

Clients can call the GetCoauthTable operation to fetch the table that contains information about all the unexpired Coauth locks that the various clients acquired. This method doesn't require edit permissions to be called. This method is called frequently.


file_id – Required. Passed as part of the endpoint.


/wopi/files/(file_id) – Required.

Query parameters

access_token (string) – Required. An access token that the host uses to determine whether the request is authorized.

Request method


Request headers

  • X-WOPI-Override (string) – Required. The string is GET_COAUTH_TABLE.
  • X-WOPI-CoauthTableVersion (string) – Optional. X-WOPI-CoauthTableVersion value received from previous GetCoauthTable calls indicating the CoauthTable state client already has. If this is same as the latest state on the host, the host must not return any body for GetCoauthTable response and return HTTP code 200 with same CoauthTableVersion in response header. If this header is empty or not matching the current host state (CoauthTableVersion), the full CoauthTable would be returned.

Response headers

  • X-WOPI-CoauthTableVersion (string) – Required. The current version of the CoauthTable based on the host state of the CoauthTable ignoring expiration time for locks. This value must change when the CoauthTable changes. Change here indicates any property of any of the rows returned as part of CoauthTable. Please note that this value should not change if only the expiration time changes for one or more existing CoauthTable entries. This should be returned only as a part of successful response where response code is 200 OK.
  • X-WOPI-FailureReason (string) – Optional. Used for logging purposes only. It should be set on non-200 OK responses.

Response body

A mandatory JSON-formatted object that contains the CoauthTable property. For the CoauthTable structure, see GetCoauthTable. Returns CoauthTable in JSON format and contains an array of entry of each client that has the unexpired Coauth locks:

  • CoauthLockId (string) – The ID that's provided by the client.

  • CoauthLockMetadata (string) – Set by the client when it requests the lock.

  • UserFriendlyName (string) – The name of the user, suitable for displaying in the UI. Hosts should be able to populate this value based on the access token that was used to acquire the lock for that client ID.

  • CoauthLockTime (uint) – A long value that indicates the time on the server when the lock was first acquired. The value shouldn't be updated in response to RefreshCoauthLock or GetCoauthLock when the lock already exists with a specific CoauthLockId value. Represented as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC (the date epoch in JavaScript).

  • CoauthLockType (string) – Coauth or CoauthExclusive.


    None is a value that's reserved for future use.

Status codes

Next steps

Learn about changes in these CoauthLocks methods for WOPI coauthoring extensions: