json to make sure an image asset is created. Learn more.


  • Integrate Lifetime Pacing for a better customer experience
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adCampaigns API
    • What’s happening: We recommend you integrate Lifetime Pacing by September 30 not only for improved ROI but also for a better customer experience. Starting in end-September, all campaigns created in LinkedIn Campaign Manager will be lifetime pacing campaigns only. The biggest impact will be on customers who create campaigns in LinkedIn Campaign Manager and then manage budgets via your platform. If you choose not to integrate Lifetime Pacing, you will still need to update API restrictions. For example, setting total budget + daily budget with fixed schedule or total budget run continuously are no longer valid options.


  • [Warning] Deprecation of totalBudget and totalBudgetEndsAt
    • Who’s impacted: all partners using adAccountsV2
    • What’s happening: Starting October 30, 2020, totalBudget and totalBudgetEndAt field in adAccountsV2 will be deprecated. All budget and run date information should be set and read at the Campaign Group level. totalBudget from adAccountsV2 maps to totalBudget in adCampaignGroupsV2 and totalBudgetEndAt maps to runSchedule.end in adCampaignGroupsV2.
  • [Optional to Required] campaignGroup field
    • Who's impacted: all partners using adCampaignsV2
    • What's happening: campaignGroup field in adCampaignsV2 endpoint will be a required field (currently is optional). Any campaign creation calls to the adCampaignsV2 endpoint that do not specify campaignGroup will fail and return a 400 starting October 30, 2020.
  • [Reminder] Enforced projections for adAnalyticsV2
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics API.
    • What’s happening: The /adAnalyticsV2 API will require all callers to request only the metrics they need from the API by using the fields parameter. There will also be an enforcement of 20 fields maximum per request.
    • When: September 30, 2020. After this date, any request without fields= will return a 400. Additionally any request asking for more than 20 fields will return a 400.

August 2020

General API

  • OAuth refresh tokens now available for all partners
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: Refresh tokens create a more seamless authorization experience for your customers. Customers will only be required to explicitly authorize your application once each year. While access tokens are still only valid for 60 days, you can now programmatically get new access tokens using refresh tokens for up to a year. Note, there may however be cases where LinkedIn expires tokens sooner. Please refer to the documentation to get started.
  • UGC video posts now available
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: Previously restricted to a limited audience, the ability to create a video post using the UGC Post API is now generally available.
  • Sort UGC posts by last modified or created date
    • Who’s impacted: Partners using the UGC Post author finder API and Shares owner finder API
    • What’s happening: UGC author finder and Shares owner finder now support retrieving ugcPosts chronologically by setting the optional parameter ‘sortBy’ to ‘CREATED’. The default sort option is ‘LAST_MODIFIED’, which means Shares and UGC posts are ordered by last modified time instead of creation time (most recent to least recent).
  • Enable and disable comments on threads through the socialMetadata API
    • Who’s impacted: All partners
    • What’s happening: You can now enable or disable comments on threads. Disabling comments will delete all existing comments and prevent new ones from being written on the thread. Enabling comments will allow new comments to be written.
  • Campaign Groups campaign creation limit increase
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaignsGroups API.
    • What’s happening: We have increased the limit from 1,000 to 2,000 campaigns per non-default campaign group. Learn more here.
  • Enable and disable comments on threads through the socialMetadata API
    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: You can now enable or disable comments on threads. Disabling comments will delete all existing comments and prevent new ones from being written on the thread. Enabling comments will allow new comments to be written.


  • Integrate Lifetime Pacing to avoid breaking the campaign management experience for your customers
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaigns API
    • What's happening: We recommend you integrate Lifetime Pacing by Sept 30 to avoid breaking the campaign management experience for your customers. The experience may break for customers that create a Lifetime Pacing campaign in LinkedIn's UI and edits in a partner platform. Use the parameter "pacingStrategy=LIFETIME" when you save the campaigns using adCampaigns API.


  • [Warning] Deprecation of totalBudget and totalBudgetEndsAt
    • Who's impacted: all partners using adAccountsV2
    • What's happening: totalBudget and totalBudgetEndAt field in adAccountsV2 will be deprecated starting October 30, 2020. All budget and run date information should be set and read at the Campaign Group level. totalBudget from adAccountsV2 maps to totalBudget in adCampaignGroupsV2 and totalBudgetEndAt maps to runSchedule.end in adCampaignGroupsV2.
  • [Optional to Required] campaignGroup field
    • Who's impacted: all partners using adCampaignsV2
    • What's happening: campaignGroup field in adCampaignsV2 endpoint will be a required field (currently is optional). Any campaign creation calls to the adCampaignsV2 endpoint that do not specify campaignGroup will fail and return a 400 starting October 30, 2020.
  • [Extension] Enforced projections for adAnalyticsV2
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics API.
    • What's happening: The /adAnalyticsV2 API will require all callers to request only the metrics they need from the API by using the fields= parameter. There will also be an enforcement of 20 fields maximum per request.
    • When: We have extended the deadline by 60 days to September 30, 2020. After this date, any request without fields= will return a 400. Additionally any request asking for more than 20 fields will return a 400.

July 2020

General API

  • Introducing LinkedIn's New OAuth Token Inspector Tool & API

    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: The new token inspector tool which allows you to check detailed metadata information about a token in a secure way through our developer portal or API. The tool has been added to our developer portal and the documentation for the new Token Introspection Endpoint is available here.
  • Introducing allowedCampaignTypes field

    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaignsGroupsV2 API.
    • What's happening: Field allowedCampaignTypes in adCampaignsGroupsV2 endpoint will be introduced only for accounts with type ENTERPRISE. The field allowedCampaignTypes will not be returned for accounts with type BUSINESS as all campaign types can be created within these accounts. Before creating new campaigns in Enterprise accounts, it is recommended to check allowedCampaignTypes. The array of allowedCampaignTypes can return the following campaign types:
      • TEXT_AD - Text-based ads that show up in the right column or top of the page on LinkedIn.
      • DYNAMIC - Ads that are dynamically personalized.
      • SPONSORED_UPDATES - Native ads that promote a company's content updates in the LinkedIn feed.
      • SPONSORED_INMAILS - Personalized messages with a call-to-action button delivered to LinkedIn's member inbox.

Message Ads

  • Conversations Ads Now Supported on Three New Objective Types
    • Who's impacted: Partners using Objective-Based Advertising
    • What's happening: Conversations Ads was previously only available as a format when choosing Lead Generation or Website Visits as an Objective. Now, you can select Conversation Ads for Brand Awareness, Engagement, and Website Conversion Objective Types.


  • [Warning] Deprecation of totalBudget and totalBudgetEndsAt

    • Who's impacted: all partners using adAccountsV2
    • What's happening: totalBudget and totalBudgetEndAt field in adAccountsV2 will be deprecated starting October 30, 2020. All budget and run date information should be set and read at the Campaign Group level. totalBudget from adAccountsV2 maps to totalBudget in adCampaignsGroupsV2 and totalBudgetEndAt maps to runSchedule.end in adCampaignsGroupsV2.
  • [Optional to Required] campaignGroup field

    • Who's impacted: all partners using adCampaignsV2
    • What's happening: campaignGroup field in adCampaignsV2 endpoint will be a required field (currently is optional). Any campaign creation calls to the adCampaignsV2 endpoint that do not specify campaignGroup will fail and return a 400 starting October 30, 2020.
  • [Extension] Enforced projections for adAnalyticsV2

    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics API.
    • What's happening: The adAnalyticsV2 API will require all callers to request only the metrics they need from the API by using the fields= parameter. There will also be an enforcement of 20 fields maximum per request.
    • When: We have extended the deadline by 60 days to September 30, 2020. After this date, any request without fields= will return a 400. Additionally any request asking for more than 20 fields will return a 400.

June 2020

General API

  • REMINDER: New error response schema
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaignsGroups and adCampaigns API
    • What's happening: To make error responses more actionable, we've introduced: new error response fields -- errorDetailType and errorDetails -- and updated HTTP status codes that will be specific to the error. Make sure you've parsed these fields and updated your error parsing logic to account for the new error fields and the updated HTTP codes, as necessary. Learn more.
  • Introducing Test Ad Accounts
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaigns API
    • What's happening: Use Test Ad Accounts to test new integrations in a sandbox environment, where no billing setup is required and you don't need to worry about LinkedIn members seeing your test ads. Learn more.


  • Introducing Lifetime Pacing for campaigns using updated budget-schedule combinations.
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaigns API
    • What's happening: Lifetime Pacing spends the budget more efficiently by allocating for ad request traffic for the duration of the campaign. Advertisers no longer need to pause campaigns during times of predicted lower traffic, such as the weekends. Lifetime Pacing is available for Daily Budget + Fixed Schedule, Lifetime Budget, and Daily and Lifetime Budget options. Learn more.
  • Fix to resolve Message Ads campaign validation issue
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaigns API.
    • What's happening: You may have experienced a delay in delivery of some creatives when selecting 'Optimize for Performance' in your Message or Conversation Ad campaigns. This option has been removed from Sponsored Messaging. New validations will be added to ensure "creativeSelection" is "ROUND_ROBIN" for all creates and updates. For SPONSORED_INMAILS campaigns, make sure in new create/batch_create requests put "creativeSelection" = "ROUND_ROBIN"; For existing SPONSORED_INMAILS campaigns, make sure to update "creativeSelection", otherwise updating other fields will fail this validation. Learn more.
    • When: The validation will take effect on July 29. Please update your existing SPONSORED_INMAILS campaigns and make sure your newly created campaigns are valid.


  • Data limit throttling for adAnalyticsV2
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics API.
    • What's happening: The /adAnalyticsV2 API will enforce a data limit over a 5 min window to protect LinkedIn API servers from being overwhelmed by a user requesting too much data. Learn more.
    • When: By August 31, 2020, We recommend partners to start using fields= parameter to reduce the query loads and spread the requests over a longer duration. After August 31, if a partner exceeds the limit, further requests from the partner will return 400 for the rest of the 5 min window.


  • REMINDER: Enforced projections for adAnalyticsV2
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics API.
    • What's happening: The /adAnalyticsV2 API will require all callers to request only the metrics they need from the API by using the fields= parameter. There will also be an enforcement of 15 fields maximum per request.
    • When: We will require all partners to pass the fields= parameter by July 31, 2020. After that date, any request without fields= will return a 400. Additionally any request asking for more than 15 fields will return a 400.
  • Setting a deprecated targeting object will now throw an error
    • Who's impacted: Partners setting targeting object in adCampaignsV2 API.
    • What's happening: Setting the targeting object in your request will now throw an error. Please use targeting criteria instead. Learn more.

May 2020

General API

  • Introducing Test Ad Accounts
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaigns API.
    • What's happening: Use Test Ad Accounts to test new integrations in a sandbox environment, where no billing setup is required and you don't need to worry about LinkedIn members seeing your test ads. Learn more.
  • New error response schema
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaignGroupsV2 and adCampaigns API
    • What's happening: To make error responses more actionable, we're introducing: new error response fields -- errorDetailType and errorDetails -- and updated HTTP status codes that will be specific to the error. Make sure to check if you have parsed these fields and update your error parsing logic to account for the new error fields and the updated HTTP codes, as necessary. Learn more.
  • Fix to reduce errors when creating ads
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaigns API
    • What's happening: You may have previously observed an error if you created a post on LinkedIn and then immediately tried to sponsor it. This issue has been resolved.
  • Disabling 'Optimize for Performance' option
    • Who's impacted: Partner using the Message Ads or Conversations Ads API
    • What's happening: You may have experienced a delay in delivery of some creatives when selecting 'Optimize for Performance' in your Message or Conversation Ad campaigns. This option has been removed from Sponsored Messaging, so if you do select 'Optimize for Performance', you will be unable to create or update your campaign. Make sure creativeSelection = "ROUND_ROBIN" and not "OPTIMIZED" when creating your Message campaign. Learn more.


  • Missing conversion data
    • Who's impacted: All reporting partners
    • What's happening: Due to delays in finalized daily conversion data, you may have noticed missing campaign performance metrics for May 13-14 and campaign demographic metrics for May 13-15. The issue has been resolved.
    • Action required: Please resync all conversions data between May 13-15.

April 2020

General API

  • Campaign Groups Campaign Creation Limit
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adCampaignGroupsV2 endpoint.
    • What's happening: We have increased the limit from 200 to 1,000 campaigns per non-default campaign group. Learn more here
  • New ad format: square & vertical video ads
    • Who's Impacted: Partners using the Assets API and Video Ads.
    • What's happening: Create video ads with different aspect ratios (square 1:1 and vertical ads). Please use ads-video_v2, and no longer use ads-video. You can continue to use video formats. Note: vertical aspect ratio video ads will only be served to a mobile device player. Learn More

Bidding & Optimization

  • New bidding option - Target Cost Bidding
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns
    • What's happening: Target Cost Bidding is a new bidding option that provides advertisers with an additional way to optimize their campaigns and better manage costs. When choosing Target Cost, the campaign will be optimized to generate as many objective key results as possible, while maintaining a 30 percent upper and lower bound value specified by the advertiser. Learn More


  • New firmographic facets available for targeting -- Company Growth & Company Categories
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adTargetingEntities endpoint
    • What's happening: We have added two new firmographic facets: company growth and company categories allow you to target a curated list from well-recognized publications and thought leaders like Forbes, Fortune, and LinkedIn. Company growth measures year-over-year growth in employee count and an be used to reach companies in high growth and may be in need of a system or technology.


  • Enforced projections for adAnalyticsV2
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics API
    • What's happening: The /adAnalyticsV2 API will require all callers to request only the metrics they need from the API by using the fields= parameter. There will also be an enforcement of 15 fields maximum per request.
    • When: We will require all partners to pass the fields= parameter by July 31, 2020. After that date, any request without fields= will return a 400 error. Additionally any request asking for more than 15 fields will return a 400 error.


  • Geo-location targeting migration
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Targeting API location facet only. This does not impact the Share or UGC API.
    • What's happening: We have asked partners to complete their migration to Bing geo data

March 2020

General API

  • Asset API when uploading image to LinkedIn platform.
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Asset API to Upload Image
    • What's happening: When registering an upload for images, specify "SYNCHRONOUS_UPLOAD" as supportedUploadMechanism in registerUploadRequest JSON to make sure an Image Asset is created when the ugcPost is created, so that the feed update can be rendered. Learn more.
  • Track and report Reaction on organic posts and Sponsored Content
    • Who's impacted: Partners that use Social Actions API
    • What's happening: Member reactions, such as likes, celebrate, love, insightful, curious, to organize and paid posts can now be accessed with the new Reactions and SocialMetadataAPIs. The Reactions endpoint provides reaction, creation, update, delete, and reads, while the SocialMetadata endpoint provides comment and reaction counts and metadata on posts. Learn more
    • Images+Comments capability availability via the Vector API
      • Who's impacted: Partners adding image in comments previously using the Rich Media API and migrating to the Vector API.
      • What's happening: Previously, you could add an image to comments via the Rich Media API but not with the new Vector API, which was blocking the migration.. This issue was resolved starting March 10. A new entity urn field was added to the content field, replacing the existing URL field. When creating a comment with an image, specify the image as an urn (obtained when uploading an image to the Vector API) instead of a URL. Learn more
      • Attaching images to comments by URL will not be supported after the Rich Media API is sunset. The URL will still be provided when reading comments, but note that this is an expiring URL.

Conversions & Reporting

  • [Fixing soon] Viral impressions/clicks for single-image Sponsored Content.
    • Who's impacted: Partners using adAnalyticsV2
    • What's happening:
      • If a Sponsored Content is commented or liked, it can be distributed to a member's network beyond the target audience. These are called viral impressions & viral clicks, which are free and not charged for. In reporting these metrics, start with the word "viral".
      • Historically, viral reporting counts for single-image Sponsored Content were not returned. Video and Carousel Ads are unaffected.
      • This will be fixed by April 30 in Ads Reporting. Historical performance data will not be backfilled. Learn more
  • Recommendations when retrieving large data sets.
    • Who's impacted: All partners trying to retrieve large data sets via adAnalyticsV2 API
    • What's happening: An ongoing problem when trying to retrieve large data sets (for example, adAnalyticsV2 endpoint with projection and demographic pivots) is a combination of 400 and 400 errors that too much data is being called. You can specify fields in the projection, but to reduce the content length limit in the response, you should limit the fields by adding &fields= to your request with the specific fields you want returned. Learn more.
      • Example:<account_id>&pivot=MEMBER_COMPANY&projection=(*,elements*(*,pivotValue~(localizedName)))&fields=dateRange,impressions,clicks,landingPageClicks,externalWebsiteConversions,pivotValue
  • Introducing Conversation Ads
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Conversation Ads API
    • What's happening: On March 17, we launched a new messaging-based ad format, Conversation Ads. With this ad, advertisers will be able to add multiple, custom calls-to-action (CTAs) to each step of their conversation that generates automated responses. These responses can include showing a subsequent message, linking to a landing page, or opening up a LinkedInLead Gen Form. In-product templates will be available in early April. Learn more


  • New targeting attributes to reach the right audience
  • Who's impacted: Partners using the adTargetingEntities API
  • What's happening: We have released 10 new targeting attributes, based on known characteristics and behaviors (i.e., frequent traveler, iOS user, Android user, desktop user, open to jobs, open to education), to help you reach the audiences that matter. Learn more

February 2020

General API Updates

  • Images+Comments capability via the Vector API will be available on March 10

    • Who's impacted: Partners adding an image in comments previously using the Rich Media API and migrating to the Vector API
    • What's happening: Previously, you could add an image to comments via the Rich Media API, but not with the new Vector API which was blocking the migration. This issue will be resolved on March 10.
  • An entity field is now part of the content field in a comment, replacing the url field. When creating a comment with an image, specify the image as a digitalmediaAsset URN (obtained when uploading an image to the Vector API) within the entity field instead of the URL field. Learn more

    • Attaching images to comments by URL will not be supported after the Rich Media API is retired. The URL will still be provided when reading comments, but this will only be an expiring URL.
  • REMINDER: UGCPosts thumbnail, originalURL, and description fields must be empty when creating video, live video, and document posts

    • Who's impacted: Partners using UGC API
    • What's happening: Previously, you may have leveraged the thumbnail, originalURL, or description field when creating a video, live video, or document post where the UgcPosts's shareMediaCategory field is either VIDEO, LIVE_VIDEO, or NATIVE_DOCUMENT. These fields are meant for third-party articles, and not for the above posts. We did not activate the appropriate validations to prevent such calls. Starting February 28, we will be enforcing these validations, so please ensure these fields are blank when creating the above posts, otherwise the call will result in a 400 error. For creating UGCPosts with ShareMediaCategory of URN_Reference, the title, description, originalUrl, mediaOverlay, and thumbnail fields must be empty.

Community Management

  • New field to look up organization type
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Organization Lookup API.
    • What's happening: New primaryOrganizationType field enables you to easily look up the primary organization type: school, brand, or none. Learn more.


  • REMINDER: Geo-location targeting migration

    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Targeting API location facet only. This does not impact the Share or UGC API.
    • What's happening: In an effort to improve our geo targeting and provide a more comprehensive targeting experience, LinkedIn is migrating to Bing geo data. Refer to this Migration Guide for additional detail.
    • When:; By March 31, 2020, partners should stop using the Locations APIs, and instead integrate with our adTargetingEntities Typeahead and Urns APIs. Starting April 1, 2020, the legacy locations will no longer be accepted in campaign creation.
  • REMINDER: Upload images via the new API.

    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Rich Media API
    • What's happening: Use a new API to upload images for organic posts and Sponsored Content. The new API, called Vector, supports higher resolution images and faster image upload times. We are extending the removal date for the Rich Media API from January 30 to May 31, 2020.
    • When: Migrate to the new API for image uploads by May 31, 2020, to avoid disruptions to your service.


  • REMINDER: Member Company Pivot Name change
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalyticsV2 API
    • What's happening: The format of pivotValue values in the response to requests using the pivot(s) MEMBER_COMPANY will change from company urn (urn:li:company:1) to organization urn (urn:li:organization:1). Those leveraging this pivot will need to use the Organization API to resolve the new organization urn.
    • When: The company URN will be removed on February 27, 2020.

January 2020

General API Updates

  • Updated API error messages to provide the most relevant information to help you troubleshoot
    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: Error messages have been updated to provide the specific information you need to fix errors and make it easier to use our APIs. This is the first step in a long-term plan to improve our error schema, which includes a new error detail field to provide additional information. Look for more details in the coming months.
  • Changes to rw_company_admin, r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress, and w_share permissions.
    • Who's impacted: Partners requesting member authorization for rw_company_admin, r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress or w_share
    • What's happening: Previously, you were able to access the following four permissions without approval: rw_company_admin, r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress and w_share. Starting February 27, 2020, you can only request these permissions if they are permissions granted to your application and visible as an available permission under the Auth tab in the Developer Portal. Requesting permissions that your application does not have will result in an error (unauthorized_scope_error) thrown during OAuth authorization.
  • UGCPosts thumbnail, originalURL, and description fields must be empty when creating video, live video, and document posts.
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the UGC API
    • What's happening: Previously, you may have leveraged the thumbnail, originalURL, or description fields when creating a video, live video, or document post (where the UgcPost's shareMediaCategory field is either VIDEO, LIVE_VIDEO, or NATIVE_DOCUMENT. These fields are meant for third-party articles, and not for the above posts. We did not activate the appropriate validations to prevent such calls. Starting February 28, we will be enforcing these validations, so please ensure these fields are blank when creating the above posts, otherwise the call will result in a 400 error.
    • For creating UGCPosts with ShareMediaCategory of URN_REFERENCE, the title, description, originalUrl, mediaOverlay and thumbnail fields must be empty.
  • Updates to the Breaking Change policy
    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: A new Breaking Change Policy article has been added to developer documentation. Please review this guide to understand how LinkedIn defines and manages breaking changes.

Conversions & Reporting

  • New field: Approximate unique impressions
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics V2 API
    • What's happening: Starting February 27, use a new field, Approximate Unique Impressions, to enhance your reporting. Learn More

Lead Gen Forms

  • Edit most components of live Lead Gen Forms
    • Who's impacted: Partners that use the Lead Gen Form API
    • What's happening: You can now edit Lead Gen Forms (LGF) attached to creatives under a non-draft campaign, with the exception of forms attached to Sponsored InMail or Conversation Ads. This includes the form headline, form details, form description, thank you message, thank you page CTA, link to website, privacy policy URL, and custom privacy policy text. Learn more.
  • Sponsored InMail rebranded to Message Ads
    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: "Sponsored InMail" is now labeled as "Message Ad". We have updated our API docs to reflect the new product name.


  • Geo-location targeting migration reminder
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Targeting API location facet only. This does not impact Share or UGC API.
    • What's happening: In an effort to improve our geo targeting and provide a more comprehensive targeting experience, LinkedIn is migrating to Bing geo data. Refer to this Migration Guide for additional detail.
    • When: By March 31, 2020, partners should stop using the Locations APIs, and instead integrate with our adTargetingEntities Typeahead and Urns APIs. Starting April 1, 2020, the legacy locations will no longer be accepted in campaign creation.
  • Upload images via the new API
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Rich Media API
    • What's happening: Use a new API to upload images for organic posts and Sponsored Content. The new API, called Vector, will support higher resolution images and faster image upload times. We are extending the removal date for the Rich Media API from January 30 to March 30, 2020.
    • When: Migrate to the new API for image uploads by March 30, 2020 to avoid disruptions to your service.


  • Member Company Pivot Name Change
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics V2 API
    • What's happening: The format of pivotValue(s) in the response of requests using the pivot(s) MEMBER_COMPANY will change from company urn (urn:li:company:1) to organization urn (urn:li:organization:1). Those leveraging this pivot will need to use the Organization API to resolve the new organization urn. When: Company urn will be removed on February 27, 2020.


December 2019

General API Updates

  • New metrics available for video posts
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the organizationalEntityShareStatistics endpoint
    • What's happening: The following metrics are now available to measure the performance of a video post: clicks, comments, mentions, engagement, impressions, likes, shares, and more. Learn more.
  • Use company URL to improve company matching
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Organizations Lookup API.
    • What's happening: Partners that support company targeting, company mentions or Matched Audience can use the new localizedWebsite field to more reliably identify and match target accounts. Learn more.
  • Campaigns using new objectives must use new fields objectiveType and optimizationTargetType to pull bid minimums
    • Who's impacted: All partners using new campaign objectives including: Brand Awareness, Website Visit, Engagement, Video Views, Lead Generation, Website Conversion, Job Applicant, Talent Lead.
    • What's happening:
      • With the launch of Objective-Based Advertising and the new objectives, we implemented new bid minimums based on the objective. To pull the new bid mins, you must use new fields: Objective Type and Optimization Target Type. Learn more.
      • For legacy objectives, continue to use the the AdBudgetPricing endpoint to retrieve bid minimums.
  • LinkedIn Marketing API Program data storage requirements
    • Who's impacted: All LinkedIn Marketing API Program partners
    • What's happening: The LinkedIn Marketing API Program data storage requirements have been updated. Learn more.

Conversions & Reporting

  • Customize your conversion window with 90-day option
    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: In August, we released new fields 'postClickAttributionWindowSize' and 'viewThroughAttributionWindowSize' that enable you to customize a 1,7,30-day conversion window for a post-click or view-through conversions. You can now customize a 90-day conversion window, in addition to 1,7,30 days. The default conversion window for view-through is 7 days and post-click is 30 days. Learn more.
  • Use new geographic reporting dimensions, as part of the migration to Bing-geo locations
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adAnalytics API
    • What's happening: We are adding three new dimensions for demographic reporting: MEMBER_COUNTRY_V2, MEMBER_REGION_V2, and MEMBER_COUNTY. These new pivots will return geo urns as part of the data, so 10 clicks for urn urn:li:geo:1 for example. They will replace MEMBER_COUNTRY and MEMBER_REGION, which are deprecated and will be removed on March 31, 2020. Learn more.
  • Send Sponsored InMail from a company name
    • Who's impacted: Partners that use the InMail API.
    • What's happening: You can now support Sponsored InMail from a company sender via API, previously a sender had to be an individual. Note, this feature is limited to customers that have company sender set up by their LinkedIn rep.
  • Direct Sponsored Content (DSC) posters can now request access control information
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using the Company Pages APIs.
    • What's happening: We are deprecating organizationalEntityAcls API in favor of a new API: organizationAcls. In addition we are now allowing the ability for a direct sponsored content poster to request an ACL via UPDATE method. Organizational Entity ACL API will be removed on February 29, 2020. Learn more.
  • Remove Sponsored Content from campaign
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using the adDirectSponsoredContents API.
    • What's happening: To help you clean up and organize your campaigns, you can now archive Sponsored Content that you no longer want to sponsor by setting the 'status' field of the AdDirectSponsoredContent to ARCHIVED. Learn more.
  • Batch delete creatives capability is not available
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
    • What's happening: In our September API update email, we inadvertently communicated the ability to delete multiple creatives from a campaign in batch. This is currently not available, but you can delete single creative from a campaign.


  • New Matched Audiences fields to enhance account and contact matching
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the dmpSegments API for user, company and list upload endpoints
    • What's happening: Starting December 12, use these new fields to improve your Matched Audiences account and contact matching rates:
      • For contact matching: Google IDs, mobile IDs, first name, last name, job title, country/region, and company name
      • For account matching: companyPageUrl, stockSymbol, industry, city, state, country/region, and zip code


  • Upload images via the new API
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Rich Media API
    • What's happening: Use a new API to upload images for organic posts and Sponsored Content. The Rich Media API is now deprecated and will be terminated on January 30, 2020. The new API, called Vector, will support higher resolution images and faster image upload times. Refer to this migration guide for additional detail.
  • Geo-location migration reminder
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Targeting API location facet only. This does not impact Share or UGC Post API.
    • What's happening: In an effort to improve our geo targeting and provide a more comprehensive targeting experience, LinkedIn is migrating to Bing geo data. Refer to this migration guide for additional detail.
    • When: By March 31, 2020, partners should stop using the Locations APIs, and instead integrate with our adTargetingEntities Typeahead and Urns APIs. Starting April 1, 2020, the legacy locations will no longer be accepted in campaign creation.


  • ugcOrigin and serviceProvider field deprecated
    • Who's impacted: Partners that use the ugcOrigin field from ugcPosts or serviceProvider field from sharesV2
    • What's happening: ugcOrigin and serviceProvider will be removed, as a part of schema cleanup efforts. These fields will not be replaced.
    • When: The ugcOrigin and serviceProvider field will be removed on January 10, 2020.
  • Removing support for SHA1 hashed emails
    • Who's impacted: Partner using the DMP Segment List Upload and User Streaming API
    • What's happening: We've removed support for a SHA1 emails from contact list matching, with the latest set of security changes. Moving forward, email addresses must be SHA256 hashed before you upload the list and SHA256 or SHA512 hashed to stream a user list.
    • When: Support for SHA1 emails will be removed December 9, 2019.

October 2019

General API Updates

  • UGCPosts thumbnail and originalURL fields must be empty when creating video posts
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the UGC API
    • What's happening: Previously, you may have leveraged the thumbnail or originalURL field when creating a video post. These fields are meant for third-party articles, and not video posts. We did not activate the appropriate validations to prevent such calls. Starting November 28, we will be enforcing these validations, so please ensure thumbnail and originalURL fields are blank when creating video posts, otherwise the call will result in a 400 error.


  • Upload images via the new API
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Rich Media API
    • What's happening: Use a new API to upload images for organic posts and Sponsored Content. The Rich Media API is now deprecated and will be terminated on January 30, 2020. The new API, called Vector, will support higher resolution images and faster image upload times. Refer to this migration guide for additional detail.
  • Geo-location migration reminder
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Targeting API location facet only. This does not impact Share or UGC API.
    • What's happening: In an effort to improve our geo targeting and provide a more comprehensive targeting experience, LinkedIn is migrating to Bing geo data. Refer to this migration guide for additional detail.
    • When: By October 31, 2019, partners should stop using the Locations APIs, and instead integrate with our adTargetingEntities Typeahead and Urns APIs.


  • Matched Audiences: AdAudienceMatch endpoint replaced with DMP Segment List Upload
    • Who's impacted: Partners that use the AdAudienceMatch endpoint.
    • What's happening: If you are currently using the AdAudienceMatch endpoint to create an audience match for companies or members, this endpoint is deprecated and will be removed. The same functionality is available in the DMP Segment List Upload API.
    • When: The AdAudienceMatch endpoint will be removed on January 31, 2020.
  • Rich Media API replaced with a new API to upload images
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Rich Media API
    • What's happening: We will be deprecating the Rich Media API in favor of a new API, Vector, to upload and host media.
    • When: The Rich Media API will be removed on January 30, 2020.

September 2019

General API Updates

  • Create campaigns on the new set of full-funnel objectives, available with Objective-Based Advertising (OBA)
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Campaigns and Ad Reporting APIs
    • What's happening: Campaign creation support, in addition to reporting, on the new objectives is now available to all partners. The new objectives are designed to optimize campaigns by showing ads to people most likely to take action and to better measure results based on a marketing objective. If you choose not to integrate OBA, customers will get a different experience on the LinkedIn UI vs. your platform. Learn more.
  • New ads review rejection reasons
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
    • What's happening: We've added three new rejection reasons: Lead Gen Form privacy policy missing, inactive job posting, and cryptocurrency, as LinkedIn prohibits ads relating to buying, selling and promoting cryptocurrency. See here for full list of rejection reasons.
  • Create, update, and delete creatives in DRAFT mode
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
    • Reminder that starting October 7, DRAFT status is available for all creative types
    • What's happening: Starting October 7, 2019, developers will be able to create, update, and read creatives that are in DRAFT status for all creative types through the Ads API. See August email.
  • After October 7, Remove ad creative
    • What's happening: You now have the ability to delete one or multiple creatives from campaigns. A new API call is available: DELETE creative_id. Note: Creatives must be in draft or under a draft campaign. Learn more.
  • Starting November 1, test and iterate Sponsored InMail in DRAFT status before activating
    • What's happening: You can now test and iterate InMail creatives in DRAFT status before activating. Starting November 1, 2019, Sponsored InMail will default to being created in DRAFT status, enabling you to test your creative before activating, even if creative status is explicitly set to ACTIVE. You will need to make a subsequent call to update a creative status to ACTIVE. Learn more.


  • Reporting API Updates - adding additional core LMS metrics
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ads Reporting API.
    • What's happening: Four new metrics are available: reactions, viralReactions, sends, and viralCommentLikes. Please refer to the Metrics Available in the API documentation for field descriptions.


  • NEW RELEASE: Lookalike Audiences available via API
    • Who's impacted: Partners using /dmpSegments API
    • What's happening: You can now create a DMP lookalike segment through our segments API. A DMP lookalike segment helps you find similar audiences of an existing segment by storing the details of the segment. For example, if your current audience is small, use the lookalike segment to reach a larger group that shares similarities to your existing group. This segment helps you expand or reach new audience types.
  • New status for Matched Audience segments
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the adSegmentsV2 and dmpSegments API
    • What's happening: On October 30, 2019, we will launch new statuses and deprecate or replace existing ones for LinkedIn Matched Audiences. Learn more.
  • Manage your Matched Audiences with the ability to single or bulk delete
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the dmpSegments API
    • What's happening: Manage your Matched Audiences segments more efficiently by removing segments that are outdated or expired. Learn more.
  • Expand targeting facet combinations with the new boolean construct
    • Who's impacted: Partner that use the Ad Targeting API
    • What's happening: Use the new AND / OR construct to expand the ways you can combine different targeting facets and define target audiences in a more effective and efficient manner. Learn more. To leverage this feature, you must migrate to the new targetingCriteria object. Please see the migration guide for more detail.

August 2019

General API Updates

  • Manage your webhooks in the developer portal
    • Who can use this: Any developer using a webhooks API (currently available only for social action notifications on company posts to beta partners)
    • What's happening: We now offer self-serve webhook management. Developers can register and validate their webhook URLs prior to creating push event subscriptions. Learn more.
  • New status for creatives review
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
    • What's happening: We've added a new AUTO_REJECTED value to the reviewStatus enum in the adCreativesV2 API. See here for reasons why an ad is rejected. Learn more.
  • Use DRAFT status for all creative types
    • Who's impacted: Any partner using the adCreativesV2 API
    • What's happening: Starting October 7, 2019, developers will be able to create, update, and read creatives that are in DRAFT status for all creative types through the Ads API. This means the search finder for adCreativesV2 will start to include creatives in DRAFT status that match the criteria. To exclude DRAFT creatives in your search, update your code to explicitly specify values for the search.status.values parameter before October 7, 2019.
  • Update your non-standard OAuth 2.0 requests
    • Who's impacted: All partners sending an empty bodied post to our platform.
    • What's happening: Starting November 15, 2019, non-standard HTTP POST requests that have an empty body without content-length header will no longer be supported and will result in a standard 411 status code. Please refer to this documentation for more details.
  • Update your app logo using a square image file
    • Who's impacted: All partners who have previously provided a URL for their app logo.
    • What's happening: Starting September 26, 2019, LinkedIn will no longer accept external URLs to be used as app logos. Users must upload a square image file with at least 100x100 pixels.

Lead Gen Forms

  • New features including: edit forms in draft mode and a new member profile link field
    • Who's impacted: Partners that use the Lead Gen Form API
    • What's happening:
      • Starting August 28, 2019, you can edit Lead Gen Forms (LGF) that are not attached to any creatives or only attached to creatives under a DRAFT campaign. Learn more.
      • Starting September 23, 2019, we're also adding the member profile URL as a new predefined form field option. Please ensure your integration can dynamically handle new predefined field ENUMs or is updated to handle this new value. If you choose not to support this new field, and your customer includes it in their LGF, it will not show up in reports pulled from your platform. Learn more.


  • New metric: maximum potential spend
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API.
    • What's happening: A new value for metricType called MAX_POTENTIAL_BUDGET has been added to the /adSupplyForecastsV2 resource. It enables you to understand total spend hypothetically available, if an advertiser has unlimited daily budget total budget.
  • Take advantage of enhanced forecasting
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API.
    • What's happening: Use new parameters (enableAudienceExpansion, enableAudienceNetwork, and optimizationTarget) to enhance forecasting by understanding the impact of enabling those campaign features. Learn more.
  • New metric types in forecasted results
    • Who's impacted: Partners using the Ad Supply Forecasts API
    • What's happening: New forecasting metrics available including: leads, message sends, video views, and more. Please refer to the updated documentation for the metricType field. Learn more.

Conversions & Insight Tag

  • Select your attribution type with new field attributionType
    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: New field attributionType enables you to select your attribution type: multi-campaign or last-click. Last-click is a new attribution type that only counts the conversion towards the single, most recent campaign a member interacted (impression or click) with in the attribution window (1,7,30, 90 days), versus all campaigns. Learn more.
  • Customize your conversion window
    • Who's impacted: All partners
    • What's happening: New fields postClickAttributionWindowSize and viewThroughAttributionWindowSize enables you to customize a 1,7,30, or 90-day conversion window for a post-click or view-through conversions. The default conversion window for view-through is 7 days and post-click is 30 days. Learn more.
  • Conversion tracking through first-party cookies
    • Who's impacted: Any partner who tracks conversions via our Insight Tag.
    • What's happening: New field firstPartyTrackingEnabled offers the ability to track additional conversions through creation of first-party cookie, in addition to a third-party cookie, by sharing click IDs with LinkedIn that will be automatically added to landing page URLs for their ads. Learn more.
  • Auto-populate domains in your ad account
    • Who's impacted: Any partner who uses the Matched Audiences or Conversion Tracking API.
    • What's happening: Domains are now auto-populated in an ad account when a signal is received from the customer's website. You can also allow/block domains from attributing conversions, matched audiences and website demographics. As a result insightTagDomain will be deprecated and replaced with insightTagDomain V2 (see deprecation section below).

Deprecations & Removals

  • insightTagDomain replaced with insightTagDomain V2
    • Who's impacted: Any partner who tracks conversions via our Insight Tag.
    • What's happening: Since we are auto-populating domains (see above), this will eliminate the steps of creating a manual insight tag domain and map it to conversion rules. We recommend partners to move to new endpoint: Insight Tag Domains V2.
    • When: insightTagDomain is deprecated and will be removed November 26, 2019.
  • domainID & urlRules for conversion tracking, replaced with urlMatchRuleExpression
    • Who's impacted: Any partner who uses tracks conversions via our Insight Tag.
    • What's happening: domainID and urlRules fields are being deprecated because our system is no longer matching the domain while processing conversion events. There is no replacement for domainID. urlRules will be replaced with urlMatchRuleExpression that supports AND and OR operations. Learn more.
    • When: domainID and urlRules is deprecated and will be removed November 26, 2019.
  • adSupplyForecasts criteria finder resource has been removed
  • adBudgetPricing criteria finder resource has been removed


October 2018

September 2018

August 2018

July 2018