Get 3P Access Token

Name Variable Default / Data Type
Tenant ID {{tenantId}} GUID
Client ID {{clientId}} GUID
Client Secret {{clientSecret}} String

You must request a bearer token to call the Business Assist API with Postman. Authentication to the BA API is required to successfully complete requests in any of the APIs. To retrieve this token, enter the following information into a new Postman query:

  1. Select GET as the request Method.

  2. Enter{{tenantId}}/oauth2/v2.0/token for the URL. (Replace the {{tenantId}} variable with the tenant ID recorded during Register with Azure step.

  3. In the Body tab, select x-www-form-urlencoded.

  4. Add the following keys and values to the request body (replace the {{variables}} with the data recorded during the Register with Azure step:

    1. grant_type: client_credentials

    2. client_id: {{clientId}}

    3. client_secret: {{clientSecret}}

    4. scope:

Note: If the scope is wrong, then you will not be able to authenticate and may receive an error.

  1. Select the Send button to initiate the token request.

  2. Within the Response section at the bottom of the page, record a note of the "access_token" that was returned. This will be the Bearer Token that is required to communicate with any of the Business Assist APIs.

Business Assist API token request

Next steps

Use your access token to query the Business Assist API endpoints:

Learn more

  • Forecast API: Use historic case and conversation data to make forecasts for future volume.
  • SelfHelp API: Get solutions to user questions.