Record and export proxy activity

Use record mode to record proxy activity when testing your app.

There are two ways to start recording:

  1. Record immediately. Start proxy with --record option, for example, devproxy --record.
  2. Record adhoc. Press R whilst the proxy is running.

When recording is enabled, ? Recording... is show in the proxy output.

There are two ways to stop recording:

  1. Stop proxy. Press Ctrl + C.
  2. Stop adhoc. Press S.

An execution summary report can be also generated when the recording is stopped.


By default the ExecutionSummaryPlugin is disabled. To get a summary report, enable the plugin in the Dev Proxy configuration file and restart proxy.

By default, the summary report is returned to the command prompt output.

To save the summary report to a file, start the proxy with the --summary-file-path option. The value can be a relative or absolute path.

devproxy --summary-file-path

By default, proxy reports activities grouped by URL. To group activity by message type, use the --summary-group-by option.

devproxy --summary-group-by messageType

To record all activity immediately, save the report to a file and group by message type, use:

devproxy --record --summary-file-path --summary-group-by messageType

Note: All recording is local, no data is sent to Microsoft.