Build tabs for Microsoft Teams - Training
Learn how to build tabs that provide embedded web experiences within Microsoft Teams.
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You can create a deep link to perform a specific task in Teams, such as to create a new chat, open a scheduling dialog, and navigate to audio-video call.
In this article, you’ll learn to create a deep link:
Applications can start a new chat with a list of users and provide additional information such as chat name and draft message by using the following format:<user1>,<user2>,...&topicName=<chat name>&message=<precanned text>
The query parameters are:
: The comma-separated list of user IDs representing the participants of the chat. The user that performs the action is always included as a participant. The user ID field supports the Microsoft Entra UserPrincipalName, such as an email address only.topicName
: An optional field for chat's display name if a chat has three or more users. If this field isn't specified, the chat's display name is based on the names of the participants.message
: An optional field for the message text that you want to insert into the current user's compose box while the chat is in a draft state.To use this deep link with your bot, specify the deep link as the URL target in your card's button or tap action through the openUrl
action type. Apps can also use Teams JavaScript client library (TeamsJS) v.2.0 or later to create this without having to manually prepare the deep link. The following example uses TeamsJS to check if chat capability is supported:
if(chat.isSupported()) {
const chatPromise = chat.openGroupChat({ users: ["",""], topic: "Prep For Meeting Tomorrow", message: "Hi folks kicking off chat about our meeting tomorrow"});
then((result) => {/*Successful operation*/}).
catch((error) => {/*Unsuccessful operation*/});
else { /* handle case where capability isn't supported */ }
If a chat already exists deep link opens in that chat.
You can create deep link in your Teams apps to open a meeting scheduling dialog and provide information, such as meeting title and participants using the following methods:
While we recommend the use of typed APIs of TeamsJS, it's possible to manually create deep links to the Teams built-in scheduling dialog.
Use the following format for configuring a deep link that you can use in a bot, connector, or message extension card:<meeting subject>&startTime=<date>&endTime=<date>&content=<content>&attendees=<user1>,<user2>,<user3>,...
The search parameters don't support +
signal in place of whitespace (``). Ensure your URI encoding code returns %20
for spaces. For example, ?subject=test%20subject
is good, but ?subject=test+subject
is bad.
The query parameters are:
: An optional comma-separated list of user IDs representing the attendees of the meeting. The user performing the action is the meeting organizer. The user ID field supports only the Microsoft Entra UserPrincipalName
, typically an email address.startTime
: The optional parameter for start time of the event. Start time should be in long ISO 8601 format, for example 2018-03-12T23:55:25+02:00.endTime
: An optional parameter for end time of the event, also in ISO 8601 format.subject
: An optional parameter for the meeting subject.content
: An optional parameter for the meeting details field.Note
You can't specify the location as it isn't supported. You must specify the UTC offset, which includes time zones, when generating the start and end times.
To use this deep link with your bot, you can specify the deep link as the URL target in your card's button or as a tap action through the openUrl
action type.
You can also use TeamsJS v.2.0 or later in your Teams app to open the meeting scheduling dialog without having to manually prepare the link. In order to open the scheduling dialog in Teams, you must continue using the original deep-link URL based method, as Teams doesn't support the calendar capability yet:
// Open a scheduling dialog from your tab
if(calendar.isSupported()) {
const calendarPromise = calendar.composeMeeting({
attendees: ["", ""],
content: "test content",
endTime: "2018-10-24T10:30:00-07:00",
startTime: "2018-10-24T10:00:00-07:00",
subject: "test subject"});
then((result) => {/*Successful operation*/}).
catch((error) => {/*Unsuccessful operation*/});
else { /* handle case where capability isn't supported */ }
For more information about working with the calendar, see calendar namespace in the API reference documentation.
You can configure your Teams apps to prepare a deep link for users to start one-on-one call, a group call, or video call. You can invoke audio only or audio-video calls to a single user or a group of users by specifying the call type and the participants. Before Teams places the call, the client prompts for a confirmation. If there's a group call, you can call a set of VoIP and PSTN users in the same deep link invocation.
In a video call, the Teams client asks for confirmation before turning on the caller's video for the call. The receiver of the call has a choice to respond through audio only or audio and video, through the Teams call notification window.
This method can't be used for invoking a meeting.
You can configure deep links in one of the following two ways:
While we recommend the use of the typed APIs of TeamsJS v.2.0 or later, you can also use a manually configured deep link to start a call. Refer to the following formats:
Deep link | Format | Example |
Make an audio call |<user1>,<user2> | |
Make an audio and video call |<user1>,<user2>&withVideo=true | |
Make an audio and video call with an optional parameter source |<user1>,<user2>&withVideo=true&source=demoApp | |
Make an audio and video call to a combination of VoIP and PSTN users |<user1>,4:<phonenumber> |,4:9876543210 |
Following are the query parameters:
: A comma-separated list of user IDs representing the participants of the call. The user ID field supports the Microsoft Entra UserPrincipalName
, typically an email address, or in a PSTN call, it supports a PSTN MRI 4:<phonenumber>.withVideo
: An optional parameter, which you can use to make a video call. Setting this parameter only turns on the caller's camera. The receiver of the call has a choice to answer through an audio or an audio and video call through the Teams call notification window.Applications can also use TeamsJS v.2.0 or later to start calls without having to manually prepare these deep links. The following code demonstrates using TeamsJS to start a call:
if(call.isSupported()) {
const callPromise = call.startCall({ targets: ["","","4:9876543210"], requestedModalities: [call.CallModalities.Audio], source: "demoApp"});
then((result) => {/*Successful operation*/}).
catch((error) => {/*Unsuccessful operation*/});
else { /* handle case where capability isn't supported */ }
To add a deep link to share content on stage, you need to have an app context. The app context allows the Teams client to fetch the app manifest and check if the sharing on stage is possible. The following is an example of an app context:
{ "appSharingUrl" : "", "appId": "9ec80a73-1d41-4bcb-8190-4b9eA9e29fbb" , "useMeetNow": false }
The query parameters for the app context are:
: This is the ID that can be obtained from the app manifest.appSharingUrl
: The URL, which needs to be shared on stage should be a valid domain defined in the app manifest. If the URL isn't a valid domain, an error dialog appears to provide the user with a description of the error.useMeetNow
: This includes a Boolean parameter that can be either true or false.
True: When the useMeetNow
value is true and if there's no ongoing meeting, a new Meet now meeting will be initiated. When there's an ongoing meeting, this value will be ignored.
False: The default value of useMeetNow
is false, which means that when a deep link is shared to stage and there's no ongoing meeting, a calendar pop-up will appear. However, you can share directly during a meeting.
Ensure that all the query parameters are properly URI encoded and the app context must be encoded twice in the final URL. Following is an example:
const appContext= JSON.stringify({
"appSharingUrl" : "",
"appId": "9cc80a93-1d41-4bcb-8170-4b9ec9e29fbb",
"useMeetNow": false
const encodedContext = encodeURIComponent(appContext).replace(/'/g,"%27").replace(/"/g,"%22");
const encodedAppContext = encodeURIComponent(encodedContext).replace(/'/g,"%27").replace(/"/g,"%22");
A deep link can be launched either from the Teams web or from the Teams desktop or mobile client.
Use the following format to launch a deep link from the Teams web to share content on stage:{GUID}&fqdn={string}&lm=deeplink&appContext={json encoded app context}
Deep link | Format | Example |
To share the app and open Teams calendar, when useMeeetNow is false, default. |{deeplinkid}&fqdn={fqdn}}&lm=deeplink%22&appContext={encoded app context} |{sampleid}& |
To share the app and initiate instant meeting, when useMeeetNow is true. |{deeplinkid}&fqdn={fqdn}}&lm=deeplink%22&appContext={encoded app context} |{sampleid}& |
The query parameters are:
: Any identifier used for telemetry correlation.fqdn
: fqdn
is an optional parameter, which can be used to switch to an appropriate environment of a meeting to share an app on stage. It supports scenarios where a specific app share happens in a particular environment. The default value of fqdn
is enterprise URL and possible values are
for Teams for Life,
, or
For your app to pass validation, when you create a deep link from your website, web app, or Adaptive Card, use Share in meeting as the string or copy.
You can generate a deep link to share the app to stage and to start or join a meeting.
You can generate a deep link to the meeting side panel in a meeting. Use the following format for a deep link to the meeting side panel:<appId>/<entityId>?webUrl=<entityWebUrl>&label=<entityLabel>&context=<context>
Example: 456&context={"chatId": "17:b42de192376346a7906a7dd5cb84b673@thread.v2","contextType":"chat"}
By default, a deep link opens in a meeting side panel. To open a deep link directly in an app rather than the meeting side panel, add openInMeeting=false
in the deep link format:<appId>/<entityId>?webUrl=<entityWebUrl>&label=<entityLabel>&context=<context>&openInMeeting=false
For more information, see deep link to a tab.
Deep link doesn't open in the meeting side panel in the following scenarios:
context declared in the app manifest.openInMeeting
is set to false
in the deep link.Teams app can read the URL for joining a meeting URL through Graph APIs. This deep link brings up the UI for the user to join the meeting. For more information, see Get onlineMeeting
and Get meeting details.
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Build tabs for Microsoft Teams - Training
Learn how to build tabs that provide embedded web experiences within Microsoft Teams.
Learn how to configure Teams deep links to an app, chat, teams and channels, and workflows. Learn the types of deep links and protocol handlers in deep links.
Execution and handling of deep links - Teams
Learn how to execute deep links in your Microsoft Teams personal tab, shared tab, chat message, and bot, handle deep links, and consume a deep link from a tab.
Deep link to a Teams chat - Teams
Learn how to create deep links to a Teams chat and navigate to a chat, channel, chat messages, team, and files in the channel in Microsoft Teams.