CheckBox object (Access)
This object corresponds to a check box on a form or report. This check box is a stand-alone control that displays a Yes/No value from an underlying record source.
Control | Tool |
When you select or clear a check box that's bound to a Yes/No field, Microsoft Access displays the value in the underlying table according to the field's Format property (Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off).
You can also use check boxes in an option group to display values to choose from.
- AfterUpdate
- BeforeUpdate
- Click
- DblClick
- Enter
- Exit
- GotFocus
- KeyDown
- KeyPress
- KeyUp
- LostFocus
- MouseDown
- MouseMove
- MouseUp
- AddColon
- AfterUpdate
- Application
- AutoLabel
- BeforeUpdate
- BorderColor
- BorderShade
- BorderStyle
- BorderThemeColorIndex
- BorderTint
- BorderWidth
- BottomPadding
- ColumnHidden
- ColumnOrder
- ColumnWidth
- Controls
- ControlSource
- ControlTipText
- ControlType
- DefaultValue
- DisplayWhen
- Enabled
- EventProcPrefix
- GridlineColor
- GridlineShade
- GridlineStyleBottom
- GridlineStyleLeft
- GridlineStyleRight
- GridlineStyleTop
- GridlineThemeColorIndex
- GridlineTint
- GridlineWidthBottom
- GridlineWidthLeft
- GridlineWidthRight
- GridlineWidthTop
- Height
- HelpContextId
- HideDuplicates
- HorizontalAnchor
- InSelection
- IsVisible
- LabelAlign
- LabelX
- LabelY
- Layout
- LayoutID
- Left
- LeftPadding
- Locked
- Name
- OldBorderStyle
- OldValue
- OnClick
- OnDblClick
- OnEnter
- OnExit
- OnGotFocus
- OnKeyDown
- OnKeyPress
- OnKeyUp
- OnLostFocus
- OnMouseDown
- OnMouseMove
- OnMouseUp
- OptionValue
- Parent
- Properties
- ReadingOrder
- RightPadding
- Section
- ShortcutMenuBar
- SpecialEffect
- StatusBarText
- TabIndex
- TabStop
- Tag
- Top
- TopPadding
- TripleState
- ValidationRule
- ValidationText
- Value
- VerticalAnchor
- Visible
- Width
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